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When You Need To Match Paint, Be Sure Your Dealer Has The Auto-Match III Sensor!

There are many very cool products that businesses use to improve a customer’s shopping experience or life.  From products that monitor waste water to computer programs that monitor toxins in the air, almost every major industry contains gadgets that perform a vital function.  Many of those devices work behind-the-scenes to deliver superior results on a project or as part of a service.  It is often important that a business have the best possible equipment to help you get the results you want on your projects.  When it comes to house painting, the Auto-Match III is one such essential device.

The Auto-Match III is a sensor produced by BYK.  The Auto-Match III is a safe-like box under six inches square and nine and a half inches deep.  The box weighs just over seven pounds and has a small door in which you place a paint sample.  The safe-like design of the Auto-Match III prevents any light interference from entering the sensor and polluting the results of a scan.

The Auto-Match III is very easy to use.  When you bring a paint sample with the color you want to the Auto-Match III and place the sample inside, the spectrophotometer scans the sample.  One of the key selling points of this sensor is that it operates at 45/0 circumferential illumination, so it scans the sample at precisely the way your eye breaks down light.  In addition to being exceptionally accurate with the precise breakdown of light for color matching, the Auto-Match III renders colors in a way that you will perceive them as identical.  Because temperature affects the way light travels, many spectrophotometers require constant calibration.  However, the closed-system nature of the Auto-Match III eliminates temperature variables to give you clean, crisp results every time.

Why is the Auto-Match III such an important, cool device when it comes to matching paint colors?  The Auto-Match III sensor works in conjunction with the Auto-Match III software to accurately evaluate and replicate colors in a way no other single system does.  At least two different paint manufacturers feature applications for the Apple iPhone that allows you to match any color you photograph with paint from their line.  Unfortunately, the results wildly differ based on the amount of light in the room when you take the picture.  Other color matching programs for the PC fail to take into account that most computer monitors are not calibrated to the expert standards professional photographers or painters use on their equipment.  Thus, you may take a picture and look at it on your monitor and denounce it as the wrong color simply because your monitor is not properly tuned.  The Auto-Match III sensor and software eliminate those variables.

No matter how big or small your painting project is, you deserve to get the color you expect when you purchase paint.  BYK’s Auto-Match III sensor ensures you get accurately-scanned, precisely rendered, information on any paint sample so that you may replicate the color you want without flaws!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The New Generation Of Astronauts Is Well-represented By Catherine Coleman!

As technology and communications systems improve, all levels of society feel the effects.  In the case of young women growing up, the world is nowhere near as limited as it once was.  Now, instead of dreaming of being a happy homemaker or a teacher, girls are learning that virtually any career path is open to them.  Now, girls dream of growing up to become scientists, CEOs and President.  One girl who grew up believing that the sky was the limit for her future was Catherine Coleman; she became an astronaut!

Catherine Coleman is an American astronaut who had one of the most prestigious tours of duty aboard the International Space Station.  In her 159 days in space, most of which were aboard the International Space Station, she served with distinction during the most traffic the International Space Station encountered since its creation.  As the lead robotic arm operator for the International Space Station, Coleman was indispensible with docking the supply ships, space shuttles and other vehicles when they came close to the Station!

How did Catherine Coleman get to the position where she could become such an important astronaut?  After getting her B.S. in chemistry from M.I.T., Coleman worked hard and pursued her Doctorate in Polymer Science and Engineering.  She received her PhD in 1991.  While pursuing her higher education, she joined the Air Force.  While volunteering for centrifuge experiments for the Air Force, Coleman set new endurance and tolerance records that brought her to the attention of NASA.  She was hired by NASA shortly after receiving her Ph.D.

Initially, Coleman’s position at NASA was intended to be one of support, aiding in the technical development of systems that would be used in space by other astronauts.  When she illustrated real aptitude with manipulating the robotic arm and other robotic systems, NASA prepared her for spaceflight.  After waiting as a standby for a few missions, Coleman went into space as part of one of the Microgravity Laboratory missions and later as the lead specialist for deploying the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.  Her successful execution of those missions, in combination with continually developing her expertise in robotics and other sciences, made her an ideal choice to serve on the International Space Station.

As chief science officer during her mission to the International Space Station, Catherine Coleman conducted important experiments in physics, biology, chemistry, and robotics.  While in space, she even had time to practice her flute, which she played for a performance on National Public Radio!  With her well-rounded career, scientific and artistic interests, and determination to excel, Catherine Coleman is a great role model for girls and young women everywhere!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


So, Why Do I Need an Ultrabook?

