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Donna Wells Helps You Train Your Employees with Mindflash

Employee training is a costly, time-consuming process for most businesses.  Large meetings and in-person training courses take large amounts of time and effort to institute, which severely takes away from your overall productivity.  Fortunately, cool person in technology Donna Wells is working to fix these problems as the CEO of Mindflash.  Mindflash is a company that develops web-based tools to help companies create online and cloud solutions for employee training.  Wells wants to make online training courses an accessible option for most businesses and furthermore, aims to make the process of developing online courses easy for employers.  Mindflash gives employers an online platform where they can quickly create and organize several online courses and quizzes for new employees.    Mindflash allows users to upload their own PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and PDF files in order to create web courses for their employees quickly.  Employees can then access these courses online whenever and wherever they want.  This potentially eliminates the need for in-person training courses and could help businesses put employees through the training process faster.   If your business needs help using online tools such as the ones Mindflash provides, business IT support probably has the best answers for you. Read more »

Libboo CEO Chris Howard Wants to Make Book Discovery Easy

Libboo Founder and CEO Chris Howard believes that the way people currently discover new books is inefficient for both readers and authors.  It is incredibly difficult for an author to find an audience without spending a significant amount of money towards advertising, storefront space and paying prominent reviewers to read your book.  Many independent writers and authors backed by smaller publishers simply don’t have the necessary resources for such a marketing blitz.  However, Howard is a cool person in technology that believes that he’s found a solution to that problem with his online service Libboo.  Read more »

Romotive CEO Keller Rinaudo Wants to Put a Robot in Your Home

Keller Rinaudo, the CEO of Romotive, is a cool person in technology that wants to put robots that improve people’s lives in every home.  While you’re probably wondering if this is science fiction, it’s true that Rinaudo has already taken the first steps towards his goal with his company’s first product: Romo.  Romo is a robot that has a tank-like base that contains an iPhone dock and wheels.  The iPhone itself displays the robot’s face when connected. Users can control Romo through an iOS app that allows you to program its behavior.  You can program Romo for basic things such as being happy to see you when it recognizes your face through the iPhone camera. However, you can also have it do more complex tasks, such as rolling away from you to prevent you from pressing snooze when the iPhone alarm goes off.  If you have trouble programming Romo on your iPhone, smartphone computer support is probably a good option for you. Read more »

Smore Lets You Create Online Fliers for Easy Promotion

Many of us have printed single-sheet fliers to promote an event or organization in the past.  The process can be a pain, as you have to waste time and effort posting fliers in as many places as possible in order for people to see them. You also waste time and money having to print hundreds, and sometimes, even thousands of these papers.  Fortunately, Smore offers a promising online alternative to this classic grassroots marketing solution.  Smore is a cool product that allows you quickly design “one-sheet” web pages and post them online.  These single page websites act as an alternative to an event or promotional flier.  Smore’s concept revolves around simplicity, as they have their own website builder to help people create visually engaging pages for whatever they’re promoting.  Smore takes advantage of the web as a medium as well, as it gives users options beyond static images and text.  You can add videos, tweets, and numerous other web-specific pieces of content into your flier directly as well.  In theory, using Smore in combination with an established online presence could make an event, sale, or product promotion much easier.  If you want to use Smore but struggle to get it to function, online tech support is something to look into for help.  Read more »

Jacob Mullins Wants to Help Your Startup Get Acquired with Exitround

There are many times startup owners might want to look into a strategic acquisition. However, they are afraid that by putting themselves out there, they are risking their business’s image.  Many people assume that if a company is interested in acquisition that means they are struggling, even if that is not always the case.  However, cool person in technology Jacob Mullins wants to help startups explore their options without worrying about those risks.  Mullins has founded a new company named Exitround aimed at this purpose.  Exitround provides an online service that allows startups to seek potential acquirers anonymously.  Mullins wants to enable companies to learn more about the acquisition process and explore strategic exits without risk.  He has set up Exitround as an anonymous marketplace where startups can list company details in a database that potential buyers browse.  Buyers can indicate interest and then startups only reveal their identity to the possible acquirers that they specifically choose.  Mullins wants to let startups explore possibilities whether they are actually worried about their operations and business IT support costs or are doing well and merely interested in what they might be worth.  Read more »

