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RESCUECOM Releases 2015 Q1 Computer Reliability Report

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The 2015 Q1 RESCUECOM Computer Reliability Report has arrived, showing longstanding contenders in reliability battling for the top spot along with a surprising comeback in one manufacturer’s reliability.

The Computer Reliability Report takes a manufacturer’s market share of computers and tablets in the U.S. and compares it against the number of tech support calls RESCUECOM receives for that manufacturer’s products to determine a reliability score.

The full list of rankings for the 2015 Q1 Computer Reliability Report is as follows:


Manufacturer U.S. Computer/Tablet Market Share1, 3
(Percentage of Share computers shipped)
RESCUECOM Computer/Tablet Repair Share1, 2
(Percentage of service calls to 1-800-RESCUE-PC)
Reliability Score1, 2
Reliability Grade
SAMSUNG 7.7% 2.9% 270     A+
APPLE 19.1% 11.3% 168     A
LENOVO 7% 5.4% 130     B
ASUS 3.4% 3.0% 112     B-
ACER 4.1% 5.3% 77     C
TOSHIBA 4.4% 5.5% 75     C
DELL 14.9% 23.0% 64     D
HP 17.6% 30.7% 57     F

1 – Computer repair share percentages and computer reliability scores include tablets.

2 – The computer reliability report does not include “other” manufacturers, defined as all manufacturers that have below 1.0% market share.

3 – Market share numbers are provided by IDC.


As has been the pattern in many of the recent Computer Reliability reports, Samsung and Apple are fighting for the number one rank, with Samsung taking a substantial lead over Apple this quarter. Apple and Samsung are both generally great examples of solid reliability, and have recently been only a few points apart in reliability score at any given time.  While the significant difference between the two manufacturers this quarter is an impressive change, it is also worth noting that Apple has a computer and tablet market share of 19.1% compared to Samsung’s 7.7%. RESCUECOM CEO David Milman comments, “While Apple has fallen behind Samsung in overall reliability this quarter, Apple’s ability to maintain a consistently high reliability grade is impressive considering it is the largest manufacturer of PCs and Tablets.”

Coming in third this quarter is Lenovo. While Lenovo has maintained its position consistently, it has often been fairly far behind Apple and Samsung. Over the past year, however, Lenovo has been slowly getting closer to its top competitors. Apple, specifically, will need to remain strong if it is going to hold onto its position.

In the middle of the rankings are Asus and Acer. Asus is often among the middle rankings in recent reports, but Acer has made a surprise comeback. Acer was last in Q1 of 2014, but managed to leap ahead of several competitors to fifth this quarter with a respectable grade of “C”. Milman notes, “While Acer has dramatically improved over the past year and nearly tripled its reliability score, it will need to keep up the momentum to close the gap between itself and the top-ranking competition.”

Toshiba, Dell, and HP bring up the tail end of the rankings this quarter. Dell and Toshiba have swapped places since last quarter, with Toshiba taking a narrow lead. Compared to Q1 of 2014, however, Toshiba has fallen in reliability rank while Dell has held its place. HP, which was the only manufacturer to receive a failing grade this quarter, has fallen behind its frequently close competitor Dell.

When comparing to last year, many of the manufacturers have maintained relatively consistent rankings, with the notable exceptions of Toshiba’s drop in rank and Acer’s significant rise. While the actual positions on the list have not seen much change, the gap between the top ranks and the bottom ones has slowly been shortening. If this pattern continues, there will be interesting competition for the higher ranks in the coming months.


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