We already have desktops, notebooks, netbooks, and tablets. It seems that covers all the bases, right? Apparently not. Ultrabooks, the newest line of portable computing devices, are supposedly the “next big thing” in computers.

An ultrabook should to fit easily in the space between laptops and tablets. They have plenty of processing power, but are light, portable, and start immediately just like tablets. They are made to be taken everywhere like a tablet, but they come with the ease of the built-in full-size keyboard of a laptop.

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012, almost every computer company had an ultrabook on display. Most of these ultrabooks are less than .8” thick and have screens between 11” and 14”. Ultrabook batteries will to last between 5 and 9 hours depending on how much processing power you use. They have the power of a regular laptop squeezed into a much smaller case. According to InformationWeek, this is accomplished mostly by removing the hard disk drives and replacing them with solid-state disk (SSD) storage, which is much smaller and faster.

The problem with including SSD storage in every ultrabook is that this kind of storage is much more expensive than a standard hard drive. That means that ultrabooks run at much higher prices that laptops or tablets. While most ultrabooks range between $800 and $1,000, you can buy a great laptop for less than $600.

If you already have a notebook, netbook, or tablet and you do not really need an ultrabook, why not consider upgrading? There are a few things you can do to make the computer you already own run better. Any computer repair or computer support specialist, such as those at RESCUECOM, can help you with upgrading your computer. Here are a few things you might look into when thinking about an upgrade:

  • Backup files, then remove them from the computer
  • Get rid of unnecessary programs
  • De-Fragment the hard drive
  • Add more memory (RAM)
  • Replace the old or add a new hard drive

What you need to do in order to upgrade your computer is based on what kind of computer you already have and what you want it to do. The best way to determine what you might want done is to call a computer support specialist and discuss your needs with him or her. Not everyone can afford to buy a brand-new ultrabook or a new laptop every two years, but there are many affordable solutions that can speed up the computer you already own.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The MyQuit Coach App For The Apple iPhone Can Help You Quit Smoking!

As the new year blossoms and you consider your New Year’s resolution, you may find that you have, metaphorically, bit off more than you can chew.  Two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight and to quit smoking.  While technology can be used to help you lose weight, what you might not know is that there are now ways to use technology to help you quit smoking.  Livestrong, the marketing and merchandising arm of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, helped to develop the MyQuit Coach application for the Apple iPhone and it may help you to quit smoking!

MyQuit Coach is available through iTunes for all variations of the Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch running iOS 4.0 or above.  The application runs as a blend of a motivational program and journal function designed to help you rid your body of nicotine!  The MyQuit Coach app will help you quit smoking if you do not want to use medicines or other smoking cessation methods and no data yet exists on how effective the program is.  However, for those who believe in the power of mind over matter – but just need a partner in the process – the MyQuit Coach application may be just the ticket you need to quit smoking this year.

The motivational aspect of the MyQuit Coach application comes in the form of screenshots and slogans.  Each time you access the MyQuit Coach application, you are greeted with a statement, like “Smoking affects me and my loved ones,” to help keep you aware of the consequences of your actions.  The application also includes videos that help detail the consequences of smoking.  The MyQuit Coach acts as a “good-cop, bad-cop” routine on your iPhone encouraging you and warning you of the consequences of slipping from your plan.

Perhaps the more useful function of the MyQuit Coach is the journal function.  Using the MyQuit Coach, you may program your iPhone to detail specific benchmarks in your goal to quit smoking.  If you have tried and failed in the past as quitting smoking cold turkey, you may use MyQuit Coach to wean you from cigarettes incrementally.  Under such a plan, you use MyQuit Coach to keep track of how many cigarettes you have had in a day and the application warns you when you are about to pass the goal number you have set for yourself.

The MyQuit Coach application is actually a very smart use of smartphone technology.  Because one of the common complaints smokers have when the relapse and smoke again is that they did not know what to do with their hands when they were not smoking, the MyQuit Coach comes up with an elegant solution.  By keeping the smoker’s fingers busy on an iPhone, the application helps break the physiological connection to smoking that seasoned smokers might have.  That is a clever idea and makes the MyQuit Coach application a very cool app!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Leading The Charge For Renewable Energy, Carlos Coe Runs Xtreme Power!

As energy independence and the growth of renewable energy resources become more important than ever, there are very few established big businesses in the energy industry diversifying fast enough to satisfy investors and consumers.  As big energy companies struggle to keep dying paradigms for energy production and corporate management alive, a new generation of leaders is emerging.  Carlos Coe is one such emerging leader in the field of renewable energy.

