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Standing At The Crosshairs Of Government And Twitter, Katie Jacobs Stanton Is Very Cool!

As privacy concerns and free speech issues become part of almost every news cycle, it is unsurprising that the relationship between technology companies and governments around the world has never been more important.  Scientific progress and the speed of social media have been growing at a far faster rate than the U.S. Government has legislated.  So, it makes more sense than ever for tech companies to hire individuals who have experience in the Federal Government.  For Twitter, that made Katie Jacobs Stanton a very smart hiring choice.

Katie Jacobs Stanton is the Head of International Strategy for Twitter, a role she has had since mid-2010.  Her position at Twitter is the latest in a series of high-profile, enviable, positions within the tech sector and the U.S. Federal Government.  At only 42, Katie Jacobs Stanton is one of the youngest, most powerful women in both the tech sector and international relations!  Since joining Twitter, Katie Jacob Stanton has dramatically grown the international presence of Twitter so that now countries other than the United States of America represent 70% of Twitter traffic!

After graduating from Rhodes College in 1991, Katie Jacobs Stanton attended Columbia University.  There, she studied at the prestigious School of International and Public Affairs, earning her Master’s Degree in 1995.  Despite having a background and training in international relations, Katie Jacobs Stanton did not pursue a career in politics.  Instead, she went to work at Yahoo! Finance as a producer.

Katie Jacobs Stanton did not remain at Yahoo! Finance very long before she was wooed to Google.  At Google, Katie Jacobs Stanton worked on some of the most significant, non-search, platforms the company was developing, including Google Finance, Open Social, and Google Moderator.  In 2006, Stanton filed a patent with Vivi Costache to protect their programming work on financial data search techniques!  This was a big leap for Google Finance and Katie Jacobs Stanton.

When the Obama Administration was assembling its staff, Katie Jacobs Stanton was one of the first Google staffers to join the new Administration.  She is credited as getting the White House Twitter handle (@whitehouse) for government use.  She served the White House as the first Director of Citizen Participation and, later, as a staffer to the State Department.  Working with government agencies, the tech sector, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Katie Jacobs Stanton launched Text Haiti to raise money for Haiti after its devastating earthquake.  Using donations primarily from mobile platforms, Stanton’s effort raised thirty-three million dollars for the American Red Cross for disaster relief within the first week!

Katie Jacobs Stanton is something of a model for how government service frequently works.  After her successes with the Obama Administration, Twitter wooed her away from the State Department only six months after she was first appointed Special Adviser to the Office of Innovation.  Now at Twitter, Katie Jacobs Stanton shows the same drive, determination, and international savvy that made her successful working for the Federal Government, only now she gets paid quite a bit more for it!


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