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Three Tips for a Smooth System Recovery Experience

No computer is infallible. Hardware failure or virus damage can happen to even the best-kept computers. Physical damage to a laptop, for example, can damage the hard drive, causing stored data to be lost, while viruses can erase important documents, photos, and videos. As is often the case with computers and the process of system recovery, prevention is the best cure. When prevention doesn’t work, it’s important to handle data recovery correctly to avoid further damage and minimize costs. Here’s what you should keep in mind even before you need a system recovery:

1)      Backup: There’s really no way to stress this point enough; back up your data regularly and consistently. Nothing makes data recovery easier (or cheaper) than having a backup copy of your information. Use an online service or website to store copies of all your valuable data. Such services are readily available, but pick carefully, as some services like those offered by Rescuecom are more secure than others. Alternatively, you could buy an external hard drive and copy your data onto it. External hard drives are becoming increasingly less expensive and come in a variety of storage capacities. If you do lose your data, you will be grateful that data recovery involves simply copying your files back onto a new or repaired device.

Make sure you understand the differences and limitations of functions like system restore that come with your computer. System restore doesn’t really help with system recovery or with data recovery because it only stores files related to a system’s settings and parameters. If you delete a photo album (and empty the recycling bin), restoring a system to a previous week’s settings will not help with data recovery. Remember, there’s no alternative to backup, and system restore does not provide complete system recovery.

2)      Don’t store files on the same drive as your OS: Have a tech expert partition your hard drive into two (or more) partitions and store your photos, videos, documents, and other important files on a separate partition than the one that holds your system information. In case you need to erase all your system data and reinstall your OS, you won’t have to affect your personal data, making your system recovery easy, perhaps even avoiding the need for data recovery in the first place.

3)      Get professional help: When disaster does strike, stop using your machine, and seek out a professional data recovery service. Especially when your data is invaluable, don’t take your chances with a free online application. Instead, take your machine to a professional. In fact, services like Rescuecom’s can offer remote data recovery aid, which means that you can get professional system recovery without even leaving your home.

No matter how you approach system recovery in general, and data recovery in particular, remember that both can be made easier and cheaper if you have the right kind of backup. So keep your files safe to avoid the awful feeling of knowing that entire photo albums, work documents and other important data have been erased, possibly forever.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Sorry DVDs, Streaming is the Future

Netflix is undergoing some major changes. Along with losing over one million customers, the company is hiking prices and setting a plan in motion that will soon kill off its DVD mailing services. The millions of customers who joined Netflix for the DVD service and the millions who still primarily rely on mailed DVDs for their entertainment intake may have to start adjusting their home network services soon. The push towards online streaming will bring with it new tech support issues. It will also force many customers to upgrade their home networks to meet the demands of online streaming.

The harbinger of phasing out the DVD mailing service came early this year when Netflix announced that customers would no longer have the “Add to DVD Queue” option from streaming devices. Netflix cited a vague tech support related issue to justify the change. Still, customers didn’t buy the tech support reasoning. It was clear that Netflix was trying to start limiting customer interaction with DVD selection.

Then, last summer, the company announced a price hike that outraged subscribers and everyone else alike! Again, Netflix cited tech support issues and a desire to focus on its online streaming services as justification. Many customers were then forced to choose only one of the two services to avoid paying more.

For many, the choice continues to be difficult because online streaming can take a toll on home networks. Many home network services set limits on the amount of data usage, becoming slower when such limits are reached. Alternatively, some home networks simply do not offer enough connection speed to stream movies at high quality. Sometimes users have the option of upgrading their home networks by paying more or changing their home network service provider, but who wants to have to pay more just to accommodate Netflix? Yet according to, Netflix realizes that these are short-term tech support issues that will disappear with time. Home networks are on their way to becoming incredibly powerful, and when that happens, speed related tech support will become obsolete—for a few years at least.

Netflix’s DVD service requires less tech support than the streaming one. Perhaps the most common tech support problem that comes up with the DVD service is a scratched disc, and the solution to that is imply getting a different disc. However, given the long-term advantages of only providing a streaming service, it looks like Netflix is willing to deal with some temporary transitional tech support issues.

Netflix keeps citing tech support issues and practicality behind its (now defunct) plan to split its streaming and DVD mailing services, limiting customer access to DVD queues to the computer interface, and its price hikes, but customers aren’t buying it. It seems that the days when the public bent over backwards to accommodate capitalist growth are dying out. People realize that Netflix changes have nothing or little to do with tech support, and plenty to do with profit, and many of them are taking their business elsewhere.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


There’s a New Tablet in Town

The computer tablet market is about to be shaken-up. Amazon’s Kindle Fire is almost here, and the tablet is already causing a stir. Analysts and bloggers agree that the advent of the Kindle Fire will usher in an era of real tablet competition. Several of the Kindle Fire’s features suggest that it is going to give apple’s iPad a run for its money. On the other hand, despite its great price of $199 (which International Business Times believes is a net loss for Amazon), the tablet has a few tech support and Internet security issues that are worth considering.

First of all, the Kindle Fire has several intriguing qualities like stereo speakers and 169 pixels per inch resolution, but these relatively high-tech features may require extra tech support down the road.

The Kindle’s Silk web browser is another interesting feature of the tablet, but according to ZDNet, the software has serious Internet security problems. The browser will make surfing the Internet super fast, but at a cost to Internet security and user privacy. To increase the browsing speed, the Silk browser depends on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to act as a Web proxy. As web browsing becomes delocalized with data passing through a third party (the Amazon cloud), Internet security threats are bound to increase. Users who use this feature may witness an increase in their need for tech support.

The good news is that users can enhance the tablet’s Internet security by turning off the Silk’s cloud-enhanced mode. Using the Silk in offline mode prevents data from passing through Amazon’s cloud, improving Internet security but also slowing down the browsing experience.

The Kindle’s traditional function as an e-book reader has been significantly revamped with this new model. Users will be able to use this tablet to watch rich color movies and television shows, listen to music, read magazines, browse the web, play games, and of course, read books. There are a few advantages to using the Kindle Fire to do all this rather than, say, an iPad. For example, Amazon’s tablet is almost a third of the price of an iPad2. Also, the Kindle Fire offers paid access to millions of books, millions of songs, and over 100,000 television shows and films.

According to PCWorld, Android-based apps and their related tech support for Amazon’s Kindle are limited. Since the Kindle Fire runs on a system similar to Google’s Android, future changes to the OS may create significant tech support issues for the Kindle Fire.

If Amazon’s tech support for the Kindle is anything like its customer care, then you can plan on finding quality tech support to help deal with the Internet security and other problems that require tech support. Still, the longer you wait before buying the product, the more you can count on tried and tested tech support and maybe even better Internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Spare the Trip, Spoil the Computer

Simple computer problems that appear harmless can actually end up becoming serious issues that require costly or professional computer repairs. A louder than usual fan, an overheated base, random screen glitches, and strange internal noises are all easy to ignore at first, but these may be signs that your machine is on its way to requiring expert computer repair. Small changes in the way a computer acts can be the result of hardware failure or a software problem.

Viruses are one of the most common software-related problems that require computer support. In the past, computer repair service providers needed to be physically located in front of a computer to perform necessary computer repairs. Today, though, a good deal of personalized computer support occurs remotely! That means for people who can’t part with their machines for too long, computer repair experts can provide computer support by tapping into your computer from almost any location. By connecting to a computer via the Internet, computer repair experts can provide safe and secure computer support for a device as if it were in front of them.

Choosing remote computer support is a convenient option for several reasons. First, since you don’t have to physically take your machine to a computer repair shop, remote computer repair can take care of problems like virus removal and provide other kinds of computer support much faster. Remote computer support can also start fixing the problem as soon as you discover it, possibly minimizing the resulting harm. Instead of allowing a virus time to progressively wipeout your hard drive, for instance, remote computer support can nip it in the bud.

