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Simplilearn Helps Working Adults Get Certifications to Help Their Careers

For many professional careers, including ones in the IT support industry, professional certification and additional training are becoming a requirement to get ahead.  Unfortunately, many working adults cannot find time in their schedules to dedicate to training and additional education, especially if they’re taking care of family as well as working full time.  Cool technology product Simplilearn is utilizing the Internet’s flexibility to offer working professionals training and certification options that they can actually fit into their schedule.  Simplilearn offers users a wide range of courses in multiple fields that adults can take both online and in classroom settings.  They even offer courses that use a combination of the two methods to attempt to fit the needs of as many adults as possible.  Simplilearn also offers a slew of online practice tests for users so they can prepare accordingly for their certifications.  Each Simplilearn course comes coupled with a set of online resources specific to that certain class.  These resources often include online forums for students to interact in and ask questions before their certification exam. 

Simplilearn casts a wide net when offering certification options and training.  Users can sign up for courses in project management, IT management, cloud computing, security, finance, and quality control.  The site even offers company-specific courses such as Microsoft courses and Cisco certification.  Each subject has both online courses, classroom courses and mixed options available.  The site also offers these courses year-round and users can choose when they want to take them.  Simplilearn’s aim is for any professional to have access to further training in their field.

Simplilearn supplements their course offerings with free web resources on their site.  They have a database of relevant articles and training videos that potential users can read and watch for free.  They have videos and articles for every professional area in which they also offer classes.  Theoretically, it is possible that anyone considering further training but unsure about committing could test the waters with these articles and videos.  With the resources creating further interest, Simplilearn could net more signups for their classes.  Anyone who wants to view these free resources but has trouble accessing them can get assistance from online computer support services.


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