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How to Speed Up a Slow Computer

RESCUECOM offers suggestions to speed up a slow computer.

Computing is not all about speed, but it is important.   A slow computer can be frustrating.  Even worse, it might signal the need for computer repair.  There are ways to speed up a slow computer, hopefully without the need for expensive computer repair.

There are some easily fixed causes of a slow computer.  Chief among these is memory.  Computers are capable of doing multiple tasks simultaneously.  However, sometimes we take that a bit too far and do too much.

Running too many programs at once uses memory.   Memory is what allows a computer to multi-task so easily.  Every process though, uses memory, and when that runs low, things slow down.  You can check the status of your computer’s memory yourself, or contact a RESCUECOM computer repair technician.  They can diagnose a memory problem and help guide you in how to fix or upgrade it.

Many programs run in “the background”, doing their jobs out of the way, while you do something else.  Anti virus programs commonly work like this.  These background programs can use up memory without you knowing it, which can lead to a slow computer.  These programs are best run when you are not doing anything else.

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Do you know how many programs begin running when you start up your computer?  You would probably be surprised at the number.  Only some of these programs are necessary.  Turning off unnecessary programs can speed things up.  A RESCUECOM computer repair technician can help you decide which programs are best shut off.

There is one last potential reason for a slow computer:  viruses, spyware, and malware which can all significantly slow your computer.  Worse yet, they can cause damage far beyond a slow computer, resulting in the need for serious computer repair.  Regularly running an anti-virus program, such as RESCUECOM’s Internet Security Suite, can eliminate these programs.

Following these tips can help speed up a slow computer.  After following these steps, if your computer is still slow, contact RESCUECOM Computer Repair, for fast and flawless computer repair and support.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

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