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Coming This Year To A Mobile Phone Carrier Near You. . .

The Mobile World Congress, held in Barcelona, is the annual conference for smartphone and tablet manufacturers. This is where manufacturers preview their new phones for the year. It comes as no surprise then that all of the major mobile companies were there this year with their newest creations.

The first day of the conference is the most important and dramatic. There were many notable smartphones on display, with a wide range of specifications, technologies, and styles. Some devices stood out from among the crowd, however, and drew far more attention than others.  Coming this year, look for:

  • The Nokia PureView 808 – This smartphone is notable for its built-in 38-megapixel camera. It is not a slim phone, but it uses its larger frame to house hardware that takes amazing quality pictures. Users may zoom in, crop a picture, and produce a great image because the resolution is so high. The PureView 808 is one of Nokia’s last phones to use the company’s own Symbian operating system before Nokia moves entirely to Windows Phone.


  • The Panasonic Eluga – The Panasonic Eluga, and the prototype Eluga Power, are elegant phones. Featuring a sharp square design with a glossy black screen and almost no bezel, the Eluga’s 4.3-inch OLED screen dominates the front of the phone. Panasonic developed the Eluga and Eluga Power so that left-handed users may use the smartphones as easily as right-handed users.  This is the most powerful ambidextrous smartphone ever offered.


  • The ASUS Padfone –The Padfone smartphone comes with what ASUS is calling the Padfone Station, a 10-inch tablet that the phone docks into the back of and works with directly. Users may then dock the Station into a keyboard to essentially form a laptop. Each accessory has its own battery that will charge the Padfone itself, but the operating system and data is all stored on the Padfone. That means the Station and keyboard would not function without the Padfone docked into them, but when it is, they supply the power to run the device.


  • The Nokia Lumia 610 – Nokia is marketing the Lumia 610 as an entry-level phone for first time smartphone buyers. This would not be anything remarkable, except that the Lumia 610 runs the Windows Phone 7 operating system with less memory and a slower processor than what was previously required for Windows Phone. This low-end Windows Phone is the beginning of Microsoft’s new strategy for appealing to first-time smartphone buyers in an attempt to create a bigger customer base for the company’s mobile device division.


It appears that this year our mobile devices will take on a range of new features and possibilities. From the amazing 38-megapixel camera to the combination device represented by the Padfone, 2012 will bring more options to consumers than ever before!


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