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Jump2Spot Explores the Stories of Your Location

Jump2Spot is a cool product in technology that operates on the idea that every geographic location has a story worth telling.  The team at Jump2Spot wants to share those stories and make them easily accessible to the world with the help of mobile technology.  With the combination of intense research and geotagging technology, Jump2Spot has mapped over 70,000 moments and stories to their location.  Those who want to learn the stories that a place holds can go online or on the Jump2Spot iPhone app and search through a location’s moments.  Moments can be things like groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs, important political happenings, or even something as simple as a major public figure or celebrity visiting a store or a restaurant.  These moments have been tagged to their location digitally either by the Jump2Spot staff or the app’s users. 

Each moment or location on Jump2Spot is searchable through the app or the website so you can view the stories attached to the places around you whenever you want.  If you have issues with the iPhone app or tagging a location, you should find iPhone IT support.

On both the website and on the app, Jump2Spot filters moments in two different ways.  First, it organizes moments by “spots”.  Clicking or tapping on a “spot” allows you to see every moment that has been geotagged to that location at once.  That means if you’re in a famous place, such as the National Mall in Washington DC or the Empire State Building in New York, you can view the events that occurred there.

The other way Jump2Spot organizes its geotagged moments is by “journey”.  Journeys take all the moments attached to a specific person and organizes them collects them all in one place for you to browse.  For example, you can view all the tagged moments in Steve Jobs or Bob Dylan’s life.  When you view a journey, it takes the form of a biographical slide show that goes through each geotagged moment in chronological order.   With journeys, Jump2Spot hopes to provide an insightful look at the lives of many prominent people through the places they’ve been.  The easiest way to view journeys is through Jump2Spot’s website.  If your Internet browser is causing you problems on the site, get phone computer support to fix the issue.


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David Milman

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