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It’s Not You, It’s The Internet: Sites That Check Your Connectivity!

Have you ever tried to connect to a website and wondered if your computer is to blame or if the site you are trying to reach is down?  You might spend several minutes and switch between web browsers in the attempt to find out if the site you want to go to is actually where it is supposed to be on the World Wide Web.  As with virtually everything else, there is a solution to your problem found easily on the Internet.

There are a number of Internet sites that now offer the free service of checking to see if a website you are interested in is actually active.  That is a very cool service and arguably the best of the market are:

Down For Everyone Or Just Me.  Despite the cumbersome name, Down For Everyone Or Just Me remains one of the most simple to use websites on the entire Internet.  Arriving at the main page, users are prompted to enter the website URL they want to access.  They are then directed to an answer page with a very simple answer of “It’s just you” (when the website you are looking for is actually running fine) or “It’s not just you” if the website you are looking for is not operating.  There is space for advertisements at the bottom of each results page, but no one ever seems to buy space there.  From the results page, you may enter another URL or leave the site.  This website is a very simple, very cool tool with no frills and a distinctly helpful and uncluttered format that is refreshing to find on the Internet.

Downrightnow.  With its very easy to remember name, Downrightnow is a simple and direct resource for the major social networks.  With a very clear graphic interface, Downrightnow informs you instantly of any service disruptions to Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, YouTube and other popular websites.  The only disadvantage to Downrightnow is that it only lists the major sites, but it is an invaluable tool for checking those sites and learning about service disruptions to the major Internet players.

IsUp. is an exceptionally easy name to remember when you are frustrated about Internet problems.  IsUp has as simple an interface as Down For Everybody Or Just Me and is as reliable.  The no-frills approach serves IsUp very well; many of the flashier websites that check the Internet for you came up with false positives or false negatives.  IsUp might have a simple interface, but it has great accuracy!

The above sites provide a valuable, free service of checking the Internet for the websites you want to find.  Using them can help you determine if there is a glitch somewhere out on the World Wide Web or if you actually need computer repairs for your computer.  Of course, if you cannot even connect to these sites, you probably need technical support!


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