Remote computer repair is not only a solution to virus related problems. Hardware related problems can sometimes also be fixed with the remote assistance of a computer repair expert. Fan related problems are especially easy to handle over the phone or the Internet.

Alternatively, some computer support problems require the personal attention of a specialist. Laptop hardware computer repairs are often more difficult and are best handled directly by a professional. Even then, though, you can find computer support providers that come to your home or office to fix the problem in a short amount of time.

In the end, pay attention to small warning signs that can indicate more serious problems. Catching viruses or hardware problems early on, and getting the right kind of computer support can help prolong your machine’s lifespan. It’s also an easy way to reduce computer repair costs. If you’re delaying that trip to get your computer repaired because of a busy schedule, wait no longer; remote computer support is your best option.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Is your Password Guessable?

Using the same password for most or all online activities may be convenient, but it is a dangerous Internet security practice that we should all avoid. Sure, recycling passwords makes remembering them easier, but it also makes it easier for cybercriminals to steal that information. Even when you’re using a trusted network service like your home network, having weak or recurring passwords is an unnecessary threat to your Internet security.

Along with monitoring how you use public network services and keeping your anti-virus updated, consider using a different and difficult password for each of your accounts. Varying your passwords is an easy way to increase the level of your Internet security. When cybercriminals learn one of your passwords, they may try to use it to gain access to your other accounts. Using significantly different passwords can drastically limit the damage to your overall Internet security.

To check the strength of a password (or even just for fun), consider searching for a list of the worst passwords and making sure yours isn’t on it! One online list includes the 500 worst passwords of all time, and among these are: 123456, password, eric, gandalf, rainbow, barney, and butter!

Even when passwords are not as ridiculous as these (barney?), Microsoft’s Safety and Security Center suggests changing them periodically. When coming up with passwords, keep in mind that you may have to enter them while using public network services where Internet security is not very high. The Security Skeptic also offers some easy ways to create better passwords to improve your Internet security.

To test a password’s Internet security level use an online service, and keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid common words
  • Don’t use personal information such as a telephone number, address or birthday
  • Use at least eight characters, the more the merrier
  • Combine upper and lowercase characters
  • Include numbers and symbols (%4#3*1)
  • Start with a sentence and change it around (Somewhere over the rainbow/ SomeWhereOverDaR@inbow22)

If you’re worried about forgetting a password, write it down! Storing your passwords on paper isn’t necessarily a threat to your Internet security. Cybercriminals will try to target your information through your online network, not your desk. Still, keep your password in a safe place.

Prevent cybercriminals from infiltrating your Internet security, personal accounts, and network services by changing your passwords often and making them difficult. If a password is too difficult for you to remember, then it’ll certainly be difficult for a hacker or virus to figure out.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Supposed Gender Gap in Social Networking

In an interesting blog on September 24, 2011, Sharon Machlis discusses a recent “study,” (Harris Interactive/Rebtel survey).  The study suggests that women “dominate” men at a rate of about 3 to 2 in their use of social networking.  Ms. Machlis takes issue with some of the study’s methodology, and thus its results.  From a purely pedestrian standpoint, the study seems as if it is probably close to accurate.  After all, women are indisputably more communicative than men are in general.

That is not the point here though, because this is the sort of information and data upon which crucial management, networking and marketing decisions are based Ms. Machlis suggests that the ways in which the surveyors worded and asked the questions may have skewed the results somewhat.  Many of us use, say, Facebook, as a business tool, so even though we are on it almost daily, we are not actually doing social networking.  We are using it as just another handy computer service.

A myriad of computer services and social networking options are presented to us daily.  Most of us cannot do business effectively without these services and options.  How we choose which computer services and social networking to use has little to do with gender and much more to do with what we need.  The casual computer user who wants to keep in touch with a friend or loved one probably chooses based on what the friend or loved one is using.

