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Ensuring Businesses Can Use Motorola Mobility, Christy Wyatt Is An Engaged Leader!

Smartphones can do amazing things.  From mapping your current travel plans to ordering your dinner, there are innumerable things a smartphone can do.  But what many private consumers fail to consider about smartphones is that their operating systems are not always compatible with the enterprise software of individual businesses.  As a result, most smartphone manufacturers devote an entire division to meeting the unique needs of business clients.  For Motorola Mobility, that responsibility falls to Christy Wyatt!

Christy Wyatt is the Senior Vice President and General Management of the Enterprise Business Unit of Motorola Mobility.  Motorola Mobility promoted Wyatt to her current position after she served for years as a Vice President of Software Applications and Ecosystem.  While Christy Wyatt is still concerned with how Motorola smartphones operate and interact, she is engaged with big businesses instead of the environment now.  In her new position, Wyatt interfaces with Android software designers as well as representatives of the telecommunications industry around the world to ensure Motorola phones work in all markets, for all businesses.

The position at the top of the Enterprise Business Unit is a good one for Christy Wyatt.  Wyatt has long been fascinated by the way the world fits together.  She studied geographic information systems and remote sensing systems at the College of Geographic Sciences.  Eager to leap into the workforce, Christy Wyatt joined Ultimateast Data Communications as a software engineer.  Wyatt’s career path veered away from the technical when she went to work for ESRI Canada as a manager.  In management, Christy Wyatt found real opportunities to excel.

After a lateral move to a management position at Sun Microsystems, Christy Wyatt took on a team-building management role at Palmsource, Inc.  As a Senior Director at Palmsource, Inc., Wyatt had to increase the licensees of the PalmOS and grow the developer community so there were applications for the operating system.  And grow the community she did!  When Wyatt took the reins, the Palm developer community had only three thousand contributors; when she left, the community was 200,000 developers strong.  That level of success brought her to the attention of Apple Computers, who hired her as the Director of Worldwide Developer Relations.

When Christy Wyatt left Apple for Motorola Mobility, she focused on redesigning the Motorola handsets to keep up with the competition.  Even as she worked with Motorola designers to create more hip smartphones, she devoted her time to wooing programmers to make software applications specifically for Motorola phones.  Her success with bringing more programmers to Motorola earned her the promotion to the head of the Enterprise Business Unit.

Christy Wyatt is an executive whose experience makes her an incredible asset in the mobile phone and programming markets; Motorola Mobility is lucky to have her heading their Enterprise division!


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