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Teachers Can Make Dynamic Presentations with bContext

PowerPoint presentations, while useful for businesses and professional conferences, aren’t always ideal for educational situations. More often than not, students simply do not find themselves engaged while staring at static lists and bullet points.  Cool product bContext aims to help with this issue with their iPad app.  The application allows teachers to upload static file types such as PDFs and PowerPoint presentations and then transform those documents into interactive presentations.  When a user uploads a document onto their iPad to use it in the bContext app, the app lets teachers mark up the document with their own handwriting.  Rather than requiring expensive projector equipment or smart pen technology, bContext offers teachers a cheap solution for interacting with their presentations through markup and added notes.  Teachers can make notes on their PowerPoint presentation or PDF files as they discuss them in class, creating a more dynamic experience that teachers can use to get students interested.  Teachers who have problems transferring their documents to their tablet will need iPad support to get the app to work properly.

The iPad application does more than let teachers easily mark up their documents during presentations.  Teachers who use bContext can also record their presentations as they perform them.  This includes not only recording the markings they make during the presentation, but also recording what the professor says during the class as well.  The app then adds the audio track to the video recording of the teacher’s markups and outputs a video file that teachers can make available for their students.  This feature allows students to be able to revisit the class when they have trouble with the material.  Teachers can use bContext not only to liven up their classes, but also to provide students with study material once class is over.  Students who miss class due to illness or other circumstances can also essentially take the class themselves by watching the recording later.

The bContext app comes in both a free version and a “pro” version.  The free version includes all the basic features of bContext and lets users share any recordings they make on public social networks.  However, the pro version enables private sharing, which lets teachers limit the viewing of their presentations to only their students.  Teachers who want help finding out how to limit who they share their videos with can find Apple tech support.  Both versions are available through the Apple App Store.


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David Milman

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