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TheHubEDU Makes Learning Effective through Collaboration

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There are many useful tools and resources for academics on the Internet.  Unfortunately, even when you are able to find them, it is difficult to share and discuss that content beyond the classroom.  According to its creators, TheHubEDU exists to make it easy to find the great people, places and things that support one’s academic life, then to simplify the sharing of those resources once discovered.  The app accomplishes this by creating a place online where people can organize, share and discuss information and media that serves to aid in class discussion or is part of the classwork itself.  It is an extremely helpful way for students to organize all of their articles and research for classes. Read more »

Diveboard Is Your Largest Online Scuba Resource

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There is a specific place within social media for every one of the many varied interests people share, and scuba diving is no exception. Until recently, anything more than small-scale sharing of photos and very simplistic dive profile data was very difficult without the use of expensive professional equipment, but that is no longer the case. This is thanks in large part to Diveboard, which goes beyond basic social media photo sharing to involve divers in ways not previously feasible. Read more »

Your Ideal Yoga Is on YogaTrail

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As technology has grown, its most noticeable and widest-ranging impact has been to connect people in a way that was never possible before, creating online communities of people who would otherwise have no means of sharing their interests.  For yoga lovers and practitioners, YogaTrail provides both app-based and website access to a community of like-minded people with a love for the ages-old practice. Read more »

Dipping Into the World of Electronic Tipping

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As technology for credit cards and near-field communication (NFC) evolves, people are steadily moving further and further away from using cash to pay for things. While being able to pay for everything with your card or smartphone may be convenient, it often leaves you with less cash in your pocket, much to the dismay of many workers whose pay relies on the tips they receive. Quite often, this can lead to an awkward tipping situation in establishments that only have cash tip jars. Restaurant staff, baristas, valets, hairdressers and barbers, and many other people in service industries have seen a decline in tips they receive as non-cash transactions have been on the rise. Read more »

AllClasses Helps People Search for Online and Offline Classes

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People are constantly looking for ways to learn new skills, develop their interests and further their education.  Taking classes in a person’s free time is one of the best ways to go about accomplishing these things.  There are countless classes available both online and offline that can help people master a huge variety of skills and disciplines.  The difficulty is locating the classes that best serve a person’s purposes and interests.  AllClasses is a cool product in technology that offers people an easy way to search for all sorts of classes on the web.  Whether someone wants to take a college class while considering if he or she should go back to school full-time or wants to learn more about a new craft or hobby such as painting, AllClasses can help them quickly find the right class to take.  To use AllClasses, people just go on the website, choose a location and search for the type of class they’re looking for using whatever keywords they like.  AllClasses gives users results listing location, dates and price so they can easily sift through them and find what they need.  Those who experience issues while trying to connect to AllClasses may have a technical issue blocking their Internet connection.  People with this problem should contact a computer repair company for help as soon as possible. Read more »

What is RAM?

photo RAMWhen going out to purchase a new computer, one of the specs that people often discuss is the amount of RAM, or random access memory, that a computer has.  However, most people do not truly understand the purpose RAM serves in their computers.  With this article, RESCUECOM intends to give people a stronger understanding of RAM so they can make informed purchasing decisions regarding it in the future. Read more »

Jason DeRoner Helps Teachers and Administrators Communicate with TeachBoost

A major issue within the world of education is the relationship between educators and school administration.  There is an occasional disconnect between teachers and school officials due to misunderstandings and perceived lack of support from the other side.  Teachers would be better off with an effective way to receive constant support and communicate their specific goals in the classroom as they understand them.  Officials would benefit tremendously from a way to keep track of all teachers in an organized manner and provide continual feedback on specific issues.  Cool person in technology Jason DeRoner has developed a tool for teachers and school administrators that accomplishes these things with TeachBoost.  TeachBoost is a platform that gives teachers and school leaders constant access to each other.  DeRoner’s service works as an organizational tool for administrators and teachers as well as a means of communication.  Teachers have access to support from school leadership whenever they have a specific issue, as well as the ability to view their own development as educators through the eyes of their bosses.  Schools that have any issues integrating TeachBoost into their systems can get help from a professional IT support provider. Read more »

Dextr Wants to Revolutionize Mobile Keyboards by Alphabetizing Them

The QWERTY keyboard layout debuted on the typewriter in 1873 and has been the standard for typing since that time.  This wide adoption was mostly due to the popularity of the Remington model of typewriter that used the design.  Due to the popularity of the QWERTY layout, personal computers also adopted it early on in the development of the technology.  Most have never questioned it due to the similarities between word processing on a computer and typing on a typewriter.  However, once the QWERTY keyboard became a standard for touch screen mobile devices, some disadvantages became apparent.  The confusing layout lost the advantages it had on tactile systems when transferred to the confined space on a mobile phone screen.  Since most users were only using their thumbs or a few fingers to type, the QWERTY keyboard was no longer optimal.  That’s why cool product Dextr wants to challenge the QWERTY keyboard standard on mobile devices and replace it with an alphabetical layout. Anyone who wants to try Dextr’s new style of mobile keyboard but has trouble setting it up on their phone can ask a mobile tech support professional to help them install this cool product. Read more »

Unbound Wants to be Kickstarter for Authors

Crowdfunding has deeply affected the way many people look at their entertainment and the artists who create it.  Where popular art, fiction, music, and even games once only came from monolithic institutions that had a disproportionate amount of say over what the public got to consume, now Kickstarter, Indiegogo and its brethren have made it so the public can access and fund any work they want to see or hear, independently of larger industry trends.  Still, most people consider crowdfunding solely as a way to fund the actual creation of a project, not to directly compensate creators for their work.  This is why most art that people fund on sites like Kickstarter are projects that take large amounts of cash to complete such as albums, movies, comics, and video games.  However, cool product Unbound wants to use the crowdfunding model as an alternative to the book industry and, even more significantly, want to use it to compensate authors directly. Read more »

Nezasa is an Internet Service that Replaces Your Travel Agent

There are many options for planning vacations via the web, such as travel sites like Orbitz and Expedia, but most of these options are limited in nature.  They only allow you to plan certain things ahead and generally offer no easy tools to plan anything beyond a place to stay and a flight to get there.  Many vacationers want to plan a complete and unique trip with a detailed schedule, but most travel websites don’t offer this option, forcing such travelers to speak to a travel agent.  Nezasa is an online travel service that attempts to make planning even the most complicated and unique trips as easy as booking a flight is on other websites.  This cool product wants customers to be able to easily customize their entire trip, schedule every detail down to the minute, and book everything at once for a single price, eliminating the need to speak to a travel agent at all.  Nezasa aims to make even the most adventurous trips simple and convenient to plan for travelers.  Read more »

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Patented - Patent Numbers: 6,898,435, 8,832,424 and 9,477,488
Additional Patents Pending