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Engineering The Future Of Education: Marcia Lee Helps Khan Academy Operate!

Every great idea in the tech sector requires good people to execute.  No matter how clever or constructive a concept is, without the right technical people to execute the plan, a business or ambitious idea will fail.  So when a number of influential individuals in finance, education and business began departing their lucrative careers to form the Khan Academy, some of their most important hiring choices involved staffing their technical support positions.  That made Marcia Lee an important hire for the Khan Academy.

Marcia Lee is the software engineer for the Khan Academy, a relatively new company that is dedicated to educating using the Internet.  The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit organization that uses technology and the Internet to help educate people around the world.  Using videos and lessons from educational leaders in virtually every field, the Khan Academy is doing what it can to provide incredible educational opportunities to places that do not have them.  Without Marcia Lee, the Khan Academy would not be able to accomplish their goal!

As a software engineer for the Khan Academy, Marcia Lee is responsible for putting the vision of the school into the Khan Academy website.  So, for example, when Khan Academy wanted to change the way the progress reports appeared in users’ profiles, Lee had to go through an extensive coding process to change the template.  While Marcia Lee received a lot of feedback from other members of the Khan Academy team, it was her coding that provided a more user-friendly page that remains there for students and teachers to track their process.

Prior to coming to the Khan Academy to make the website more incredible, Marcia Lee worked for Microsoft as a program manager in Seattle.  Wooed back to California, Lee worked hard to develop her own website so that she would be the first Marcia Lee whose site came up in a Google search!  As a testament to her willpower and increasing online clout, it only took her a month to rise from the #2 spot to the #1 slot!  This might be unsurprising considering her talent at programming and her credentials.  In June 2010, Marcia Lee was one of only seventeen female Stanford School of Engineering students to earn her Master’s Degree in Computer Science!

With determination, skill and a lot of enthusiasm that comes through in all of her blog postings, Marcia Lee is helping the Khan Academy reach – and teach – the world!


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