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Remodel Your House With Your Computer Using HGTV Ultimate Home Design!

One of the truly wonderful things about computers today is that they have enough power and programming to allow you to do just about anything, provided you have the right programs.  No longer are consumers limited by highly-pixelated monitors, graphics cards that lack power or processors that keep you waiting hours to render a single image or program.  With today’s fast-running computers, you can accurately envision almost any task, including home and landscaping alterations.  When you purchase HGTV Ultimate Home Design, you can see how any home and garden project should come out before you ever purchase supplies or reach for your tool belt!

HGTV Ultimate Home Design is a program published by Nova Development and is currently on Version 3.  Trading on the popularity of the Home and Garden Television cable channel, Nova Development’s HGTV Ultimate Home Design is intended as a tool that allows you to design, renovate, or refurbish your living space and property.  HGTV Ultimate Home Design runs on Windows 7, Vista or XP-based computers with 1 GB RAM and a DVD drive.  Your computer monitor must be set to a resolution of 1024 x 768 or better.  In order to get the most out of HGTV Ultimate Home Design, you should have an Internet connection on your computer as well (in order to be able to take advantage of some additional features exclusive to the web).

With your computer properly configured and the HGTV Ultimate Home Design software installed from the disc, you are now able to completely redesign your house, your rooms, or your entire property!  The HGTV Ultimate Home Design allows you to start building in the virtual environment from scratch or create alternate designs of rooms you already have.  For the build-your-own option, you create a scale model of each room by inputting some basic parameters.  The nice aspect of the HGTV Ultimate Home Design software is that you do not need to be an expert on measurements, building materials or style.  HGTV Ultimate Home Design functions as a “what you see is what you get” style program.  If you do not like the initial parameters you put into the program to define a room, floor or project, you may simply drag and click until the space looks right to you!

Far from a sterile or theoretical program, the HGTV Ultimate Home Design allows you to color and accessorize your virtual rooms using actual products found on the market today.  Paint colors are clearly defined by brand and color name (with color codes to make it easy should you wish to have the paint color replicated at your local hardware store) and all furnishings within the program provide channels by which you might make your model into a real space.

But what about furniture you already have and love?  In creating 3-dimensional models, the HGTV Ultimate Home Design allows you to upload images of immovable objects, artwork, and furniture into the program.  The HGTV Ultimate Home Design takes the guesswork out of how a room will look with your possessions in it by allowing you to populate the model with photorealistic representations of anything you might want in a room.

With its flexibility and immense catalogue of real-world products, the HGTV Ultimate Home Design is an incredible tool for anyone making alterations to their home.


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