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Deviant, the New Kind of Art

If you are an artist, or simply enjoy observing art in all its forms, then you have probably been to the website deviantART. For those who have not, deviantART is a website where anyone can upload their own art and receive peer reviews. It has been a popular site for amateur artists since its launch in 2000 and currently has over 18 million registered users who can view over 180 million pieces of art.

DeviantART accepts any kind of art, with any subject, in any medium that its artists want to submit. There is even mature content, but the site is very good about blocking it for any casual observer or those who do not wish to see that kind of art.

DeviantART has become not only an art-sharing website, but also a social networking site for artists. Many users will find and subscribe to an artist whose work they enjoy and eventually become friends with these people whom they have never met. The site encourages critiques and comments about each artist’s pieces because the artists want to become better at what they do.

Many people have begun to make a living off the work they have on deviantART. Anyone with an account on the site, whether or not they are an artist themselves, can purchase prints of the artwork through deviantART. The artists who have large followings on the site make quite a bit of money from these sales.

Unfortunately, deviantART is also one of the main sources from which people steal artwork. By simply copying and pasting the images, anyone can steal the artist’s work. This file sharing is very common, and deviantART has tried to make it harder for people to do so, but they cannot do much without changing to entire site for the worse.

Artists who are aware of this problem watermark their work. A watermark is an image or words that run through the digital image of the artwork when they post it on the website. It can range from being barely visible to covering large parts of the image so that there would be no point in stealing it. Watermarks reduce the number of copied images, but they do not stop everyone because the artist still wants people on the site to be able to view and comment on the artwork.

If only people could trust their copyrighted work on the Internet, more people might feel free to post their artwork on sites like deviantART. People know that the Internet security is a major issue and nothing is safe from thieves. Unless we can somehow resolve issues with Internet security because of piracy, it may be a long time before everyone will trust their artwork to the Internet.


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