Make Your Computer Fast Again!
One of the most common problems computer repair companies encounter is with customers who have slow running computers. A slow running computer can require computer support, but the need for computer repair may be prevented through some simple general maintenance. General maintenance is limited to actions on the computer that a novice with a limited understanding of how computers work may accomplish without harming the computer.
Slow running computers are computers that lag during functions that had once been mundane. These are not problems that require computer repair, just vigilance in general maintenance. Most computer users are unaware that the tools needed to solve slow running computer issues are on their computer already. Computers run slow because they lose space on the hard drive due to information and programs, some of which run independent of the user, like malware and viruses.
But not all slow running computers require significant computer repair or computer support. Instead, users may easily eliminate many of the problem files through tools available on their desktop. The easiest way to stop a slow running computer from developing problems that require computer repair or additional computer support from professionals is to run a Disk Cleanup. In the Windows Accessories tools, there is a Disk Cleanup option. By cleaning out temporary Internet files, the recycle bin and Downloaded Program Files, even a computer that has only been in use for three days may free up 2 GB of space!
Many computer repair experts recommend removing unwanted applications as well. Without additional computer support, you may simply remove unwanted or unused programs through the “Add Or Remove Programs” function on the Start menu of Windows computers. This is an easy process, but computer repair professionals will recommend that you do a full back up before making changes to programs, just in case you accidentally remove a program that you actually need. After you remove programs you no longer use and find your system working faster, you may want to make a backup of the cleaner version of your hard drive.
The other general maintenance procedure that requires no additional computer support or aid from a computer repair service would be running a Defrag of your registry. After backing up the registry, use the Advanced Registry Optimizer to eliminate files, programs and applications that your computer no longer uses and should not look for.
Finally, you may prevent a call to a computer repair service simply by installing and regularly using an antivirus program. With several antivirus programs on the market, there are many options that novices may load without requiring additional computer support from professionals. Eliminating viruses, spyware and malware is a great way to get a slow running computer back up to speed.
If you are a novice, you need not become an expert in computer repair to keep your computer running fast. Without additional computer support, you have the tools to protect your computer!
RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.
For More Information, Contact:
David Milman, CEO