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Creative Minds Get To Play On The Computer With Crazy Machines!

When it comes to creative building, most people think of Legos.  But the virtual worlds created by computers actually have far fewer limits than the block toy that most people associate with construction play.  If Legos have an entire adult subculture, it is easy to postulate that someday, a subculture will exist built around Crazy Machines.

Crazy Machines is part puzzle game, part free play building platform.  Viva Media created Crazy Machines for computer enthusiasts ages eight and above.  The single CD-ROM easily installs onto any personal computer that is running Windows Vista or XP or any Macintosh computer running OS X.  Because of how graphics-intensive and color-rich Crazy Machines is, it is highly recommended that you have a good computer monitor hooked up to get the most out of the game.

The Crazy Machines software has a primary interface that is a game.  The game is a puzzle game in which you build machines to achieve a specific goal.  Using standard equipment like conveyor belts, ropes and platforms and less traditional devices like cannons, plants and slime, you must create devices that will change the initial circumstances found on the screen.  This may be as simple as moving a person across a gorge or as complicated as creating a machine that will segregate and preserve falling snowflakes.  Like Hexic or Tetris before it, Crazy Machines is an addictive puzzle game that relies upon your cunning to overcome obstacles using limited tools.

The other half of Crazy Machines is a building game that puts Legos to shame!  In the free play section of Crazy Machines, your only real limitation is your own imagination.  The software supplies you with virtually anything you could think to build with or use in a contraption.  Alongside wood, metal, rope and fire, you have options to build with blimps, cannons and mud!  Unlike something like Legos where you are limited by what pieces you have, Crazy Machines has so many obscure, weird and wonderful tools and components for building that it is almost impossible to conceive of something that you could not build.  The virtual device you create may then interact with other devices you make, which makes the play experience virtually unlimited!

With so many play and puzzle options, Crazy Machines is a piece of software very much worth tracking down to buy and play!


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