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Internet Security for Santa

Using your network service to do your holiday shopping has many advantages.  There are no lines or crowds.  If you want to see another store’s price for a product, that information is a click away.  Even better, you don’t have to worry about parking at the mall – shopping has become as easy as turning on your computer and starting the network service. Shoppers who used their network service to buy gifts accounted for more than thirty billion dollars in sales last year.  Taking some quick and easy precautions will ensure that you can participate in this exciting new marketplace without compromising your Internet security.

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iPhone 4S Power is Lacking

Apple’s iPhone computer support personnel gave a press release on November 2, 2011 about customer complaints concerning their iPhone 4S.  Specifically, customers complained that the battery of the iPhone 4S was draining too quickly. Apple’s iPhone computer support staff said in the statement that the problems are the result of bugs in the iOS5 operating system.  This could mean trouble for Apple’s holiday sales, since other phone network service providers are standing by to pick up any slack.

The iPhone 4S hit shelves last month, and shortly after that, complaints began to come in to iPhone computer support hotlines.  Some customers reported that the iPhone 4S was drawing power even while in stand-by mode, and would go from a full charge to empty in as little as four hours.  Others stated that using the phone network service for as little as ten to fifteen minutes resulted in a ten percent loss in battery life.

The statement released by Apple’s iPhone computer support staff acknowledged the problem while avoiding any mention of a specific cause.  What the statement made clear is that the problems with the phone network service stem from a software issue, and that iPhone computer support personnel expect to release an update in a few weeks.

Here are a few things you can do to extend your battery life until iPhone computer support publishes the fix:

1) Turn down the brightness of your screen.   Less light emitted means less power drawn, which leads to a longer-lived battery.

2) Turn your wireless connections off when you’re not using them.  Many phone network services have features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or 3G wireless connections, which run in the background of the phone and increase power drain.  Turning these phone network services off when you don’t need them will help extend the life of your battery.

3) Be aware of the locator feature.  The iPhone 4S phone network service is constantly pinging GPS and cell-towers to find the phone’s location.  This allows the phone network service to do things like give you a local weather update, or find restaurants in your area.  While this feature enables the phone network service to do some neat things, the constant pinging is a real drain on your battery.  Some users concerned with their battery life have taken to turning this feature off unless they need it for something specific.

Though following each of these steps will result in slightly increased battery life, they are not a solution to the problem.  For a real solution, we’ll just have to wait until iPhone computer support releases their update in a few weeks.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Know When to Call the Pros.

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’re sitting at a computer.  Unless you happen to be a computer repair specialist, chances are also good that your idea of how that computer works is a bit vague.  So what will you do if your computer malfunctions?  Will you call a computer repair specialist?  Could you deal with the problem with help from a computer support hotline?  Or would you attempt your computer repair at home? With those questions in mind, let’s take a look at some common computer repair problems and what the average user can do about them.

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Is your computer really secure?

Most people have some form of virus removal software on their computer.  Despite that fact, a significant proportion of those users will have to deal with an Internet security issue at some point in their computing career.  This is because the threat environment online is dynamic; it evolves constantly, trying to outfox the Internet security providers and get to your data.  How can you be sure that your virus removal software is providing the most comprehensive protection?  Here are some questions you should ask in shopping for virus removal software:

1)  Is the virus removal software you’re considering from an established, reputable provider?  It’s important that you be able to trust your virus removal software.  Most brands will have reviews posted online, which can help you decide if that particular program will fit your needs.  Conversely, choosing a virus removal program without investigation carries many risks, not least among them the risk of having your Internet security compromised by a bogus “diagnostic scan.”

2)  What happens when the software detects a threat?  It is important to make a distinction between virus detection software and virus removal software.  Virus detection software will find a threat and then notify the user, leaving them to deal with the threat by themselves.  Virus removal software will detect the threat, isolate it, and then remove it from the computer, usually with little or no input from the user.

3)  How often does the software update its threat registry?  As mentioned above, the ways in which hackers test your Internet security are constantly changing.  It is important, therefore, to make sure that your virus removal software updates its threat registry regularly and often.  These updates will allow your virus removal software to detect and cope with the newest Internet security threats as they appear.

4)  Exactly what features does your virus removal software offer?  Before committing to a particular program, take a look at what it can offer you.  While it is true that some Internet security companies offer only bare-bones virus removal packages, others include things like personal firewalls for added security, or spam filters for your email accounts.  Just as with any other purchase, the goal when shopping for Internet security programs is to get the most value for your dollar.

