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Car Manufacturers and iPhones

If asked what they first think of when putting cars and smartphones together, most people would answer with something about not texting while driving or about touch screens in their car. No one would answer with “an iPhone case.”

That may be about to change, however, because Nissan is getting ready to release a new iPhone case. Yes, Nissan the car manufacturer is making an iPhone case, yet why they are is very interesting. The Nissan Scratch Shield iPhone case will heal itself from any kind of scratches that occur.

The car company has been using this amazing technology on their vehicles since 2009 and it is a very successful. The special paint is able to fix any scratches to its surface because it contains a chemical from the exoskeletons of crustaceans. This chemical, chitosan, uses UV light to repair all scratches by responding to damage in the chemical structure of the paint. After about an hour, most minor scratches completely repair themselves. It takes longer for deeper scratches, but it should be no more than overnight.

The Scratch Shield iPhone case will begin with a trial run to test the market, but if people like it, Nissan will release the case later this year. Obviously, this scratch-healing paint will soon be in high demand, not just for cases but also for the devices themselves. While scratches do not generally affect a device’s functionality, they are annoying and, if jagged or deep enough, can hurt to hold. Most users will demand this technology on their phones once they realize the benefits it can provide.

Firstly, smartphones will last longer. The casing will be as smooth and unblemished when the phone becomes obsolete as the day it was purchased.

Secondly, smartphones will require less mobile computer repair. Since they will be able to heal themselves of most minor damage to the casing, users will not need to repair or replace their devices as often.

Finally, smartphones will suddenly be much more durable. With the advent of this new self-repairing paint, the WaterBlock coating, and Gorilla Glass 2.0, our mobile computing devices will suddenly need much less hardware computer support. Repairs will be fewer and further between, devices will last longer, and people will suddenly get even more careless with their smartphones than they already are.

Even though the outer hardware will last longer on smartphones and tablets, it does not mean that manufacturers will create software and inner components that will last longer as well. You may find that before you have to repair or replace your phone because of damage, you have to buy a new battery. It may also be that when our phones are more durable, we will simply throw them away after two years (or less) as we do now. Either way, smartphones will see a huge upgrade in durability within the next year or two.


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