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Calling Out The Competition, Barbara Gordon Is An Atypical Customer Service Executive!

In big technology companies like Microsoft, it is a rare thing for an executive in the Customer Service branch to make the mainstream news.  In fact, it is hard to make a splash in customer service such that you get noticed within the industry at all.  Customer service defines the old adage of “no news is good news;” if a customer service department is doing their job efficiently then you seldom hear about them.  But in 2010, one corporate officer in the technology sector’s customer service division stood out.  That person was Barbara Gordon and she boldly challenged Google to rise to the level of customer service Microsoft delivers!

Barbara Gordon serves as the Corporate Vice President for Customer Service and Support for the Microsoft Corporation.  In 2010, she wrote a blog that became famous in the technology industry.  The article, Microsoft’s Support Sets Us Apart, garnered mainstream media attention by boldly calling out Google for its lack of customer service options.  While some in the industry characterized the gambit as brazen, Gordon used the media attention to constructively criticize Google while touting the strong customer service department at Microsoft.  When Google floundered in its response – even now it offers easy access only to Internet customer service support – Gordon’s risky public statement paid off for Microsoft.

The boldness of Microsoft’s Support Sets Us Apart is characteristic of Barbara Gordon.  Gordon is a woman brimming with self-confidence and she has a lot of pride in the work she does as the head of Microsoft’s Customer Service and Support department.  That confidence is infectious and her leadership has helped Microsoft deliver award-winning customer service within the industry.

Barbara Gordon comes to her confidence from a long series of professional successes.  Gordon earned her B.S. in Business Administration from Ohio’s Bowling Green State University.  After graduating college, she went to work at Sun Microsystems and AT&T where she spent a decade leading sales teams that spanned the globe.  Her success in sales made her particularly attractive to Microsoft, who hired her in 2003 as the Vice President of Global Accounts.  As Barbara Gordon worked her way up the corporate ladder at Microsoft, she prioritized building lasting relationships both within the company and between Microsoft and its customers.  In developing those relationships, Barbara Gordon became the ideal candidate to lead the Customer Service and Support department.  She has excelled at that position since she took over as Vice President in 2009.

It may be rare for a customer service executive to make the news, but Barbara Gordon did in 2010 and given how proud she is of Microsoft’s Customer Service and Support department, you can bet she will make the news again in the future!


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