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All The Typing Instruction You Will Ever Need: Typing Instructor Platinum

With the recent underwhelming performance of Siri, it is clear that no matter how many “smart” devices technology companies create, the keyboard is not in danger of becoming obsolete just yet.  The keyboard remains an essential tool for interfacing with your computer.  As a result, typing skills are still an invaluable skill to have.  Adults, especially, may be reluctant to take a typing class for fear of feeling embarrassed at not knowing such an important skill.  For teenagers and adults who want to learn to type on their own, there is Typing Instructor Platinum software!

Typing Instructor Platinum is a comprehensive typing program that helps users master typing by breaking the process up.  Users learn to type in an academic section for part of the program, but move on to games that involve typing as they become more proficient.  In this fashion, the software guarantees that you will retain the lessons that the software initially teaches.  Typing is a more complicated skill to learn than some people understand.  While typing may be taught in an absolute sense (key positions and hand placements), the act of typing requires a higher level of abstract thinking.  Typing words and sentences is very different than typing individual characters.

The creators of the Typing Instructor Platinum seem to realize that and the game component of the software plays off the mental flexibility skills you need to type well.  After completing the basic lessons, you may unlock some of the unique functions of Typing Instructor Platinum.  Using a graphics-intensive interface, users are taken on a trip around the world or through time.  On that trip, you must solve puzzles to advance.  You may overcome the Obstacles and puzzles by observing what is on the screen and typing responses to questions and prompts from the Typing Instructor Platinum software.  As you advance, the puzzles require greater mental agility and better typing skills.

With its multiple testing levels and engaging interface, Typing Instructor Platinum can become an essential teaching tool for anyone who wants to learn to type.  All you need is the software, a keyboard, a CD-ROM drive and a PC running Windows 7, Vista, XP or 2000 or a Mac computer running OS X 10.4.  Given that most computers in operation today meet those minimum criteria, Typing Instructor Platinum remains an invaluable tool for people everywhere!


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