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The Steampunk Workshop Helps Outsiders Customize Their Computers!

When you are not a member of a certain subculture, you may be entirely ignorant of its existence, much less what the principles and beliefs are for that culture or group.  As the Internet has effectively made the world smaller by connecting people from obscure subcultures, it has made learning about different groups of people much easier.  One of the most intriguing subcultures that has a surprising interest in computers and technology is the steampunk movement.

The steampunk subculture is preoccupied with reimagining the modern world as if steam power was still the dominant form of power.  The steampunk movement glorifies the sense of style of the Victorian Era and redesigns our modern conveniences to fit that style.  One of the very best resources on the Internet for those looking to understand steampunk is The Steampunk Workshop.

The Steampunk Workshop is an online resource for both information about steampunk and specific steampunk projects.  The information found on the site ranges from blogs about projects and events to highlights of individuals in the steampunk movement.  What is easy to glean from the very first page of The Steampunk Workshop is that steampunkers like brass and copper!

What is not as evident right off the bat is that steampunk enthusiasts are fearless in their pursuit of their artistic vision.  You need only to see the step by step instructions on how to transform your computer monitor into a steampunk screen to realize steampunk enthusiasts take a lot of risks in order to satisfy their quirky sense of style.  The creation of a steampunk monitor involves stripping off your monitor’s housing (completely voiding the warranty in the process!), painting, soldering, and reframing the LCD screen.  Like most steampunk devices, the steampunk computer monitor adds additional levers and buttons to actually make the flat-screen monitor a little more difficult to use and bulky!  The result, however, is extraordinary; the artists at The Steampunk Workshop have reinvented the computer monitor in such a way that it looks like an antique instead of cutting edge technology!

The Steampunk Workshop includes other computer overhauls to customize your PC or laptop computer and make it less modern.  Contributors have made innovatively retro keyboards, entire PC systems and computer mice!

Over the Internet, steampunk enthusiasts are able to share their unique projects and bring their culture together.  They also appear to be very open to new people joining their movement.  But if you are not artistically-inclined, the steampunk movement may not be for you.  Steampunk is a movement you have to build; you cannot buy pre-manufactured steampunk computer components.  Because of the lack of commercialism in the subculture, sites like The Steampunk Workshop promise to be invaluable for years to come!


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