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Gilad Berenstein Founded Utrip to Make Planning the Perfect Trip Simpler

The Internet has made planning vacations far easier in most situations.  Travel websites have made travel agencies redundant and unnecessary for most people.  However, mainstream travel websites tend to focus on the bare bones of a major trip—such as airfare, hotels, and occasionally a few mainstream attractions.  Cool person in technology Gilad Berenstein believes more is possible with the web and that people should be able to plan dream vacations, fully booked with interesting activities, more easily.  That’s why this cool person founded his company Utrip, which uses artificial intelligence to help people plan trips and vacations they are more likely to enjoy. 

Utrip tries to make planning the perfect trip as easy as making a few simple decisions and clicking one’s mouse accordingly.  When users log on to Berenstein’s website, they can start planning right away.  At first, users input their travel dates and destination just like any other travel website.  Utrip provides airfare and hotel options (also providing hostels as an option for those traveling on a budget) to users right away, but after that is when Berenstein’s service sets itself apart.  Utrip then recommends specially curated activities for a user’s trip from their huge database of attractions.  Utrip uses AI technology to choose what activities to offer someone based on how that person sets up his or her profile.  Each profile contains 15 “sliders” for different aspects of a vacation that users adjust accordingly.  For example, a user can adjust their “museums” or “history” sliders all the way to the top and their “food” and “nightlife” sliders all the way to the bottom to indicate their priorities on a particular vacation.  Berenstein’s product then uses that information to provide intelligently selected activities to users who want to flesh out their vacation.  Anyone who has trouble using the sliders or handling the widgets on Utrip may need online tech support to guide them.

Berenstein’s background before founding Utrip is entirely in business and finance, not technology.  Berenstein likely isn’t devoid of technical knowledge, as one can’t exactly run a successful tech startup while being the sort of person who calls tech support for basic computer help.  Still, it is interesting to see this cool person become successful by stepping out of his comfort zone professionally.  Before becoming Utrip’s CEO, Berenstein was a tax associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers and a management consultant at GB Consulting.  Through his hard work and management expertise, Berenstein has managed to shift careers and run a small tech company very successfully.


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