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iPhone 4S Power is Lacking

Apple’s iPhone computer support personnel gave a press release on November 2, 2011 about customer complaints concerning their iPhone 4S.  Specifically, customers complained that the battery of the iPhone 4S was draining too quickly. Apple’s iPhone computer support staff said in the statement that the problems are the result of bugs in the iOS5 operating system.  This could mean trouble for Apple’s holiday sales, since other phone network service providers are standing by to pick up any slack.

The iPhone 4S hit shelves last month, and shortly after that, complaints began to come in to iPhone computer support hotlines.  Some customers reported that the iPhone 4S was drawing power even while in stand-by mode, and would go from a full charge to empty in as little as four hours.  Others stated that using the phone network service for as little as ten to fifteen minutes resulted in a ten percent loss in battery life.

The statement released by Apple’s iPhone computer support staff acknowledged the problem while avoiding any mention of a specific cause.  What the statement made clear is that the problems with the phone network service stem from a software issue, and that iPhone computer support personnel expect to release an update in a few weeks.

Here are a few things you can do to extend your battery life until iPhone computer support publishes the fix:

1) Turn down the brightness of your screen.   Less light emitted means less power drawn, which leads to a longer-lived battery.

2) Turn your wireless connections off when you’re not using them.  Many phone network services have features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or 3G wireless connections, which run in the background of the phone and increase power drain.  Turning these phone network services off when you don’t need them will help extend the life of your battery.

3) Be aware of the locator feature.  The iPhone 4S phone network service is constantly pinging GPS and cell-towers to find the phone’s location.  This allows the phone network service to do things like give you a local weather update, or find restaurants in your area.  While this feature enables the phone network service to do some neat things, the constant pinging is a real drain on your battery.  Some users concerned with their battery life have taken to turning this feature off unless they need it for something specific.

Though following each of these steps will result in slightly increased battery life, they are not a solution to the problem.  For a real solution, we’ll just have to wait until iPhone computer support releases their update in a few weeks.


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