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Hub Helps Families Stay Organized Through Mobile Technology

Large families constantly have trouble keeping their days organized, especially when every member has their own commitments on a daily basis.  Cool product Hub is a mobile app that wants to make it easier for families to stay informed of each other’s schedules and what they’re doing at any given time.  Hub lets each member of a family have their own profile on the app.  Hub groups profiles into family units that have access to each other’s information at any time.  This system makes the app a place where a family can put all their important information to check on quickly and conveniently on any smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device that runs iOS or Android.  This way, when there are parent-teacher conferences, football games, book clubs, dance lessons, and more all going on in the same week, no one in the family has to lose track of each other.  Hub could be especially useful for any families that depend on each other for transportation.  With Hub, there is no excuse for one sibling or parent to forget to pick up another family member from an event or activity.  Any users who want to take advantage but struggle with mobile technology can get help from a mobile computer support company. Read more »

Deck Makes Creating Visually Dynamic Presentations for Work Simple

Most professionals have to create presentations for co-workers, bosses, or conference-goers at some point in their career.  For many people however, these presentations are few and far between, but that doesn’t make them any less important.  Professionals that don’t get a lot of experience with creating presentation aides such as slideshows often commit design faux pas in their presentation and weaken it.  Deck is a cool product in the tech industry that looks to make it easy for even completely inexperienced individuals to create visually appealing presentations that can help captivate an audience.  Deck makes it possible to create presentations with little experience with the help of their web-based tools.  Deck’s online toolset presents itself to users as an outline of sorts.  Users fill in each line of the outline, just as if they were taking notes on the paper or subject material on which they’re presenting.  People can also attach images to any part of the outline if they want to include pictures with their presentation.  Once an outline is complete, users select a theme from a list of options and Deck creates an animated presentation automatically.  Since Deck is a web-based tool and not a piece of software, any users who have trouble accessing it will need network support to troubleshoot the problem with their Internet connection. Read more »

Ryan Charles Created Consumr to Be the Yelp for Products

Reviewing places and things has become an essential aspect of the Internet.  Every major online retailer has a review system for customers to use with the products they sell. Most blogs and news sources on the Internet contain sections for product and entertainment reviews. Even major web companies like Google incorporate reviews into their online services.  However, with so many reviews spread out across so many sites, there is no easy way to get the full picture on the quality of a product without investing significant time into the project.  Cool person in technology Ryan Charles wants to change that with his service called Consumr.  Consumr is a website and mobile app that provides people with a collection of the available online reviews for any packaged good on command.  Consumr is an unbiased third party that simply gathers information about products from reviews that already exist on the web.  This fact means users can trust Consumr to provide a complete and objective picture of a product’s quality based on all of its online reviews.  Charles’s company collects both professional and customer reviews to ensure that people have all the information they need about any given item.  Any user who needs help downloading Consumr’s iPhone app can get Apple tech support to fix the problem. Read more »

GymFu Gamifies Your Workout to Push You Harder

Motivating yourself to go to the gym when you’re trying to get in shape is difficult enough.  In many ways, it’s even harder to push yourself to go as hard as possible during your workout routine.  How many people do you think have cut exercises out of their routines, or done fewer reps in their sets because it’s more comfortable to do the minimum?  GymFu is a cool product available for smartphones that gets you to work harder when you work out.  GymFu aims to make sure that you push yourself and intensify your workouts to get the absolute most out of them every time.  If you are someone that constantly gets stuck in the same workout routine and benefits little from it, then this cool product might be exactly what you need.  GymFu helps users increase the reps and sets in their workout routines over time.  On the company website, it says that so far, 40% of the app’s users double the reps in their workouts.  Assuming these numbers are accurate, GymFu is clearly working for the people who have downloaded it so far.  The GymFu app is currently only available on Apple devices.  That means you’re going to need iPhone support if you’re unfamiliar with Apple mobile products and have trouble with them. Read more »

Erez Raphael Helps Diabetics Keep Track of Their Body as CEO of Dario

Living with diabetes is no easy task, even with all the advances of medical technology in the last few decades.  One of the most difficult aspects of living with the condition is the need to keep track of one’s body chemistry constantly.  Cool person in technology Erez Raphael wants to make it easier and more convenient for diabetics to track their blood sugar and insulin.  Raphael’s company, Dario, has developed a small mobile phone accessory and companion app that let diabetics check their blood with their smartphone.  Usually, people require separate devices for checking their blood sugar and insulin levels.  Even worse, these devices are often very expensive and invasive to the user.  Dario is a very small device that plugs directly into a smartphone’s headphone jack.  The device holds a number of strip cartridges that provide minimal discomfort when sampling blood.  Users can easily insert and eject cartridges without expending much effort. The lightweight convenience of this device is certainly a preferable alternative to more complicated and painful dedicated devices for the same purpose.  Any user who has a broken headphone jack on their smartphone will need smartphone PC repair in order to use Raphael’s device. Read more »