Carlos Coe is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Xtreme Power.  His training and work experience made him an ideal leader to trail blaze in the field of renewable energy.  After receiving his Bachelor’s in Engineering from the Citadel, Carlos Coe was accepted to Princeton University.  At that prestigious institution, Coe studied engineering at the Masters and Doctorate levels.  From the moment he received his Ph.D., Carlos Coe has worked on and managed projects for some of the biggest manufacturers in the United States.  He moved from BDM International (part of Ford Aerospace!) to the Whirlpool Corporation before running the refrigeration company Anthony International.  In 2004, Dr. Coe left Anthony International to found Xtreme Power, well before “renewable energy” was a popular buzzword!

In founding Xtreme Power, Carlos Coe took a stand against many giants in the energy industry.  Forming the company with a stated goal of innovating sustainable, renewable energy sources effectively left Coe thumbing his nose at the industry authorities.  Dr. Coe formed Xtreme Power primarily as a research and development company, which was an issue for many of the myopic energy companies.  The established competitors of Xtreme Power in the energy production industry frequently have (or had!) research and development departments. As a matter of corporate policy, many big energy companies would not pursue promising developments if the innovations required too much initial investment or upset those with whom they had a business relationship.  By forming his own company, Carlos Coe and Xtreme Power were not beholden to those old paradigms.

And what success Coe and Xtreme Power have been having already!  Just last year, Xtreme Power won a $43 million contract from Duke Energy for the Notrees Power Project near Kermit, Texas.  There they are experimenting with new batteries for storing electricity derived from wind power.  This important development could make wind power a vastly more reliable means of electricity generation than it has been.  In addition to residential and industrial power projects in Hawaii, New Mexico, and Colorado, Coe has scored big contracts with Ford Motors for power cell generation for consumer products, like automobiles!

Ironically, Xtreme Power’s innovations so far have greatly benefited several traditional energy providers by stabilizing energy output during peak demand times as well as during emergencies.  As the United States moves to more and more renewable energy sources for electricity generation, Carlos Coe and Xtreme Power are leading the way with their complete energy production systems!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Changing Industry Of Video Games

If you are a video game enthusiast, 2012 promises some incredible developments.  If you have not been someone who traditionally plays video games, the prevalence of handheld computer devices like smartphones, e-readers and tablet computers may be getting you curious about what video games have to offer.  The way portable computing devices have permeated every strata of U.S. society has eliminated many barriers between subcultures, so video game geeks are hardly a fringe group any longer.  In fact, game manufacturers court adults far more often for serious video games now and if you have not considered video games recently, here are some of the fundamental changes in the market in the last few years:

1. Graphics are vastly superior. If your perception of a video game is based on early 1980s Atari graphics or even mid-1990s Nintendo graphics, the video game world will absolutely dazzle you now.  Some of the least sophisticated programs on the market, like the free program Angry Birds have animation that is in league with cartoons as opposed to those classic video games!  Many games now have such sophisticated graphics that on non-HD televisions, they look like real environments and people!

2. Gameplay is more sophisticated.  The video game industry is now a multibillion dollar industry.  To keep competitive, video games now employ extensive casts of actors, have long segments of backstory and dialog and many even begin with a short movie.  The new Star Wars: The Old Republic game used one thousand actors and came online with three hundred gaming hours of play programmed in.  Considering that the Star Wars film saga totals approximately thirteen hours, you can see how much more complicated the one game is than the entire film story!

3. Cartridges? What are cartridges?! If you recall cartridges, you haven’t played video games in a long time!  Games now come on DVD-Roms and other discs reminiscent in form to CDs.  Controllers are very different, too.  Some of the most popular video games on the market even use controllers specially designed for only their game.  Some of the new systems even use scanning technology to scan your body and movements, making you the controller!

4. Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.  With the prevalence of so many computing devices, massive games have sprouted up that allow players to play in complex virtual worlds over Internet connections.  You create a character and enter a virtual world where you are either a fantasy character, interact with super heroes or fight in great space wars.  Regardless of the platform, MMORPGs are subscription service video games where the longer you play, the more experience you build and the more powerful your character becomes.  Unlike the days of Super Mario Bros., there is no finite end to MMORPGs.  Video games, like life, never seem to end!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Sony Tablet S: The Tablet For Those Who Want A Real Alternative To The iPad!

