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Romotive CEO Keller Rinaudo Wants to Put a Robot in Your Home

Keller Rinaudo, the CEO of Romotive, is a cool person in technology that wants to put robots that improve people’s lives in every home.  While you’re probably wondering if this is science fiction, it’s true that Rinaudo has already taken the first steps towards his goal with his company’s first product: Romo.  Romo is a robot that has a tank-like base that contains an iPhone dock and wheels.  The iPhone itself displays the robot’s face when connected. Users can control Romo through an iOS app that allows you to program its behavior.  You can program Romo for basic things such as being happy to see you when it recognizes your face through the iPhone camera. However, you can also have it do more complex tasks, such as rolling away from you to prevent you from pressing snooze when the iPhone alarm goes off.  If you have trouble programming Romo on your iPhone, smartphone computer support is probably a good option for you.

Rinaudo and the team at Romotive designed Romo to have a personality so he can be entertaining as a pet-like robot, but it can be useful in many other ways as well.  You can remotely control Romo over the Internet from anywhere.  This means that you can have the robot roll into the kitchen and turn its camera on to make sure you turned the stove off before you left the house. Users can remotely control Romo as a way to have an e-presence in their home even when they’re at work or on a trip away from their family.  If you want to control your Romo while away but have a broken PC, you should seek a laptop repair before your next business trip.  Rinaudo and his team are continually updating Romo to add more features and improve its use as a personal robot.

Rinaudo is clearly passionate about his work, as he has been vocal to the media about his vision for the future of personal robotics.  He even performed a TED talk to promote his ideas about how personal robotics can improve our lives.  Rinaudo has accomplished much in his young life.  He is a professionally ranked rock climber and graduated from Harvard University where he worked on biological computers with Dr. Yaakov Benenson.   Clearly, when he is motivated for success, this cool person in technology can accomplish much. Keller Rinaudo wants to fulfill the potential of personal robotics and if he’s successful, maybe someday we’ll all have robots like Romo at home to make our lives easier.

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