Rob Dunfey Connects Skaters with Instructors on Go Skate

Skateboarding has grown from a niche interest to a major aspect of pop culture over the last few decades.  With the interest in skateboarding having increased so much for younger kids, there is a need for a stable source of skating instruction.  Cool person in technology Rob Dunfey wants to fill this need with his company Go Skate.  Go Skate is an online web portal that offers skateboard instruction in various formats to anyone who wants to learn.  Dunfey’s company uses the web to offer those interested in skateboarding a convenient resource from which they can acquire lessons and help.  The site has connections to instructors in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and even Ireland.  Users can book lessons on the site directly.  People can search and filter by both price and location.  Dunfey has even created a gift certificate program for his site.  Gift cards sold in stores such as Wal-Mart and Target work universally as payment for skateboard instructing across continents.  Anyone who has trouble booking a lesson on Dunfey’s website or needs help navigating the site in any way can get assistance from a remote tech support provider.    Read more »

AHHHA Lets Inventors and Entrepreneurs Share and Develop Ideas in a Community

Having a great idea is only ever the first step.  Many inventors and entrepreneurs will tell you this is the truth.  Once someone has a smart idea for a business or product, that person then has to spend long hours carefully developing and refining idea until it becomes something workable.  This is true whether someone is developing a business strategy or a new piece of technology.  Turning ideas into successes takes hard work, and people do a lot of that hard work alone, at least at first, in fear that someone will take their idea.  Cool product AHHHA is aiming to create a space on the web where creators can safely post their ideas and discuss them, getting input and insights from fellow inventors and entrepreneurs to refine their concepts.  The company derives its name from the epiphany moment in which an idea is born—when someone internally says “Ahh ha!”  It’s an appropriate title for a company dedicated to helping others develop their ideas from infancy into maturity.  Entrepreneurs who have an idea but who do not have backgrounds can contact home computer support if they need help using the website. Read more »

Emily Foote Founded ApprenNet to Create Practical eLearning Solutions

ELearning and education technology are two of the hottest areas in the tech industry currently.  Startups are attacking this area from many different angles. While some companies, such as Coursera, are trying to transplant the traditional experience of college-level education onto the Internet, many other companies are trying alternative methods to propagate learning on the web and through technology.  One such cool person who is working to accomplish this is Emily Foote.  Foote is the co-founder and vice president of curricular design at ApprenNet.  ApprenNet is a web-based learning tool that Foote and her colleagues designed to promote educational discussion about a variety of topics.  Foote is a co-founder of the company and an originator of the idea.  She handles the curriculum and the application of it ApprenNet programs while her partners and other co-founders—Karl Okamoto and Paul Tzen—handle other aspects of the company.  Okamoto works with business aspects as CEO and Tzen is the engineer who builds the backbone of ApprenNet’s software.  Since Foote and her team designed the ApprenNet product for use in large institutions, organizations that want to use the product will need large-scale computer support help to integrate and maintain it.  Read more »

GymFlow Helps Fitness Buffs Avoid Overcrowded Gyms

Few things are more disappointing than paying an expensive monthly fee for a gym membership and then spending your time waiting in line to use sweat-covered machines and dealing with immense amounts of background noise every time you decide to go.  GymFlow is a cool product available for mobile devices that aims to help people avoid these frustrating circumstances.  GymFlow is an app that users can download to their smartphone and it tracks the traffic levels at nearby gyms.  Users can view traffic updates in real time to see how many people are working out at a given time compared to the gym’s maximum capacity.  Based on this traffic, people can choose what times will be most convenient for them to visit and complete their own exercise routine.  Rather than base their traffic statistics on social media check-ins, the team at GymFlow has opted to work directly with Gym owners to obtain data directly from membership card swipes and scans.  This provides GymFlow users with a far more accurate idea of how crowded a particular gym is since many people don’t track when they go to work out with their social networking accounts.  Many gym-goers don’t even have accounts for social media in the first place!  Read more »

FromAtoB Does Things Differently Than Other Travel Sites

The majority of travel sites essentially handle their business in similar ways.  They focus on specific partners, book through agents that work for the site rather than the transit provider themselves, focus on flights over other forms of travel, and charge convenience fees for booking through the site in the first place.  Cool product FromAtoB is a travel site that doesn’t follow these conventions and attempts to give customers a different, more pure experience.  Rather than have customers book their transit through the site itself as a surrogate, FromAtoB acts more like a search engine. It connects users directly to travel providers themselves.  This difference means that customers avoid unnecessary middlemen, and even potentially avoid unwanted “convenience fees” or extra charges incurred by booking through a surrogate.  FromAtoB lets users search through hundreds or providers and then links customers to those sites so they can purchase their transit and accommodations directly from the source.  FromAtoB wants to de-complicate the process of using a travel website, and this feature is one of its main tools in doing so. Read more »

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