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Autobike is the Bike of the Future

photo autobike-is-the-bike-of-the-future.pngMany people around the world enjoy bicycling, whether for competition, personal recreation, exercise, or simply as a means of transportation.  There are many different styles of bikes for different skill levels from those with a simple gear and braking system to those with many gears and more complex braking systems.  While many people have long believed that the bike of the future would be electric, most companies have found it difficult to effectively incorporate battery power into its function.  The bike of the future is finally here thanks to the Autobike, and electric bicycle that its developers claim helps riders bike smarter.  It helps riders seamlessly move from one gear to another to keep rides smooth, simple and comfortable. Read more »

RESCUECOM Releases 2015 Q1 Computer Reliability Report

photo rescuecom-computer-reliability-report.png

The 2015 Q1 RESCUECOM Computer Reliability Report has arrived, showing longstanding contenders in reliability battling for the top spot along with a surprising comeback in one manufacturer’s reliability.

The Computer Reliability Report takes a manufacturer’s market share of computers and tablets in the U.S. and compares it against the number of tech support calls RESCUECOM receives for that manufacturer’s products to determine a reliability score. Read more »

SmartQuit is an App that Helps Smokers Quit

photo smartquit-is-an-app-that-helps-smokers-quit.pngStatistics state that approximately twenty percent of Americans smoke, and the most effective smoking-cessation programs only work for ten to fifteen percent of those who try them.  Even rising tobacco taxes, the fact that movies and television no longer glorify smoking, and numerous awareness campaigns teaching people about the dangers of smoking, the numbers remain relatively unchanged.  SmartQuit is an app designed to more effectively aid people who want to quit smoking.  It takes an idea many believe is far-fetched and even naïve but has shown promising results.  Rather than using nicotine or other chemicals or resorting to such things as acupuncture or hypnosis, the app uses behavioral change to lasting effect. Read more »

LocalBlox Networks your Neighborhood

photo localblox-networks-your-neighborhood.jpgSocial media consumes a great deal of many peoples’ time, and location-based social networks like Foursquare and Yelp continue to grow increasingly popular.  LocalBlox is a different sort of location-based network.  It puts its own unique spin on social media that its creator describes as a “national hyperlocal neighborhood service.” It combines elements of various other sites such as Foursquare, Groupon, and, of course, Facebook, to create neighborhood-specific social networks.  It gives users a full view of their neighborhood including maps, local business directories, hyper-local news, events, photos, job listings, neighborhood alerts, neighborhood user profiles, and chat.  Unlike competitors, its community-building concept works to connect neighbors, small business and active community members, bloggers, and realtors.  LocalBlox also gives small local businesses a variety of integrated local social media and mobile digital media tools. Read more »

AnteUpdates Provides Loyalty Rewards for Casinos

photo anteupdates-provides-loyalty-rewards-for-casinos.jpgMany companies integrate loyalty rewards programs to entice customers to continue using their services or products.  While this is very common, there is an underserved market where casinos and card rooms are concerned.  RewardsForce is a company that helps businesses tackle the difficult task of creating and sustaining loyalty programs.  RewardsForce has created an app called AnteUpdates that makes it easy for any business to incorporate and track loyalty programs from mobile devices with particular emphasis on casinos and similar businesses specifically.  While the focus is on loyalty rewards and incentives programs, it also incorporates other important aspects of business.  Knowing customers, business analytics, and marketing are also keys, and the app handles all of these vital business facets from one place. Read more »

MoxTree Gives Moms their Own Community

photo moxtree-gives-moms-their-own-community.pngRaising children is no easy feat, and moms need connections to other likeminded moms who can offer camaraderie and advice.  Often mothers have hectic schedules, though, and do not have the time to run to a myriad of sites for all of their interests.  Many women do find themselves joining many different sites and clubs to meet all of their needs.  They may join a different club or website to join with a community of other moms centered around exercise, professional networking, or book clubs, for instance.  Simply put, MoxTree is a social network for moms.  It makes connections between moms easier and focuses not only on the parenting component, but on the entire woman.  It gives moms the tools to find other moms near them with varied interests, knowledge, experience, and compatibilities. Read more »

Use WhereNotes for Quick, Easy Note-Taking

photo use-wherenotes-for-quick-easy-note-taking.jpgMany people use their mobile devices to take photos in order to remember specific products, places, and more.  Notepads on tablets or note-taking apps on smartphones are more time-consuming, and a photo is much quicker and simpler.  Unfortunately, when returning to a location, they can find themselves scrolling through hundreds of photos in their photo gallery in order to find the one they want.   WhereNotes exists to make it easy for users to remember important photos, text, and audio, then associate those items with a specific location.  It is an app for iOS that also works on the Apple Watch, so notes are quickly accessible.  It makes remembering something and recalling it when you return easy, and its developers claim that it is like having your own private notebook at each place you visit. Read more »

Typing Agent is Effective Keyboard Training

photo typing-agent-is-effective-keyboard-training.pngLearning to type is necessary with our growing dependence on technology and computers, and it begins in school.  Students need something that keeps their interest to learn most effectively.  The more engaged students are the more they learn, but it is about more than just fun. Typing Agent is an intuitive typing training app that gives educators and school administrators the most innovative tools and management features possible.  It is interesting and engaging while adding a unique social element and providing more for teachers and parents as well. Read more »

Stocial Makes Stock Trading Social

photo stocial-makes-stock-trading-social.jpgAccording to economists, there is ample demand for a social blogging service that targets stocks, trading, and financial information.  While there is already plenty of similar data all over the Internet, Stocial is different, working to make stocks social.  Its developers intend it to be, in their own words, a one-stop shop for all financial news, including stocks, analysis and financial journalism, all curated in a live feed.  It does this by having an updated news feed that incorporates Twitter, StockTwits and Yahoo! Finance, as well as similar financial news sites and tickers.  It goes even further, though, gathering information from your friends, family and followers as well. Read more »

Take Control of Your Health with Cures

photo take-control-of-your-health-with-cures.pngThere are many medical apps for our technology, most effectively used in conjunction with doctors and medical professionals.  These allow us to help ourselves between doctor visits while enabling collaboration with others responsible for our health.  Mobile devices let us keep diligent notes if, for instance, we are tracking a fever, helping us to keep up on when it is time to take medication and reviewing information with a doctor.  The problem is that writing everything down becomes very cumbersome, and there can be several different ways to use our mobile devices in these situations.  This is where Cures comes in.  Cures is an all-in-one medical reference tool and health journaling app that helps you track illness and treatment from your mobile device.  It features thousands of treatments for the most common health problems, visually designed for easy browsing, searching, and bookmarking.  Medical experts contribute the treatments, and community users can share their own tips and experiences. Read more »

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© 1997-2025 RESCUECOM Corporation
Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending