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Get All You Can Out Of Your Television AND Computer With The DarkCrystal HD Capture Station!

With streaming technology becoming more and more prevalent, there is an emerging unease among network television executives as well as major movie studios.  The entertainment industry knows that technology is drastically changing the traditional models by which they make money.  But consumers have a real chance to benefit.  Never before have there been more ways to interface between computers and televisions.  An array of exciting new products continue to make it easier for consumers to legally stream television, movies and video games and get the benefits of both your computer and high definition television.  One of the premiere devices that is changing the way consumers use their appliances and computers is the DarkCrystal HD Capture Station SDK! Read more »

Mozilla Wants To Change The Way You Get Apps!

Have you ever heard of an amazing new app that you really wanted to use, only to find out that it is not available on your device? The current limitations of app stores can be frustrating for both consumers and developers. Mozilla, the company who brought you the Firefox web browser, wants to change the restrictive nature of app stores by putting them all online. Read more »

Nanotechnology In A Spray Can

Low wireless reception can become very frustrating when you really need your wireless service. Holding your phone in the air and waving it around looks silly and can be pointless. Sitting in one specific spot in the house with your laptop in order to get wireless Internet can be just as annoying. We may not have to do that for much longer. Chamtech Enterprises, a technology research company that deals mostly with the military, has developed a nanotechnology that it claims can boost any kind of wireless signal exponentially and uses the heat energy a device already generates. Google’s Solve for X conference, where companies present extraordinary ideas and current projects, featured a first public look into Chamtech’s new technology.

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GitHub, The Social Network For Computer Programmers

GitHub has become the primary website for democratic open source coding. Open source coding, simply put, is the principle that many programmers work under in which they freely give away their programs and source code (basic programming language) to anyone who wants to use it. Open source software is quite common, though you may not know a program is open source if you are user, as opposed to a programmer.  The Android operating system is a well-known open source program. Google allows programmers to access the root code and write new programs for Android, which makes it open source.  By contrast, programmers who want to write applications for Windows must to access the source code and sign a contract for the right to use the proprietary code.

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Turn Your Computer Into The Coolest Television Ever With EyeTV Hybrid!

Right now in the United States, it is very easy to feel like the monthly bills one has are just piling up.  Technology, which was supposed to make everyone’s life easier, has instead become a hassle defined by more and more monthly bills and billing plans of which you must keep track.  It is likely that every month you pay for Internet, telephone, mobile phone plans, and cable television, in addition to any subscriptions like NetFlix you might have.  Sometimes, it is better to get the most out of what you are paying for, like your cable television subscription, as opposed to subscribing to something new.  The EyeTV Hybrid can help you eliminate some of those entertainment bills!

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The Ricoh PJ WX3231N Digital Business Projector Makes Presentations Easy!

There are many settings in education and business where the benefit of a computer may not be easily utilized.  For example, teachers who create PowerPoint or other computer-based multimedia presentations often find it difficult to execute those presentations on a single, simple computer screen.  Similarly, in business, presentations are made more clearly and dramatically when those to whom you are presenting do not have to hunch over a computer monitor.  For large-scale presentations, one needs a digital projector.  The Ricoh PJ WX3231N Digital Business Projector is an excellent choice for those with both a computer network and the need to present projects frequently.

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The Chargepod Helps You Manage Up To Six Devices!

With so many consumer electronics devices on the market, it is hard to find enough space to store all your gadgets, much less charge them all!  While technological growth has expanded incredibly fast over the past decade, housing requirements have not; the standards for the spacing and number of electrical devices in new buildings have not adjusted for the sheer volume of devices one might plug in these days.  Fortunately, for the tech savvy consumer who has a lot they need to recharge, there is the Chargepod.

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Engineering The Future Of Education: Marcia Lee Helps Khan Academy Operate!

Every great idea in the tech sector requires good people to execute.  No matter how clever or constructive a concept is, without the right technical people to execute the plan, a business or ambitious idea will fail.  So when a number of influential individuals in finance, education and business began departing their lucrative careers to form the Khan Academy, some of their most important hiring choices involved staffing their technical support positions.  That made Marcia Lee an important hire for the Khan Academy.

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Building A Better Board: Rebecca M. Bergman Guides Sigma-Aldrich Well!

Sometimes, the very best thing for a technology company is an outsider who understands the products and goals of the company, without necessarily understanding all of the intricacies of the business.  It takes a fairly daring company to grant a seat on the Board of Directors to an individual who has vision, but not business experience.  In the case of Sigma-Aldrich, one of the world’s leading scientific equipment manufacturers, the company took a calculated risk when it hired Rebecca M. Bergman directly to the Board.

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The Zonet IP Camera Makes Your Network Cool!

Video cameras have become such a commonplace accessory built into laptop computers that many young people forget that they can still be freestanding units!  Far from the clunky video surveillance tools of the film era, new IP cameras use wireless networks to transmit streaming videos from the camera unit to a secure, central router.  This allows you to use video cameras with much more discretion than ever before.  That does not mean that you should not have a stylish video camera, though.  For the perfect blend of style and functionality, the Zonet IP Camera is the IP camera to buy.

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