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Too Young to be on Facebook?

A study appearing this week in First Monday highlights a serious threat to users’ Internet security—underage users, that is. Millions of kids under the age of 13 are on Facebook, according to the study. One of the most significant findings is that parents willingly help their children join Facebook, despite the dangers this practice poses to children’s privacy and Internet security.

According to a CNN article on the study, 95 percent of parents of 10-year olds know that their children are on Facebook. In fact, they helped their children create the account. Though this is not necessarily a surprising finding, it should certainly be an upsetting one. Parents are essentially desensitizing their children to the need to have strong Internet security while online. By helping kids join at such an early age, parents are telling their kids that it’s ok to share pictures and other personal information, that being vigilant about Internet security isn’t necessary.

Perhaps one cause of this growing disregard for Internet security is the fact that people take Internet security for granted. Users assume that there is no imminent threat to their children’s—or their—Internet security because they’re using a secure home network service or because they have firewalls and other kinds of protection set up that. However, the main Internet security threat is not one that comes from network services. The most imminent Internet security threat facing younger users is the loss of privacy.

Last year, Consumer Reports found that 7.5 million children under 13 were Facebook members. Such a figure may not seem too significant relative to Facebook’s 800 million users, but in reality it is very alarming. There are almost as many underage kids on Facebook as there are people in the greater Boston area. Shouldn’t kids be playing outside or reading Harry Potter instead of slowly becoming naturalized to ignoring Internet security, living in a cyber world that cannot substitute for healthy, real social interactions?

The trouble is, as network services become abundant everywhere, it’s hard to prevent children from wanting to join Facebook or going online 5 hours a day. In fact, as the study shows, parents tend to allow their children to join Facebook precisely because it has become a standard communication tool across network services. The rising complexity of network services makes it hard to separate online media and stick with one form of communication only. Email, chat, Facebook, and calendars are increasingly becoming one large network service, which makes it hard to limit online activity to only email, for instance.

For parents, there’s no easy solution to the problem. Balancing the need for strong Internet security and protecting kids’ privacy with the need to be involved in an increasingly interconnected online world is just one of the many perks of parenting.


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