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The Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive

As Breaking Dawn Part 1 hits theaters, it is hard to deny that for a surprisingly large population around the world, The Twilight Saga is cool. Never before has a science fiction or fantasy book or movie series so effectively marketed merchandise toward young women.  Take, for example, the Twilight Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive.  The Twilight Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive makes flash drives cool for Twi-hards.

Flash drives have, within the last five years, evolved from a secure means of storing data and media files off-site to a portable, status symbol.  Once the pride of geeks trading downloaded or pirated files, flash drives are now a ubiquitous item in American culture, flaunted in virtually every demographic.  Far from simply being a useful tool, soccer moms use them to show off their support for breast cancer research, game-players accessorize them with their favorite video games and Twi-hards of all ages can use them to choose Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Funko, known more for making trendy toys from genre films, produced the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive to coincide with the release of New Moon, but because the Crest is timeless iconography from the entire Twilight Saga, it continues to remain popular in Twilight fan circles.  Fans of the Twilight Saga will enjoy that the USB flash drive comes pre-loaded with the soundtrack to New Moon.

The statement Twi-hards are making, though, is that they love the romantic vampires of the Twilight Saga and the crest of the Cullen family does that excellently.  The 2 1/2” tall flash drive is black with the distinctive silver-gray griffin embossed into its oval surface.  The only difference between the USB’s crest and the one shown in all of the Twilight films is that a bar below the shamrocks features the title “Twilight” on the protective cap.

Usage of the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive is simple.  Because it features a USB port, it easily connects to any computer or USB connected device.  The 2 GB of memory the flash drive possesses makes it ideal for storing images and music, in addition to one’s data storage needs.  With the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive, Funko’s customers have been pleased for years at how the Tymemachine Powered by Funko product makes data recovery both stylish and easy.

Far less risky than picking out jewelry for a Twilight fan – there is a lot of different jewelry for all of the specific characters – the Cullen Crest USB Flash Drive makes for a practical gift for the tech-savvy Twi-hard.


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