An Anything But Random Academic, Mads Haahr Is Brilliant And Clever!
It takes a special type of genius to create something truly and absolutely original on the Internet. Mads Haahr is one of those truly unique individuals. After all, Haahr is the founder and CEO of and there is nowhere like in the real world or online!
Mads Haahr is an academic who is fascinated by science fiction and is an adept computer programmer. After a year at the University Of British Columbia as a visiting student in the Computer Science department, he returned to the University of Copenhagen to complete his Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and English. He remained at Copenhagen through 1999 when he presented his Master’s thesis on ECO models.
Continuing his education in Computer Science, Haahr relocated to Ireland. At Trinity College in Dublin, Haahr pursued his Doctorate in Computer Science. It was during his tenure in the Doctorate program that Haahr founded and innovated an entirely new way to make a random number generator work. By combining atmospheric sensors with his software, Haahr provided a program that was actually random by every possible measure. This innovation came from a quirky view of the world that seeks to combine lines of programming with real world elements. The fact that Haahr could make the system work illustrates his genius and the quality of his unique perspective. In 2003, Haahr published his thesis, Supporting Mobile Computing in Object-Oriented Middleware Architectures and received his PhD in Computer Science.
Since then, Haahr has remained at Trinity College where he is gainfully employed as a lecturer. While he continues to run, his creativity has expanded to the software industry. As founder and CEO of Haunted Planet Studios, Mads Haahr continues to find new ways to blend software and reality. To that end, Haunted Planet Studios created its first game using the Falkland Palace in Scotland. By combining the physical location with satellite positioning technology, Haahr’s Haunted Planet Studios created an interactive computer game unlike any before. Like, Haunted Planet Studios blends real world elements with computer programming to create an experience different from any that the user has experienced before. That connection between the virtual world and reality is the brainchild of Mads Haahr.
Mads Haahr is a great example of how a person who sees the world differently may work effectively to change it. Haahr is a computer programmer who is continually breaking down the walls between the virtual computer world and the physical world we live in. Given how much he has accomplished in the last twenty years, it is exciting to think where he might lead us next!
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