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Remind101 Helps Teachers Keep Students and Parents Up-to-Date with Their Classes

Schools do not generally allow teachers to have direct communication with their students outside of class due to privacy and safety concerns.  Unfortunately, this mistrust of teachers makes it difficult to keep students and parents informed about what is happening in class at school.  Students do not have permission to share cell phone numbers, so mass texting is impossible; despite the fact that many young people use their phones as their main means of communication.  Some services provide an Internet-based hub or website where teachers can post assignments and updates, but there is no guarantee that students are going to visit the site and check their assignments.  It is equally unlikely that parents would check for their children. 

The good news is that there is now a cool product from the startup world that can help teachers solve this problem.  Remind101 is a piece of mobile software that lets teachers easily send mass text messages to their classes while maintaining privacy.  All texts sent through Remind101 are one-way, meaning that students and students do not have direct lines of communication to each other through this system.  Users who are still concerned about the security of Remind101 and how it is used can ask for information from a phone tech support specialist.

The sign-up process for Remind101 is simple.  Teachers simply provide a number to students at the beginning of the year and students send a text with their name to the number.  This action adds that student’s phone into this cool product’s database in order to send updates about homework, assignments, and tests straight to students’ phones via SMS.  While students often forget to check assignment pads or online blogs for information about homework, it’s highly unlikely that they would ignore a text sent directly to their phones.  Young people often have their lives revolve around their cell phone.  That makes smartphones a great way to keep them reminded about their schoolwork.

Teachers control what texts Remind101 sends to their students through a special dashboard the startup provides to them.  The dashboard allows teachers to create subgroups in case certain groups of students have different deadlines for assignments (such as group projects).  It also lets teachers pre-schedule texts so that they can plan ahead for months at a time.  Any users who have trouble accessing their Remind1010 dashboard need to speak to a cloud computer support specialist.

Remind101 is a new startup that wants to help teachers communicate and students succeed.  How far the concept will go is up in the air, but the idea has roots in good logic.


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