5)  Does the software company stand by their product?  Let’s be clear: no matter how comprehensive your virus removal software is, no matter how careful you are with your permissions, there is still a chance that you will eventually have to deal with a breach of your Internet security.  Another important question when shopping for virus removal software is: what happens then?  Does the Internet security company have support personnel standing by, or is it up to the user to fix the problem?

These are just some of the important questions you should ask yourself when shopping for Internet security software.  Answering these questions before you buy will ensure that you get the best possible protection for your computer.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


SmartSwipe Your Way to Safer Online Shopping

If you’ve ever been in a small pizzeria or a local family diner that has just recently started accepting credit cards, you might have seen a little gadget that’s attached to the checkout computer—a small credit card reader. With the advances in network services, it has become very easy to attach a credit card reader to almost any computer with an Internet connection. In fact, if you’d like to swipe away your credit cards at home, then by all means, go for it. SmartSwipe is a small, very cool personal credit card reader that can be used to read credit cards at home or in the office.

SmartSwipe isn’t just a cool way of playing shop at home. Sure, you can swipe away your credit cards when shopping online to get a more commercial feel for your transactions, but there’s more to this credit card reader than fun. SmartSwipe adds an entire new dimension of security to your online financial activities that involve using credit cards. No matter how secure you think your Internet connection is, and regardless of how advanced your anti-virus software is, when you enter your credit card information, you still face some Internet security risks. SmartSwipe reduces (or maybe even eliminates) these risks by encrypting your credit card data before it reaches the information field. This way, if a hacker is trying to monitor your keystrokes or remotely observe your screen, he or she will not be able to see the information you enter.

Under normal circumstances, when you use a credit card to make an online purchase, the website you’re using scrambles (encrypts) your data to prevent hackers from seeing it in its raw form. However, if your device is infected with spyware, for example, that program will have access to the data before it is encrypted. SmartSwipe encrypts the data in its external hardware so that by the time it reaches your computer, it’s protected.

The safe credit card reader is an essential tool for people who regularly enter their credit card information online, whether it’s for online shopping or other financial transactions. As Identity theft problems increase, it’s essential for users to safeguard their private information.

The device is easy to use and connects to your computer via a USB port. Additionally, it is compatible with all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB.

SmartSwipe doesn’t come with hidden fees, according to its manufacturer, and using it is completely free after you have purchased the product. The device also helps protect you from accidentally buying the same product twice as it only accepts one purchase per transaction.

To investigate how well the card reader actually works, CBS affiliate, KUTV, independently put it to the test. The show’s producers attempted to get access to a volunteer’s credit information as she completed two transactions, one with SmartSwipe and one without it. Sure enough, when she used SmartSwipe, the (friendly) hacker wasn’t able to see any of her information. On the other hand, when she didn’t use the device, all her data was visible.

Costliness aside, the SmartSwipe looks elegant, connects to your computer easily, and, most importantly, adds a priceless level of security to your online financial transactions, and really, can you put a price tag on that?


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Don’t Take the Facebook Lollipop

A new Facebook app has been circulating the web just in time for Halloween, and it’s offering a spooky reminder of how susceptible our Internet security is these days.

The app is among the most sophisticated to appear on Facebook. A blue lollipop with a razor inside it greets users. “Connect to Facebook” reads the button beneath it. Next comes the usual permission request that asks users to grant access to their private information, in other words, to put Internet security aside. A few seconds later, a video begins to play. The scene opens to a dark, musty looking corridor with creepy music playing in the background. A dirty, sweaty man sits behind an ancient computer. He logs into Facebook, but what shows up on the screen is not his account. It’s yours.

For the next minute or so, he clicks through your photos and reads your actual wall posts as he appears to be tormented by some kind of rage, anger, or jealousy. Before long, he types in your location, pulls up an online map, and heads to his car. He’s coming for you.

The scariest part of the video is that the crazed man out to get you doesn’t hack into a network service in order to breach your Internet security. Nor is he even part of your immediate network. He has access to your information because it’s all public. Even when you think you’re protecting your Internet security by adjusting your privacy settings, “Take This Lollipop” is an example of how we frequently opt out of maintaining high Internet security to allow apps Facebook access. Every time we allow an app access to our information, we are essentially signing a waiver to allow our Internet security to be breached.

To generate the video, users need to access it from an external website that connects to Facebook. This shows that Internet security problems extend past internal Facebook apps, especially since we now regularly link Facebook to external websites. We also access it through a variety of network services. In fact, threats to Internet security don’t even need advanced network services anymore. Even a creepy stalker in a basement that shows no evidence of a sophisticated network service can access your private information.