With the iPad dominating the tablet computer market, it is very hard for Apple Computers to claim fiercely individual people as their key demographic any longer.  Such is the price of fame; if you market to the outsiders and your product becomes mainstream, it is virtually impossible to win back the demographic that built or revitalized your company.  As those who value their sense of individuality depart from the Apple brand, they are left to figure out what company’s product will fill the same niche.  The best choice for tablet computers may come from Sony, which is ironic considering how massive a company Sony is.

The Sony Tablet S is the best option for those who want a tablet computer that offers a lot of the computing power and style of an Apple iPad without the expense or issues that accompany the iPad.  Sony Tablet S tablet computers start at the same price as the equivalent iPad, though Sony puts them on sale with greater frequency than Apple discounts the iPad.  The Sony Tablet S is about the same size and weight as an iPad.  The Tablet S features a bright 9.4” (diagonal measurement) touchscreen.

Sony’s Tablet S has a 16 GB storage capacity, though the higher-end Tablet S has 32 GB available storage space.  The Tablet S has an innovative design as it almost appears like a magazine rolled back on itself.  Thus, the thin screen rests on a thin platform.  This design serves two very cool functions.  When the Tablet S is oriented in a landscape orientation for watching movies, surfing the web or composing written works, the rounded, raised top helps reduce neck strain.  When using the touchscreen keyboard in this configuration, the design also reduces finger stress like an ergonomic keyboard would!  When oriented in portrait orientation, the design of the Tablet S makes it very easy to use as an e-reader.  The rounded side is comfortable to the grip, especially when you are holding it that way for long periods of time.

Perhaps the key selling point of the Tablet S is its compatibility with Android smartphones.  As the Android OS has become exceptionally popular, many programmers are using the OS for their new apps.  As an Android-compatible device, the Sony Tablet S has a wide array of apps currently available and many, many more in development.  Because of the stability and popularity of the Android platform, the Tablet S will remain a relevant tablet computer for years to come!

The Tablet S is able to stream movies and music from the Cloud, offering you an incredible selection of available media works.

The Sony Tablet S allows anyone who already has an Android-powered smartphone to synergize their tablet for a powerful computing and communication’s tool.  For those looking to get away from Apple, Sony and Android present great options, with the Tablet S as the tablet computer cornerstone.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Saving The United States One Business At A Time: Lynn Tilton!

The business world continues to be mostly male-dominated.  Even as social conventions have changed, the business world has adapted less quickly than others, even in emerging markets.  Many new giants in the marketplace like Twitter, for example, have no women on their Boards of Directors.  The long odds of running a multibillion dollar company never intimidated Lynn Tilton, though!

Lynn Tilton is a pioneering businesswoman who is the CEO of Patriarch Partners.  Patriarch Partners is an umbrella company that invests in and takes over failing businesses in the United States.  Tilton searches for companies that have good ideas and good products, but are failing in the marketplace.  With Patriarch Partners, she invests heavily – usually becoming a dominant shareholder in the company – in the failing company and restructures it to make it profitable.  Companies that Patriarch Partners has rescued from the oblivion of bankruptcy include Arizona Iced Tea, Performance Design Products, Rand McNally (yes, the famous map company!) and MD Helicopters.

While usually an outsider coming in to “restructure” a company is cause for grave concern, Lynn Tilton does not operate like the stereotypical corporate investor.  Instead, Tilton has two very simple philosophies.  The first guiding principle she uses to run Patriarch Partners is that social responsibility is not antithetic to having a profitable company.  Working hand in hand with that idea comes her absolute belief in the importance of preserving jobs, especially manufacturing jobs, in the United States.  With saving American jobs and making U.S. companies profitable as her guiding principles, Tilton and Patriarch Partners have spent ten years saving 150 companies and an estimate quarter of a million U.S. jobs!

Lynn Tilton’s story is, in many ways, a classic “rags to riches” story.  While many doors were opened to her as a teenager when she became a nationally ranked tennis player, she pursued her education at Yale where she graduated with a B.A. in American Studies.  While attending Columbia Business School, she worked for Goldman Sachs and received a practical education in corporate finance.  When her marriage fell apart leaving her as a single mother, Lynn Tilton did not lose sight of her professional goals.  Instead, she completed her education, worked one hundred hours a week and provided for her daughter.  In that time, she became an expert on distressed debt and developed the philosophies that would allow her to create Patriarch Partners in 2000.

