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Virtual Graffiti Walls Allow Travelers To Share Impressions With The Wallit App!

Anyone who has visited a historical site or virtually any tourist destination has seen graffiti.  At many destinations, unsightly graffiti covers most available surface. Often, graffiti is just names and dates from former visitors, but it can be much more than that. Some people even write or carve poems or song lyrics into whatever space they find available. Usually there are several visible layers of the graffiti and more underneath. It can be very tempting to add your own mark to that wall, bench, or tree, but what if there was a better, legal, way to leave a piece of yourself behind?

Wallit is attempting to provide that better way by setting up virtual walls at major tourist attractions. It is currently available for the iPhone and will soon be on Android, but there is no word whether it will come to other smartphone operating systems. The app allows users to post to virtual walls at any major landmark they are currently at and view posts on other billboards around the world.

The purpose of the app is to connect people who are all at the same venue, like a baseball game, and allow them to communicate with each other or simply leave something of themselves without defacing the site. The app’s creator says that with Wallit, “you change the place over time, you create a social experience there. Facebook is a wall for people, this is a wall for place.”

Wallit has already set up 700 virtual walls around the globe at major sites and users will be able to request more walls in the future. Users cannot set up their own walls, but that is simply so that there will be only one wall per site. Another feature of Wallit is what they are calling a “superwall”. A superwall is a combination of a group of individual walls together, such as the one that is available for all of the Apple Stores. By combining the virtual walls for all stores, Apple customers at one store can communicate with people at another store and see what people are saying across the country about their experiences there.

For frequent travelers, the Wallit app is a great tool for both leaving your impressions about a landmark as well as connecting with people who are also there.  With the ability to view walls from anywhere, even though you cannot post to them remotely, users can see what a friend has to say about their vacation or check out the consensus for a destination while planning a vacation. Now you can legally, safely graffiti a wall at your favorite tourist spot with the virtual walls available from Wallit.


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