As Wi-Fi and 4G become standard in so many devices, accessing Facebook has become a right, not a privilege. We now expect to find Facebook embedded into smartphones and tablets. The increased reliance on Facebook for even the most basic communication brings with it a heightened threat to our Internet security.

The name of the app is in itself a message against the dangers of careless Internet security practices. Allowing Facebook apps to access your account may not be a primary threat to your network services the way virus are, but it is still a major threat to your personal and Internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Looks like Spam’s Here to Stay

Approximately 300 billion spam messages go out everyday according to a recent Cisco Annual Security report. Over the course of a year, spam emails make up 90 percent of the world’s emails. Given such absurdly large figures, it is essential to maintain strong Internet security practices and to use secure network services.

Spam continues to thrive because it is an easy and cheap marketing tool for advertisers and other parties using it. Even when the vast majority of spam emails are ignored, the small percentage that actually reaches people can help improve the sender’s sales. Not all spam is advertising, though. A great deal of spam is laden with viruses and malware that can compromise a user’s Internet security and network services. In fact, most spam originates from network services infected with spam malware. So strong Internet security is essential to prevent machines from becoming spam hosts.

According to the Spamhaus Project, approximately 100 spam gangs taking advantage of the globalization of network services produce the vast majority of spam targeting the North America and Europe. The computers and network services that generate the highest spam emails are in Brazil, according to Cisco. Approximately 7.7 trillion spam emails originate in Brazil every year. The U.S. is a close second with 6.6 trillion.

Users can try to limit the amount of spam that they get by employing good Internet security practices, but even then, getting some spam is inevitable. The best Internet security measure to fight against spam is to be selective in giving out your email address. Just as you don’t go around telling random strangers where you live, you should protect your email address the same way. If you had to give out your address to a list of criminals every time you wanted a service, wouldn’t you say no? So why do we so readily give out our email addresses to facebook apps and other services?

It’s hard to say whether spam will actually disappear anytime in the foreseeable future. Spammers are already indifferent to laws governing Internet security, so it is unlikely that they will suddenly become concerned about their actions’ legality. Network service providers try to reduce spam, but their attempts are usually futile because of the dangerously simplistic nature of spam. Internet security services that are readily available in email, for example, have limitations. Even advanced ones like Gmail’s spam filter let spam through sometimes. On the other hand, spam filters often perceive harmless or real emails as spam, which can prevent authentic mail from getting through.

Spam is not only annoying, but it can pose a threat to your Internet security and harm your network services in the attempt to produce more spam. Improving Internet security against spam requires action on your part. No one is completely immune to getting spam, but safeguarding your email address is the clear-cut first step towards getting less of it!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Laptop and Smartphone Thieves, Beware!

PREY is a free open-source program that’s a great way to track lost or stolen laptops and smartphones. PREY is quite brilliant. PREY anti-theft software lets owners play private investigator for free. The software helps users keep track of their phones or laptops and can help users find their devices if they are ever stolen.

The software, described as silent but deadly by its creators, works by remaining dormant on its host device until it is activated by a signal. Disgruntled victims of thefts can activate PREY on a lost laptop by logging into the connected PREY account online. Those who want to track their lost smartphones can do so by sending a text message to the phone to activate its resident PREY. The standard activation message is “GO PREY,” though this can be customized.

According to PREY’s website, once the software is activated, it allows users to gather information about their lost or stolen devices’ location, hardware and network status. Users can also trigger specific actions on the device. Outlook or Thunderbird data on a missing laptop can be remotely hidden. Users who use PREY to track a stolen laptop, for example, can remotely activate the missing device’s webcam and use it to take pictures of the culprit. A user can also see how his or her stolen device is being used, and look at the screen. Ideally, a PREY user would get a glance of the thief logging into a facebook page or email account to get his or her information.

PREY is designed to automatically connect to the Internet to allow its host device to be tracked. When no Internet network service is available, the software tries to connect to the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot. PREY takes advantage of its smartphone’s GPS to send information about the device’s location. In laptops, the software uses the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot to triangulate and narrow in on its location according to

As a free, open-source software, PREY is quite remarkable. For one thing, it works everywhere! There are no geographical limitations on where it can work. Right now though, PREY is only compatible with Android phones and does not work with iPads or iPhones. However, its developers say they’re working on these compatibility issues.

PREY is not a foolproof method of catching thieves and restoring stolen devices, though. The developers recommend contacting the police as the final step in the recovery process.