Many traditional powerhouses in the business world have begrudged Lynn Tilton for her untraditional, yet successful, approach to protecting and restoring American manufacturing.  But as those old guard businessmen layoff, outsource, or fire workers, and cash in huge bonuses while their companies illustrate less long-term viability, Tilton is helping to save the United States from economic collapse.  With Patriarch Partners and Lynn Tilton as the new models for successful enterprises in the U.S., workers here will thunderously cheer, “Out with the old; in with the new!”


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Best Browser Competition

It seems that no matter whom you talk to recently, everyone has his or her favorite browser. If you express any other opinion, you may find yourself in a debate over which is the best browser, but how can you know which is the best browser if you do not know about the different choices?

The four most popular browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Internet Explorer, commonly shortened to IE, has the most users with a market share of 52%, according to NetMarketShare. IE is the default browser preloaded onto most computers and many people simply use it out of convenience, however, it is by no means the fastest or sleekest of the choices. IE does not have the internal spell check function that the other three have, and it is the only one that does not support Macs.

Firefox is slower than IE in start-up time, but faster in navigation time and with 22% market share, Firefox is the second-most popular browser available.  One of the downsides of Firefox, however, is that it does not use thumbnail previews to allow users to preview pages by hovering over the tab.

Google Chrome, the newest of the popular browsers, has been rapidly growing in popularity. Chrome’s market share is currently at 19 percent after only three years. The best features of Chrome include its speed, simple design, and the Omnibox, which allows users to search directly in the address bar.

Safari, made by Apple, has the smallest market share of the popular browsers with only 5%. This could be because its main market is Macs. There is a Windows version, but with the other great browsers available, it is possible that PC users have already made their choice. The best things about Safari are its great look and the convenient gallery of most-browsed sites.

The best choices in terms of Internet security are Firefox and Chrome. Firefox has a ‘private mode’ that can be turned on, in order to increase your Internet security, which does not affect how your browser appears. Chrome uses ‘sandboxing,’ which means that each tab runs on its own and therefore better contains any threat to your Internet security. IE has good security, but it is not quite of the innovative quality of Firefox or Chrome. Safari does not have a private mode or anti-phishing capabilities, according to NetMarketShare.

Overall, there is no ‘best browser’ out there. Each one features different benefits, so choose one based on what you want out of your browser. Chrome fades into the background, Firefox is the fastest, IE is the most popular, and Safari has the reliability of Apple. Each one is unique and targeted at different browsing needs, but there is no rule that says you only have to have one. Try them all and keep whatever works for you, or use different browsers for different things – it is all up to you.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Cool Product Of Yesteryear: Victorinox Apple Swiss Army Knife!

Sometimes the neatest things take a while to appreciate.  What is cheap advertising propaganda one year might become a sought-after collectible decades later.  Like most businesses, Apple Computers has had its commercial surges.  During the lean years, of course, the “Apple culture” becomes less trendy and merchandising around the brand seems tackier.  But with the success of Apple Computers from the iPods, iPads and iPhones, Apple swag from years gone by is once again hip.  One of the coolest pieces of Apple-related merchandise is the Victorinox Swiss Army Knife with Apple logo!

Victorinox is the official company that makes Swiss Army Knives.  Actually, they are the only one who makes legitimate Swiss Army Knives; all other companies make “pen knives.”  As anyone who has ever had a Swiss Army Knife (or any other pen knife) can attest, there are thousands of situations when it is a handy tool to have.  Back in the early 1980s, Victorinox partnered with Apple Computers to release an Apple Computers Swiss Army Knife!  You may find the Apple Swiss Army Knife fairly easily online in the traditional red or a bright blue color.  The fundamental difference between Victorinox’s Apple knife and the traditional Swiss Army Knife is that the Swiss cross on the standard Swiss Army Knife has been replaced by the Apple Computers apple logo on the limited edition knife.

The Apple Swiss Army Knife comes with standard tools, no matter what the knife’s handle color.  Each Apple Swiss Army Knife comes with scissors, a nail file, a small blade and tweezers.  If you are buying your Apple knife on the secondary market, be sure to check the spring on the scissors.  The thin metal spring on the scissors of Swiss Army Knives from the ‘80s wore out comparatively quickly and if the spring is worn or missing from the knife you are buying, the price should reflect that.  Victorinox produced a classy metal gift box for the Apple knife, so you may safely transport or display your vintage Apple knife.

A lot has changed since the early ‘80s, but Apple is even cooler now than it was then.  As a result, tracking down one of the vintage Victorinox Apple Swiss Army Knives can make for a very cool gift for Apple enthusiasts now.  Just do not try to get on a plane with this handy tool!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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