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Learning Russian Through Software Is As Easy As It Can Be With Russian Complete Edition!

Good language software may be very hard to find.  Even so, if you are visiting China there are many options for software that teaches you Chinese.  To learn Japanese, there is Jibbigo.  If you are planning a trip to the Orient, why not continue your trip through Asia and visit Russia?  Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has opened up to tourists from the United States and the country has much to offer travelers there.  However, unlike traveling to Europe, visitors to Russia need to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the Russian language.  For that, there is Russian Complete Edition software!

Published by Transparent Language and Byki, Russian Complete Edition is a multimedia software program that helps you learn both spoken and written Russian.  By training the ear, tongue, and eye to hear, speak, and recognize Russian, Russian Complete Edition can have you prepared for a getaway to Russia in under a month!

Russian Complete Edition works across multiple platforms, but one of the easiest ways to get going with the lessons it contains is through the audio program.  Russian Complete Edition includes five CDs with audio lessons if you want to acclimate to hearing Russian and learn the language on-the-go.  Russian Complete Edition also includes a surprisingly comprehensive program through iTunes that will allow you to continue learning Russian during a workout or other times you use a portable mp3 player.

Installing the Russian Complete Edition software is fairly easy and it may be installed on Macintosh or Windows computers (all but Vista).  There is an online component to Russian Complete Edition, so you will need access to the Internet as well.  Transparent Language has a very easy-to-use interface for the Russian Complete Edition software.  In addition to using video clips, the menus are very easy-to-follow and the lessons progress organically.  One function that sets Russian Complete Edition apart from other Russian language software programs is a function that allows you to slow down the audio component of the lesson.  If you are having trouble mastering the spoken portions of the lesson, you may slow the audio down to better hear and replicate the nuances of spoken Russian.

There is an online component to the Russian Complete Edition software as well.  The Russian Complete Edition gives you access to Byki, an online workplace where you may test your comprehension by practicing listening to and speaking Russian.  You should use this function after you have mastered the beginner’s lessons, as it provides a powerful reinforcement tool as opposed to lessons.

For a single software program to learn Russian, Russian Complete Edition is your best bet!


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