OpenSecrets Keeps Government Accountable And The U.S. Free!
Free speech and free access to information is absolutely vital in a capitalist democracy. Any government that allows individuals, organizations and businesses to contribute financially to the political process owes its citizens a transparent process for auditing those contributions. In the United States, there is no easier system for tracking money in politics than OpenSecrets. is a website run by the nonpartisan Center For Responsive Politics. On OpenSecrets, you may investigate the fundraising of every political candidate registered with the Federal Election Commission. Because the Center For Responsive Politics is not affiliated with the FEC or any political party, it provides unbiased tools that track the flow of money in politics. Understanding how money flows to a candidate may provide voters with a realistic view of how that candidate will actually act when elected. Because politicians are beholden to their donors, it is very easy to spot a hypocritical candidate. OpenSecrets makes that very easy to do. Because the website features a whole section on influence and lobbying, voters have easy tools to investigate the candidates on their ballot, whether the media does or not. OpenSecrets shows which Political Action Committees donate money to each candidate, giving voters a more precise picture of the political landscape. features a very easy to use interface and a powerful search engine. Users may find quarterly representations of a candidate’s financial standing through prominent tabs. Clicking on the Politicians & Elections tab easily transports you to a guide for any Federally-recognized election for the current election cycle. Clicking on a candidate or politician’s name, provides you with the current financial status of their campaign! The interface is so easy to use; you can be at a political rally and check the candidate’s finances on your smartphone!
Arguably the best tool that provides is a powerful donor lookup tool. OpenSecrets has archived all the FEC’s donor filing documents and provides you with complete, free, access to them! By clicking on the Donor Lookup tab, you can find out if any private citizen has donated to any political campaign dating back to 1990 when the disclosure laws went into effect. The Donor Lookup tool on can give you a better idea of who you are voting for, what issues are important to your friends and just who puts their money where their mouth is when it comes to politics! Moreover, the results come in fast; the typical search on OpenSecrets takes less than a second to execute.
OpenSecrets is a powerful political tool, especially in a time when the Courts frequently fail to protect access to information that should be public. OpenSecrets is an online storage depot of information that belongs to the public and we are lucky to have such a sophisticated system watching the flow of money in politics.
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