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Matt Allison, TrendKite Help Companies Leverage Their Press Coverage

Keeping track of all the press your company gets can be a difficult and time-consuming task.  When you’re building a startup, you barely have time to sleep, much less analyze your company’s press and social media coverage in serious depth.  However, Matt Allison is a cool person in technology who wants to solve this problem.  Read more »

Matchbook Helps You Keep Track of Your Favorite Places

Many people have experienced the phenomenon where you want to go back to a restaurant, hotel, or park, but you can’t quite remember the name of the place, making it impossible to look up online.  Matchbook is a cool product that makes sure this never happens to you again.  Through your smartphone’s GPS technology, Matchbook lets you tag the places you’ve been and the places you want to go.  With Matchbook, when you’re trying to remember where you went for Italian food that one night in January, all you have to do is whip out your smartphone and Matchbook will remind you.  You can tag locations with dates, time, and key words to look up later.  This could save many people frustrating nights of being unable to find the place they want to go because of unclear memories.  If you have trouble downloading Matchbook or getting your phone’s GPS to work properly, find smartphone tech support and get help. Read more »

Youneeq CEO Murray Galbraith Wants to Improve Your Audience’s Engagement

Poor user engagement can kill an enterprise’s website performance.  Even if your company’s website gets high traffic, you’re not getting the most out of your site if users aren’t staying and digging deeper into it.  Cool person in technology Murray Galbraith knows how much of a problem this is for many businesses.  That’s why he built Youneeq.  Youneeq tracks the behavior of users on your website and keeps them engaged by only showing them the content they want to see.  Galbraith’s company uses its data to filter your site’s content on an individual level so that when someone visits the site, they only see what interests them specifically. In theory, this increases engagement on the site and prevents users from leaving due to having to filter through too many things that they have no interest in viewing.  Read more »

Audiko Lets Your Create Personalized Ringtones from the Music You Own

While there is a plethora of ringtones available for all types of smartphones via online music stores, there are times when you want something more personal as a ringtone but have no easy way to create it.  Fortunately, Audiko is a cool product in technology that gives you the ability to create a ringtone from any audio file that you own.  Audiko offers a simple set of tools that allow users to take a clip of up to thirty seconds from any audio file and convert it to ringtone format.  Users simply go on the website, upload the audio file they wish to use, and edit it directly in their browser before converting it into a ringtone.  Audiko lets you utilize any audio format you want to create your ringtone, including high definition audio formats like FLAC for those who want their ringtones’ sound quality on par with the rest of their music. PC support can always help you if you find yourself struggling to upload a file to Audiko’s website. Read more »

AirportChatter CEO Mark Wagner Wants to Make Airports Better for You

Navigating large airports when you travel can be an excruciating process.  Often times, you don’t know where the nearest restroom is, you choose a poor place to get a meal just because it’s on the way to your gate, or you can’t find the currency exchange before your international flight.  Cool person in technology Mark Wagner knows that these issues plague travelers all the time and that’s why he’s created the AirportChatter app for the iPhone.  AirportChatter helps users manage their airport experience more effectively.  Wagner created the app to give travelers the resources they need to make their time spent in airports a much better experience.  Wagner’s app has a complete listing of shops, restaurants and ATMs in each of the U.S.’s thirty largest airports.  Each listing has spaces for customer reviews, so users can find out which restaurants and stores are their best bets as they wait for a flight.  The app can even tell you where the nearest restrooms are to your location within the airport.  If you have problems navigating the app, finding iPhone support should be your next step in getting it to work. Read more »

