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Using Technology To Aid Nonprofits, Nicolas Vesin Is Very Cool!

In the tech sector, big is often considered better, at least when it comes to the size of the company.  Gadgets and computing devices may continue to get smaller and lighter, but success is often measured by one’s position in a large, well-known, technology company.  Despite that overwhelming pressure to conform, some people still strike out on their own and find success with their own small operation in the tech sector.  One person who has managed to build and sustain his own company for the past twelve years is Nicolas Vesin!

Nicholas Vesin is the sole proprietor of Web D.B.S., a technology company in the San Francisco area.  As the Information Systems Architect, Nicholas Vesin has established computer networks, maintained computer systems and provided all manner of programming to design systems for a long list of clients.  While most of Web D.B.S.’s clients are schools or churches, Vesin has done work for Roxio, Elgato Systems, and Glass Doctor as well.

That Nicholas Vesin would be able to go it alone and find some success in the tech sector is no surprise considering his background.  Vesin studied economics at the Lycee Francais Laperouse in San Francisco.  His success in that program led him to the University of San Francisco.  In 1997, Nicholas Vesin graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Information Systems.  While he started taking graduate courses at SFSU, Vesin was eager to apply his education to real-world business experiences, so he founded Web D.B.S. in 2000.

Even as Nicholas Vesin began to build his own business, he began to use his technical knowledge to hold down a steady job.  Working as the Network Administrator and Technology Coordinator for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, Vesin managed and improved the networks and computer systems at five schools.  For the two years that he did that, he build Web D.B.S. and also realized he was going to need more education to compete.  So, in 2002, he returned to the University of San Francisco – this time in the Masagung Graduate School of Management – to complete his Masters of Business Administration.

Even as he worked on his M.B.A., Nicholas Vesin beefed up his tech sector credentials by working for Elgato Systems as a Quality Assurance & Support Engineer.  In 2004, with his M.B.A. in Communications Technology Management, Vesin was able to grow Web D.B.S.  Even as he took other positions for small businesses and in academia, he continued to grow Web D.B.S.  In 2007, Nicholas Vesin joined the Board of Directors of the French-American Foundation for Medical Research and Education, a nonprofit that is dedicated to improving health services.  As a Trustee for FFMRE, Vesin expanded his understanding of the relationship between business and technology in the health sciences industry.

Bigger might be better for some, but for Nicholas Vesin’s clients, one man is all they need!


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