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After Running Dvico, Jeff Lee Still Has His Finger On The Pulse Of The Tech Sector!

When an executive leaves a company, or is forced out of their position at the top, it is always interesting to see what type of position they take afterward.  In the tech sector, there are an uncommon number of executives who – after running multi-million dollar operations with thousands of workers – start their own, very small, companies or take over the management of a tiny start-up.  When Jeff Lee left DViCO, that is exactly what he did!

Jeff Lee was CEO of DViCO, the manufacturer of audio and visual equipment, for twelve years before he left the post at the end of 2010.  At the beginning of 2012, Lee took over as CEO of ChipAlive, Ltd.  ChipAlive is an IT service company with less than ten employees; that’s quite a big difference from DViCO, whose multimedia player manufacturing business demands far more employees!  Even though he has radically altered his position in the corporate world, Jeff Lee continues to develop a worthwhile tech sector business that is poised for growth.

In 1982, Jeff Lee enrolled at Seoul National University.  With his detail-oriented mind and a strong sense of focus, he graduated four years later with his Bachelor’s of Science in Electronics & Control.  So educated, he entered the workforce on the manufacturing end of the tech sector, determined to make something of himself.  That opportunity came when DViCO was being incorporated and the new company needed a Chief Executive Officer!

When Jeff Lee was tapped to become the CEO of DViCO in 1998, he had not held any senior management positions; his selection was something of a surprise.  Eager to rise to the challenge, Lee assembled a strong management team, secured contracts from the Korean government, and began producing some of the industry’s most lauded multimedia devices.  By the end of 1999, DViCO released two highly-successful products: the DVAR animation recorder and the Firebird DV Image Editing Board!

During his tenure as CEO of DViCO, Jeff Lee was an outgoing CEO; he frequently gave interviews with technical publications.  In those interviews, it was made very clear that he had an intimate understanding of exactly how new products DViCO was releasing worked and how the state of digital media was developing.  Lee never lost sight of his electronics background.  With his outgoing nature, it is almost surprising that after running DViCO, he would become an advisor to Telechips, a company with less than five hundred employees.

Now a multimedia advisor at Telechips Inc. and the CEO of ChipAlive, Ltd., Jeff Lee is once again building companies at the cutting edge of IT.


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