Finally, users who are concerned about privacy can rest assured because PREY is not a malware, and it does not behave like one. PREY’s website explains that unless the software is activated, it remains dormant with no activity. The developer states that PREY does not collect any private information about its users, nor does it store the information that passes through its servers, so the software doesn’t pose a threat to its users’ Internet security. Now, if only the facebook people would learn to be this nice.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Buying Music Can Save Money

It can be tempting to “share” songs via software like Kazaa or LimeWire rather than buying them. Such practices are not only illegal most of the time, but pose a serious threat to your Internet security. Downloading files using P2P (Peer-to-Peer) sharing software is one of the worst Internet security practices that users can employ. By downloading music or other files using such software, you could be inviting a conglomeration of malware to infest your computer. Even a small breach of your Internet security can cause you to spend lots of money on virus removal and, in some cases, identity theft problems.

Though LimeWire is no longer available for download due to legal reasons, users with older versions of the software on their machines can still use it, and can therefore still endanger their Internet security. Even when users don’t use LimeWire to share files, their Internet security is susceptible because the program automatically runs in the background, allowing strangers access to a user’s files!

When you opt to participate in P2P sharing, you can’t normally control what files you share. This lack of control can lead to your participating in copyright infringement, having your device infected with malware, and consequently requiring virus removal.

Perhaps the worst part of getting viruses from P2P sharing software is that we willingly invite them in. It’s like volunteering to spend time and money on virus removal. Sometimes, Internet security problems are hard to identify, but when threats are this obvious, there’s no excuse to fall for them.

If you’re looking for free music, YouTube is a great alternative. Watching music videos on YouTube poses far fewer threats to your Internet security, as viruses cannot usually target media files. Internet security problems that occur while on YouTube might be related to bugs in Adobe Flash player, but these are rare. Besides, Flash is constantly updated to eliminate bugs and ensure Internet security.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling overtly philanthropic and want to support the music industry by more than just illegally downloading songs, then consider buying the music! Amazon and Apple both sell music by the song, as do dozens of other sites. The great news is, music services like these are legal and don’t come with the added expense of virus removal.

Given the time and effort needed for virus removal, it is always better to make sure you have strong Internet security and to avoid using software like Limewire and Kazaa. After all, paying for a song or three is a lot cheaper than paying for virus removal.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Three Tips for a Smooth System Recovery Experience

No computer is infallible. Hardware failure or virus damage can happen to even the best-kept computers. Physical damage to a laptop, for example, can damage the hard drive, causing stored data to be lost, while viruses can erase important documents, photos, and videos. As is often the case with computers and the process of system recovery, prevention is the best cure. When prevention doesn’t work, it’s important to handle data recovery correctly to avoid further damage and minimize costs. Here’s what you should keep in mind even before you need a system recovery:

1)      Backup: There’s really no way to stress this point enough; back up your data regularly and consistently. Nothing makes data recovery easier (or cheaper) than having a backup copy of your information. Use an online service or website to store copies of all your valuable data. Such services are readily available, but pick carefully, as some services like those offered by Rescuecom are more secure than others. Alternatively, you could buy an external hard drive and copy your data onto it. External hard drives are becoming increasingly less expensive and come in a variety of storage capacities. If you do lose your data, you will be grateful that data recovery involves simply copying your files back onto a new or repaired device.

Make sure you understand the differences and limitations of functions like system restore that come with your computer. System restore doesn’t really help with system recovery or with data recovery because it only stores files related to a system’s settings and parameters. If you delete a photo album (and empty the recycling bin), restoring a system to a previous week’s settings will not help with data recovery. Remember, there’s no alternative to backup, and system restore does not provide complete system recovery.

2)      Don’t store files on the same drive as your OS: Have a tech expert partition your hard drive into two (or more) partitions and store your photos, videos, documents, and other important files on a separate partition than the one that holds your system information. In case you need to erase all your system data and reinstall your OS, you won’t have to affect your personal data, making your system recovery easy, perhaps even avoiding the need for data recovery in the first place.

3)      Get professional help: When disaster does strike, stop using your machine, and seek out a professional data recovery service. Especially when your data is invaluable, don’t take your chances with a free online application. Instead, take your machine to a professional. In fact, services like Rescuecom’s can offer remote data recovery aid, which means that you can get professional system recovery without even leaving your home.

No matter how you approach system recovery in general, and data recovery in particular, remember that both can be made easier and cheaper if you have the right kind of backup. So keep your files safe to avoid the awful feeling of knowing that entire photo albums, work documents and other important data have been erased, possibly forever.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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