The serious business person who is maintaining contacts, tracking trends, marketing, and just “watching,” certainly has to be more discriminate in his or her choice of “social networking” sites to pay attention to and to use.  As stated above, the “dominance” this study claims for women may not be taking into account the number of women who use those sites mostly for business.  If we could subtract that number from the total, the user ratio might well be much closer to equal.  Of course we’re also going to have to subtract the men who use the social networking sites primarily as business tools, but if Ms. Machlis is correct, the ratio is still going to even up considerably.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Balanced Social Networking?

What’s with all the ranting and raving in the social networking scene?  Facebook, Delicious, Pinboard, Diigo, Digg?   Why can my friends not contact me directly?  Who is deciding what is “appropriate” content?  Well, of course you have to be a digital social networker to care, and you have to be pretty involved in the social networking scene to really care.  Still, the cries are in the air from users all over the social networking world.  FOUL!  You are messing with OUR sites.  But what seems to be at stake here is not the social networking sites themselves, rather the Internet security issues surrounding them.

It does seem as if the administrators of the social networking sites have become more and more controlling, and this annoys their users who essentially have no say in the changes other than to complain after the fact.  Turns out though, that many of the changes say, Facebook, has made over time and most recently, have to do with Internet security and protecting their users from exploitation and inundation by spammers.  Social networking is a wonderful thing, and we want to feel free to express ourselves and communicate openly, but unless some basic Internet security is in place, social networking will become a huge mess of exploiters and spammers.

Internet security is always an important issue, and it is, frankly, a real problem when it comes to social networking.  Meantime, here we have these FREE, wonderful sources of keeping in touch with friends and families.  It seems as if the hassle of a few well-intentioned changes is tolerable given the alternative: little or no social networking and less Internet security.

As for the competition AMONG the social networking sites?  That seems like healthy competition.  And as for the Internet security concerns coming to light through the social networking sites, again, that’s healthy stuff.  We need to know what to protect ourselves from.

Rock on, social networking!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Illegal Download Site Targeted by Hackers

Threats to Internet security continue appearing in the form of cybercriminals seeking profits from the ignorance of users.  Downloading files from the web, though we do it all the time, involves the risk of infecting your computer with a virus.  A clever hacker may exploit even excellent Internet security.  This necessitates virus removal to clean your system.  Average users suffer through Internet security problems regularly.  Over the past year, the Internet security systems of a number of high profile targets, including American defense contractors, Sony, Google, and many others, fell victim to cyber attacks.  A very recent example is that cybercriminals compromised the internet security of the file-sharing giant BitTorrent.

Widely known as one of the world’s largest illegal file-sharing sites, BitTorrent also hosts a large number of legal downloads.  This time BitTorrent was the victim of illegal activity.  Hackers broke through the site’s Internet security, injecting a type of malicious software known as “scareware” into the download software that powers file transfers.  Virus removal of scareware is potentially difficult, depending on the user’s level of expertise.  The internet security implications of such an intrusion are that they can render the files of a familiar website vulnerable to a hacker’s program access to information which unsuspecting users consider safe.  This requires immediate virus removal action.

The intrusion reportedly occurred at 4:20 am Pacific Standard Time on September 13, 2011 as BitTorrent and services became compromised.  The company reported this intrusion itself later that day on the company’s blog.  The false download files were only in place for two hours before BitTorrent employees took servers offline and corrected their Internet security flaws.  Virus removal is necessary for anyone who accidently downloaded the fake files.  The scareware installed on users’ systems is a fake anti-virus program called Security Shield.  Infected systems see a notification pop up informing users that their computer is infected with a virus.  It offers virus removal if the program is paid for by credit card.

Users suffering from this malicious software should attempt to utilize their virus removal programs to restore Internet security.  If you are unable to remove the program, consider contacting your proven reliable computer support company.  Their knowledge and expertise could save a lot of time and headaches.  Downloading anything from the web tests your Internet security.  Always keep anti-virus and virus removal software up to date to protect your system from harmful software.  The thieves and bandits are out there, and we have to be careful.  However, we can handle a virus intrusion in a timely manner with experts trained  in quick restoration of internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Unfriendly Clouds

Cloud computing is a major source of excitement in the world of cyberspace these days.  Microsoft’s “to the cloud” commercials may or may not depict any sort of potential reality, but they have certainly planted the idea firmly in the American consciousness.  Does the cloud mean an end to computer support needs and data recovery issues?  Some can see a digital paradise of hidden hardware and ease of access.  Is this the reality of the situation?  The answer lies somewhere in a combination of factors.

