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Better Than Angry Birds, Hexic Still Thrills!

Well before the rise of Angry Birds, there was a puzzle game that filled the niche left by Tetris finally waning in popularity.  But while Angry Birds might have captured the public’s attention because of its fun (and merchandisable) animation, many serious gamers who love puzzle games remain enchanted by the game that preceded Angry Birds.  That game is Hexic and it remains as cool as it ever was.

If you have never heard of Hexic, that might not be entirely surprising.  Alexey Pajitnov, the creator of Tetris, created Hexic more for the puzzle-making thrill than to make money.  As a result, you may frequently find Hexic packaged with other games as part of samplers.  Hexic HD is one of the few preinstalled games on the Xbox 360 video game console.  Those who took the time to find the game and play it have discovered a delightful and challenging puzzle game that is different each time you play it.

Hexic is a puzzle game that has a game mechanic somewhat similar to Tetris.  Instead of rectilinear shapes, as Tetris has, Hexic features pieces that are hexagon-shaped.  Hexic begins with the six-sided pieces randomly placed in the play field.  In the early levels, there are five different color hexagons, though that changes as you advance into the higher levels.  The initial purpose of the game is simple; rotate any bundle of three hexagons until there are at least three hexagons of the same color touching.  When three hexagons of the same color form a bundle, they explode and all of the pieces above the spot where those hexagons were fall down.  This keeps the playfield constantly-changing.

That sounds like it might get old real quick, right?

Fortunately, Hexic continues to get progressively more challenging with each level you complete.  After the initial level, new pieces and new challenges appear to stimulate the player.  So, for example, in the second level, stars appear in some of the new hexagons.  When you destroy those hexagons, you get bonus points.  In the third round, some of the pieces are time bombs and you must remove them from the field before they explode or else you lose the game!  On the constructive side, arranging hexagons in certain shapes – like rings – generates entirely new pieces on the board, like stars and black pearls.  The game ends when you are able to make a bundle of black pearls.  This is a surprisingly difficult task and one that will take even the most skilled puzzler quite some time to accomplish!

If you haven’t played Hexic, you owe it to yourself to try one of the many free downloads of it online!  You will get hooked!


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