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What is a Streaming Media Player and What Does it Mean to Me?

Cable TV was once dominant and commonplace in the home before the Internet. Fast forward to today and now you can view videos, Network TV shows, movies all online whenever and wherever, without cable. Why keep your cable subscription? Companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO Go and many others allow members access to stream television shows on any device with an Internet connection. For years, streaming media was only available just on your PC, tablet or smartphone. Now, streaming media players give you the ability to connect your smart television to the Internet so you can view your favorite shows, videos and media content on it. Read more »

Sideqik is Marketing for the Internet Age

Marketing in the Internet age is much different than in years past.  It is more difficult than ever to compete and make a sustainable profit with growing competition and the fast pace required to keep up in business.  Sideqik is a startup that works to alleviate the potential problems facing brands and increase sales utilizing the most effective means in modern marketing. This involves taking advantage of “influencers,” or specific key individuals and groups who have the most influence over potential buyers, rather than focusing on a target market as a whole to grow sales.  An influencer can be an individual buyer whose presence in social media, online review sites, or similar venues can impact sales more effectively than any traditional advertising campaign.  It can also include third parties, such as suppliers or manufacturers in a supply chain or those such as journalists, industry analysts, professional advisors, and the like. Read more »

Workpop Revitalizes the Employment Market

Individuals searching for jobs and companies looking to hire have their share of difficulties in the process. It can be stressful, time-consuming, and tedious, though necessary.  While the Internet has provided opportunities for tools such as job boards and postings, online application and resume submission services, and more, there is much technology can still offer.  This is where a startup called Workpop comes in. It is much more than just a resume or application that can help make the process of finding a job much easier and faster while allowing employment providers access to much more detailed and applicable information about a candidate. Read more »

EveryMove is a More Complete Health App

Startups are part of a busy marketplace, and in it there are thousands and thousands of apps that aim to affect behavior change through many different means. The reality is behavior change is very, very complicated and there is no simple solution. EveryMove is an app that unifies all of your fitness activity all in one place, then helps you build that personalized network around you to provide you with recognition and awards for being healthy. Rather than being an app that changes your behavior in an online marketplace crowded with such apps, it integrate with more fitness devices than any other app, to capture and gather information on more than 100 different activities. Plus, unlike many other fitness apps, EveryMove emphasizes social sharing so that friends and family can cheer a user on. Read more »

Beyond Pricing Makes Hosts More Money on Airbnb

photo BP_zpsmollr15c.pngBeyond Pricing optimizes rental hosts success on Airbnb and other vacation rental sites. A major problem has emerged for vacation rental hosts: how to decide the best rental prices and improve marketing strategies. There are too many factors for rental hosts to consider, thus their revenue and rental success on Airbnb’s marketplace is stagnate. Beyond Pricing solves this problem by providing a platform to help rental hosts competitively price their rentals, increasing revenue and maximizing the number of nightly rentals. Read more »

Mindful Meal Makes Meal Planning Fast and Easy

photo MM_zpsmsbmwjs2.jpgOnline services such as Blue Apron and HelloFresh have offered people the ability to cook better meals at home with less hassle. Mindful Meal offers an alternative for those who do need food items shipped to them, but are willing to do their own shopping while maintaining the ability to do so more easily, cheaply, and healthy-consciously. It is a website that offers what its developers claim to be unlimited recipes, meal plans, and grocery lists from a personal dashboard. Users can utilize a monthly, six month, or yearly subscription at a low cost in order to save time and cost while making healthier meal choices for their families. A few aspects that make it different from services like Blue Apron include family profiles and more personalized meal planning. Read more »

Chromatik Brings Modern Innovation to Learning Music

photo rescuecom-computer-repair-report11_zps3pddn4dq.jpgTraditionally, there has been little technological innovation in sheet music; the greatest innovation in hundreds of years, it would seem, is the ability to view music tabs to play along to online. This is no longer the case thanks to an app called Chromatik. With Chromatik, players any instrument of any skill level can upload, make notes on, and share sheet music, and it can even help make practicing an instrument more fun and organized for kids. There is also a social component to both the site and the app with strong privacy protections that allow kids to connect with fellow students, family members, and trusted teachers.  With Chromatik, users can not only practice anytime, no matter where they are, but they can also discuss music, share recordings, get feedback, and more. Read more »

Classkick is an Advancement in Education

Technology applied to education has shown many positive results, but there is still plenty of room for growth and improvement.  A startup called Classkick is one of many that are seeking to bring that growth and improvement in technological applications to education. Available on the web or as a mobile app, its creators claim that it can provide more individualized, real-time feedback precisely when students need it to keep everyone in a class learning together.  It also, of course, has advantages for teachers, who can use it to view exactly what students are doing and who needs help in real time so that they can provide the necessary aid and instruction.  It can serve to keep a classroom of students working together as well as allowing for faster and easier lesson planning and making the creation of more interesting and engaging assignments possible. Read more »

Shopping Online is Better with WePower

photo WePower_zpsfgqwl926.pngAccording to the best retail industry research, the number of people who shop online will soon top 1.5 billion worldwide.  That creates a huge market that, while many companies have sought to take advantage of, leaves room for plenty more.  WePower Shopping is an online marketplace, essentially a web store, that utilizes social elements to create a relevant shopping experience and guarantees the lowest prices online.  It organizes and displays products based on consumer interests and rewards users for engagement.  Using analytics easily gathered from consumer networking and “shares” on its site, it can identify trending products and secure deals directly with vendors and manufacturers to cut out the cost of middle men.  This means savings for its customers and a greater ability to provide more people with the things they truly want. Read more »

Twenty20 is a Crowdsourced Photography Marketplace

photo 1_zpspw6qi1se.png Stock photos are an easy and free means of finding an appropriate photo online to attach to a blog, Facebook post, or webpage, among a wide range of uses.   Unfortunately, these stock photos are easy to identify as such, very obviously staged, and may only vaguely convey what you are communicating.  Twenty20 is a startup that looks to change this through crowdsourcing.  It offers what its creators call “the world’s largest crowdsourced image catalog.” Along with solving the stock image issue for users, it provides an opportunity for anyone to upload photos and potentially make money on them.  It provides the added benefit that the photos people can find on the Twenty20 website are much more creative and interesting than the ones typically found on similar websites or through a random image search. People who are seeking photos that they can legally add to their blogs can get a subscription at Twenty20 to purchase some at a lower cost than hiring a photographer, while photographers can display their smartphone photos to big brands and marketing agencies. Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
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