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FromAtoB Does Things Differently Than Other Travel Sites

The majority of travel sites essentially handle their business in similar ways.  They focus on specific partners, book through agents that work for the site rather than the transit provider themselves, focus on flights over other forms of travel, and charge convenience fees for booking through the site in the first place.  Cool product FromAtoB is a travel site that doesn’t follow these conventions and attempts to give customers a different, more pure experience.  Rather than have customers book their transit through the site itself as a surrogate, FromAtoB acts more like a search engine. It connects users directly to travel providers themselves.  This difference means that customers avoid unnecessary middlemen, and even potentially avoid unwanted “convenience fees” or extra charges incurred by booking through a surrogate.  FromAtoB lets users search through hundreds or providers and then links customers to those sites so they can purchase their transit and accommodations directly from the source.  FromAtoB wants to de-complicate the process of using a travel website, and this feature is one of its main tools in doing so.

FromAtoB also looks different from many other travel websites.  The company did not want customers to have to call home tech support just to navigate their site, so they focused on a minimalistic design.  Unlike many other online travel companies that have somewhat cluttered sites that are riddled with advertisements, FromAtoB focuses entirely on the search bar.  Users only interact with the search bar when they log on and only have to click once to get results without sifting through any other content.

FromAtoB also differentiates itself from its competition by not focusing exclusively on air travel.  Instead, this cool product provides users with potential options for travel by bus and train as well.  Just as most travel websites do, FromAtoB also has options for purchasing rental cars or cab rides for when a traveler reaches their destination.  Any users who have trouble interacting with these features on FromAtoB will need online computer support for assistance.

FromAtoB has set out to change the paradigm of booking travel online, or at least create a compelling alternative to mainstream travel sites.  Hopefully, FromAtoB can keep their momentum as they continue to push their ideas into the marketplace.


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