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Brewster Modernizes and Socializes Your Smartphone’s Contact List

Smartphones can sometimes seem like a contradictory term, because while these devices have added many smart features, the phone aspect of their function mostly remains unchanged.  The only real advantage that smartphones have over regular phones is the transplanting of an alphabetical address book into digital format.

Cool product Brewster believes that more is possible when it comes to changing how people use the phone aspect of their mobile devices.  Brewster socializes and makes a user’s contact list “smart”.  With this cool product, someone’s digital address book doesn’t simply organize alphabetically, but through the relationships that person has.  Brewster categorizes users’ address books based on how often they contact each person in them and the relationships that the users have with their contacts.  Brewster pulls information from your social networking profiles in order to organize your address book appropriately.  Through connections with services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google Plus, the team at Brewster claims it can create an address book that is more suited to each individual user than the standard alphabetical format.  People who have trouble connecting their social networking accounts to Brewster can get help from a mobile tech support specialist to fix the problem.

Brewster allows people to search through their contacts not only based on their name, number, or email address.  Brewster allows users to search based on interests or social connection.  For example, if someone has tickets to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, that person can then search through their contact list for people who also list Red Hot Chili Peppers as one of their favorite bands in order to invite them.  This feature could be useful for users that have many contacts or even those who have trouble remembering every detail about everyone they know.  Brewster makes smartphones’ contact search function smarter and more personalized to a user’s contact list.  Certain types of users could certainly benefit greatly from these sorts of features on their phone.

Brewster is available on both the Apple App Store and on the Google Play Store.  However, Android devices allow Brewster to integrate directly with the phone’s contact list where it runs as a separate app on iOS.  Anyone who has trouble with the integration possible on Android phones should get help from an Android support service.  Regardless of platform, Brewster is a bold product that could make serious waves in the mobile app market.


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