Many see the cloud as an opportunity to reduce overhead, material costs and make computer support and data recovery easier with the reduction of the physical clutter of personal computer networks.  The simplicity of data backup with the cloud also allows businesses to feel protected against hardware failures and problems during data recovery.  While all of these improvements are possible by moving data processes to the cloud, potential pitfalls do exist.  If removing local infrastructure for cloud services is your chosen course, be sure to consult a computer support expert and learn about potential problems before they happen.

Data transported to the cloud is essentially out of your control.  Uploading and removing information is possible, but someone else owns the data centers housing the information.  Computer support issues are still possible as servers may be configured incorrectly.  Hackers targeting the center storing your data may steal or corrupt files.  The hardware storing data still exists; it just exists elsewhere.  Problems related to hardware still arise, causing unforeseen failures, data recovery disasters, and the potential loss of essential information.  Data recovery may or may not be possible depending on the problem.

Internet security is a major issue for many businesses as they contemplate a move to the cloud.  Outside ownership means that computer support may be out of your control once a cloud service is chosen.  You are casting your lot with the service provider’s computer support personnel.  The importance of the information stored in the cloud dictates the level of risk.  The more essential your data recovery needs are, the more concerned you should be.  Depending on the nature of the data stored, theft or loss could lead to legal repercussions.  Consulting trusted computer support experts about the positives, risks, and options before reaching a decision is more than a good idea.

In a computerized world, the risk of hardware failure and the need for data recovery by skilled computer support will never completely disappear.  Machines fail no matter where they are.  Human beings make errors and cybercriminals are not stopping their activities.  If moving processes and data to the cloud is the right option for you or your business, be sure you are prepared.  Preparing for the unknown with the help of local computer support can help make problems, such as data recovery, less of a worry for you and your clients.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Smartphone Users: Beware the Fraud

Fraud is not new to humanity.  Impostors and counterfeiters are as old as the idea of property.  The only new developments occur in the scams we see and the venues where they are attempted.  The birth of the World Wide Web created a digital world loaded with sensitive information where clever con artists could ply their trade.  Today, Internet security is paramount to protecting financial information from theft by nefarious individuals.  Everyone needs to consider seeking computer support to ensure effective Internet security.

Internet security as a way to identify and prevent fraud, started simply.  Over time, increased Internet security and the computer support it requires have become more and more a priority for people doing business on the Internet.  As Internet security becomes more sophisticated, so do the methods used to steal information.  Internet security, cybercrime, and the constant computer support needed to help in this conflict represent a daily battleground.  Personal users, out of concern and genuine fear, need the help of expert computer support, and they need continuous education in effective ways to maintain their own Internet security.  As an example, banks and private companies have begun offering identity protection to consumers worried about the safety of their transactions.

The most current and troubling threat to Internet security is the growing number of mobile web users.  Smartphones and tablets alter the digital landscape once again, and wireless options and expanded coverage are right alongside them.  Knowledgeable computer support is all the more important as threats to the Internet security of mobile users multiply due to the lack of anti-virus software on many devices.

Improving Internet security against mobile fraud continues as a top priority for commercial entities and the computer support personnel they employ.  Simple prevention is still the best solution to reduce the possibility of a cybercrime affecting you, and effective, reliable computer support is the key to peace of mind.  Take the time to install protective software on that smartphone.  Do your shopping while on the go, but wait until you get home to make that purchase.  The Internet security of your home machine is probably far superior to your mobile device.  A little education and proactive computer support can help prevent the huge hassles caused by a breach in your internet security.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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