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StoryPress Keeps Your Stories Alive

We all have stories to tell and many of us fear losing them to history, where at best they’ll become lists of facts stored in dusty file cabinets.  Personal histories, especially those passed on orally, are often lost this way.  Michael Davis believes StoryPress can help solve this problem.  StoryPress lets users document and record their personal stories orally using an iPad.  Each story is stored virtually on StoryPress’s cloud drive, where one can access it anytime.  StoryPress also organizes your stories and allows you to make them available for public viewing if you desire.

This is an elegant application of technology for recording and organizing family and personal histories.  Michael Davis, the CEO of StoryPress, had family histories in mind when he created the app, but other interesting uses have appeared.

Davis recalled one such use when RESCUECOM spoke to him.  “My favorite [use case] is a High School in Ohio that’s doing a town history project where the students are interviewing store owners, former mayors and citizens about what the town was like in the past,” he told us, “They are using StoryPress to capture these stories in a digital library so it can be saved for future generations.”  It seems the StoryPress concept allows for a much warmer version of archival history than the cold data and statistics we’re accustomed to now.

StoryPress allows users to download their stories for themselves but also stores them on a cloud-based system for easy access to the stories anywhere. While most people use cloud storage as a simple data backup tool, Davis found it to be the perfect solution for StoryPress’s goals. When asked why he chose to use cloud-computing, Davis said, “I originally designed StoryPress as an iPad only application with no website or cloud, thinking the users could just use iCloud to get their stories into iTunes and off the device.” Unfortunately, Apple’s cloud service does not allow for such an application.  This left Davis with a choice.  They could either try using an outside service such as Dropbox or Evernote or develop their own system. “We opted to build our own,” the CEO said, “not just to have full control of the eco-system but to control the presentation of the story.”  Story presentation is indeed important to Davis, who is currently attempting to acquire funding to expand his service to include video and multimedia options as well.

StoryPress is available as iPad app right now, with an Android version forthcoming.  If you have trouble getting the app to work, seek iPad support for help.



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