GoBank Makes Your Local Bank Fit in Your Pocket

Mobile solutions for banking purposes have grown incredibly popular.  Nearly every major banking institution has a mobile app these days for users to manage their finances on the go.  The founders of GoBank have noticed these trends as well and have launched a bank with a new model focused entirely on mobile.  GoBank has no physical branches, but has instead designed a system to allow its customers to handle their banking entirely via mobile apps.  GoBank is hoping to save users time and money by preventing the need for them ever to drive to physical banks to make transactions.  In theory, if everything you need to bank is in a mobile app, you never have to leave home or work to manage your finances at all.  This cool product wants to take the partial mobile solutions offered by other banks and advance them towards a completely new model for banking. Users who need help using the GoBank app should seek mobile tech support when in trouble.  Read more »

Outbox CTO Jason Seriff Has Built a Digital System to Manage your Snail Mail

Have you ever imagined being able to manage your postal mail as quickly or conveniently as e-mail?  Jason Seriff certainly has imagined it.  In fact, he probably imagined quite a few different ways to accomplish the feat while he was developing snail mail management software as Outbox CTO and cofounder.  Seriff is a cool person in technology who founded Outbox with the hopes of creating a system that made handling postal mail digitally simple for people everywhere.  Along with cofounders Will Davis and Evan Baehr, Seriff set out to make people’s lives easier by erasing the need to handle physical mail that you don’t want to manage.

Outbox is a service that allows you to handle your postal mail via the web, iPhone, or iPad.  Once you sign up for the service, you give the company access to your mail.  Outbox then collects your mail, scans it and stores the files.  Users can then use Seriff’s software to view and manage their snail mail digitally on their computer devices.  Read more »

Evan Spiegel is the CEO of Real-Time Photo Messaging Company Snapchat

While there are a lot of funny pictures or moments that we like to share with our friends on social media, we don’t always want those pictures permanently archived on the Internet.  Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Snapchat, has created a mobile application that tries to resolve this conflict between the desire for long-term privacy and the need for social connection.  Snapchat is an app that lets users send pictures they take back and forth in real-time in a conversational manner, but also deletes those pictures forever after specified period of time.  Spiegel’s vision has resonated with consumers all over the world.  This is clear from the fact that Snapchat is consistently a top ten app in Apple’s App Store for the iPhone.  Spiegel has worked to create a space where people can share their day-to-day moments without the fear of long-term embarrassment.  Many users concerned with online privacy and Internet security have clearly been waiting for a service to provide that opportunity.  Spiegel is definitely a cool person in the tech industry who has capitalized on a simple but effective idea. Read more »

Philip Kaplan Makes Musicians’ Life Easier With Fandalism and Distrokid

Online services have helped empower content creators in several major industries.  The music industry has arguably seen the largest shift of all since the Internet became ubiquitous.  Software exists that can turn a home desktop computer into an adequate recording studio.  Online music services like iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon Music allow musicians to make their music globally available.  However, there are still difficulties getting your work onto those online music services. Philip Kaplan, founder of Distrokid, is a cool person trying to fix that problem.  Kaplan, a musician himself, has been successful building Internet businesses in the past and is now turning his attention towards helping musicians with his new service Distrokid. Read more »

MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis Wants to Make 3D Printing Accessible to You

Bre Pettis’s company MakerBot is a manufacturer of 3D printers.  3D Printers use three-dimensional product designs developed via computer software programs to “print” out an object made from plastic material.  Most 3D printer manufacturers cater to the industrial market and their products often cost tens of thousands of dollars.  However, Pettis wants MakerBot to buck that trend.  Founded in 2009, MakerBot focuses on developing and selling more affordable 3D Printers that hook up to regular desktop computers.  Pettis is working to make 3D printing a reality in an everyday home setting.  If Pettis fully realizes his dream, it is possible that people will someday be able to design physical objects and print them right at home using their computer.  In theory, this could affect heavily affect the larger manufacturing industry. Read more »

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