Lively Lets You Relive the Concerts You Attend on Your Smartphone

Bootlegging live recordings from concerts has been a tradition of many artists’ fan bases since long before the Internet came into existence.  However, due to a lack of professional recording equipment, most fan-recorded concerts have very poor sound quality.  Fan recordings also can be risky due to copyright issues if used outside of very specific settings and situations.  Lively is a cool product that lets people listen to live shows without any of the downsides of bootlegged recordings.  With Lively, you can listen to professionally recorded audio tracks of the concerts you attend as soon as the show is over.  If you want to relive an amazing performance you just attended, all you have to do is turn on your smartphone and download the concert right away.  Anyone who’s only experienced low-quality fan-recorded bootlegs will quickly realize the advantages of professional, high-quality recordings that they can conveniently access wherever they go.  For help downloading performances to your iPhone, find Apple support. Read more »

Kelsye Nelson Connects Publishing Professionals with Writers as CEO

Thanks to the explosive popularity of digital readers and eBooks, more and more authors are choosing to self-publish through the web.  However, most of these authors don’t have all the necessary skills for getting a quality book out to the public.  Cover design, copyediting, eBook formatting, and marketing are all essential pieces of the publishing process that most writers aren’t going to be able to handle on their own.  That’s why cool person in technology Kelsye Nelson created, a website where authors can easily connect with freelance publishing professionals for the publishing tasks they can’t handle.

Nelson and her co-founder, Abigail Carter, met in writing group in their hometown of Seattle where they discussed the rise of self-publishing and formed the idea for in order to meet the needs of the many new self-publishing authors on the Internet.  Nelson is making sure that even those writers who have to call tech support for simple computer problems can still publish digitally with the help of freelance professionals that know the world of digital books. Read more »

John Jackovin Makes Managing Your Receipts and Warranties Easier with Bawte

Keeping track of your receipts and warranties can be a serious pain.  It’s all too easy to misplace a receipt or forget how long you’ve had a product.  John Jackovin, the CEO of Bawte, is a cool person in technology who wants to solve these problems with his mobile application.  In his company’s own words, Jackovin wants to “make owning things simple.”  His smartphone app, Bawte, allows you to “tag” products you buy on your smartphone.  Once you tag a product, Jackovin’s app gives you access to warranty information and instruction manuals for that product anytime you want.  This would save customers from worrying about the paper trail when they make purchases and potentially save them hassle later on if they need to find a manual or warranty information quickly.  Bawte makes information about your products accessible whenever you want on your smartphone.  It even keeps track of when a warranty expires for each product you purchase.  For example, you can check the status of the warranties on your computer products and know when you definitely need to go to a local computer repair company for help because your product’s warranty isn’t viable anymore.  Read more »

Swiftly Gets You Professional Fixes for Your Designs Quickly

There are many options when you need a new design for a company logo, business card, or even an overhaul of your website.  However, unless you have a full-time designer on staff, getting simple updates to your designs can feel like more effort than it’s worth.  Swiftly is a cool product that helps you avoid the pain of trying to find a freelance designer for every small design task.  Swiftly is a web service that connects you to professional designers who can perform small design tasks for you quickly.  You simply upload your current design to the site, explain what you need done, and Swiftly finds a design professional who can do it right away.  The website currently claims that it only takes hours to complete whatever design task you upload to them, meaning you could get your company’s design problems fixed in less than a day.  Contact IT support if you ever have trouble uploading a design to Swiftly’s website. Read more »

InternJump Wants to Help Companies and Potential Interns Connect

Finding an internship or a first job out of college can be an aggravating experience.  Having to fill out endless applications for individual companies can be daunting.  While social networking sites like LinkedIn offer a place to keep a centralized profile and make job applications easier, most companies using those sites are often looking for seasoned professionals, not people to fill entry-level roles.  InternJump is a cool product that is trying to offer a something similar to LinkedIn, but specifically for college students and recent graduates.  Both students and companies can keep profiles on the site that make searching for the right internship or first job easier.  For students, this is helpful in that they know the companies on InternJump are definitely looking for young talent.  This means students and recent grads won’t waste time applying to many positions at companies who don’t want younger applicants.  InternJump’s focus on the internship and entry-level job market could provide major benefit to young job hunters as well as companies looking for fresh talent.  Those who have problems setting up profiles on InternJump should seek PC tech support for assistance. Read more »

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