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Internet Security: Browser Hijack!

RESCUECOM offers suggestions to prevent browser hijacking, protect your computer, and utilize computer support.

A common Internet security threat is browser hijacking.  Malware programs can hijack your Internet browser, changing your home page, altering your settings, and decreasing functionality.   There are ways to prevent this Internet security violation. 

Preventing this breach of Internet security starts with being careful where you surf.  Most malware writers tend to package their programs on less reputable web sites, such as those that promote file sharing or adult entertainment.  Avoiding these sites is the simplest way to protect your Internet security.

A strong protective program is another easy solution.  A program such as RESCUECOM’s Internet Security Suite provides a tough layer of protection.  It is vital that such a program is installed before your computer is compromised.  Many hijacking programs prevent the download or installation of Internet security programs.  If that happens, seek computer support immediately.

If your browser is hijacked, there are some steps you can take, in conjunction with seeking computer support, to restore control.

The first step is to update and run every protection program you have installed.  Be sure you have the most recent updates, as malware is constantly being adapted.

You must determine exactly what has infected your computer.  This will allow you to work with a computer support specialist to clean your computer.

One popular freeware program that can help is HijackThis.   It scans your system and produces a log file that you can post online, in RESCUECOM’s Computer Support Forum for example, where a technician can use it to guide you through a computer cleaning.

Following these tips can help protect your Internet security.  If you do fall victim to a hijacker, RESCUECOM’s computer support technicians can provide fast and flawless malware removal to clean your computer.


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