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All The Search Power You’ll Ever Need For Your Android-based Devices!

Every modern operating system includes a search engine so that you can search the contents of your own computer.  With the emergence of mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers, the major operating systems include rudimentary search functions.  For those devices, there are often applications that can provide search functions that are more robust.  Those search applications search your personal information on your mobile device and throughout your social network connections that are stored in the Cloud.  For Android-based computing devices, the application that gives you the best search of your personal information is CloudMagic for Android.

CloudMagic for Android works on all Android-based smartphones and tablet computers and there is some irony to the very existence of the app.  Android is the operating system created by Google, yet Google cannot look through your personal information on your Android device!  CloudMagic for Android can scour your Android-configured smartphone or tablet computer for programs, messages and data for which you are looking.

Because Android uses Cloud computing technology to store most of your data off your hardware, CloudMagic for Android works to scour your accounts within the Cloud.  So, for example, if you needed to find exactly when you sent a Twitter tweet involving a popular movie, like Avatar, you could type “Avatar” into CloudMagic for Android.  CloudMagic for Android would bring up every tweet, gmail e-mail, and personal file in which you mentioned Avatar!  Organized succinctly and precisely – just as one would expect of a Google-related product – CloudMagic makes it fast and easy to find all of your documents and correspondences.

CloudMagic for Android also allows you to organize your results in an easy-to-format way.  Just as you may use Google to search specific websites, CloudMagic for Android allows you to search precise areas of your Cloud-based accounts.  You may, for example, use CloudMagic for Android to search only your Twitter account or only your gmail account.  Given that search on Twitter is one of that platform’s weaknesses and it is often irritating to have to read through your e-mails to find something you once wrote, CloudMagic for Android’s search and organization tools can be a real asset.

If you have an Android-based smartphone or tablet, CloudMagic for Android may be the best app you can download to provide advanced functions not inherent to Android!


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