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One Of The Best Premium Keyboards On The Market, The SteelSeries Merc Stealth Keyboard Is Very Cool!

If you use your computer solely for business purposes and look for the most efficient and inexpensive tool possible, the odds are you do not truly understand the idea of a premium keyboard.  There are keyboards that cost consumers hundreds of dollars because they are specialized to niche demographics that have unique demands for how they interface with their computers.  Most of these premium keyboards are marketed to the antithesis of business computer users: gamers.  Arguably the coolest, most powerful premium keyboard is the SteelSeries Merc Stealth keyboard and it is a gamer’s best friend when it comes to interface devices.

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Creating Cotton Candy For The World, Borgar Ljosland Runs FXI Technologies!

In a world with rapidly changing technology, it is rare when one encounters a truly good idea anymore.  Indeed, many emerging technologies simply seek to improve upon already existing devices or technology.  So, when FXI Technologies virtually reinvented the computer with the Cotton Candy 3” computer device, it was newsworthy.  The brain behind Cotton Candy and FXI Technologies is Borgar Ljosland.

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Another Win in the War on Spam

We all hate Spam. Not the processed meat in a can, the email messages that we did not want to receive. Whether they appear as advertisements for products we do not want or emails for services we have no interest in, everyone has received spam at some point. Sometimes, though, spam emails can be far more dangerous than annoying ads – they can contain phishing links that appear to come from a legitimate source.

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Making Your Amateur Photographs Look Professional: Adobe Lightroom 4!

Anyone who works with digital photographs knows that having great photographic equipment is only half of what one needs to create amazing digital images.  In many ways, the quality of your digital camera is not as important as the quality of your photo manipulation software.  Adobe has long been the leader in digital photograph manipulation software, with its Photoshop software becoming synonymous with photo manipulation.  Once again, Adobe is raising the bar with its Lightroom 4 software.

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Someone To Marvel At! Rosanna Yau Is A Creative Genius!

For those who might not have heard of it yet, there is a social network challenging Facebook for supremacy on the Internet.  It’s not Google+, either!  The social network is called Diaspora and it is an open-source alternative to Facebook that was founded on the belief that users ought to control their information and social network experience.  Diaspora is a good idea that has been plagued by problems, not the least of which are a lack of name recognition (outside the hacker community) and the suicide last November of one of the company’s four co-founders, Ilya Zhitomirskiy.  Despite the setbacks, Diaspora is poised to break out into popular culture.  If it does, it will no doubt be in part because of Rosanna Yau.

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A Computer That Does Yoga

From the time tablet computers debuted on the market, people have loved the devices’ flexibility and portability. That is why the market for tablets has increased so dramatically in the last few years and why other types of computers, namely laptops and desktops, have been garnering less attention.

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A Simple USB Connector With A Cool Hook: iBuffalo’s USB Hub!

It is hard to imagine a cooler connector than the USB port.  Seriously, USB connectors truly live up to their name as being a Universal port.  USB flash drives can be cool and stylish and the ability to connect them to virtually any computer device has made the exchange of data and media exceptionally easy.  In fact, with so many different devices that use a USB port and contain a male USB jack, you are much more likely to run out of USB ports than ever before!  With the USB hub from iBuffalo, fear of not having enough USB ports may be safely set aside.

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Making Yieldbot Work: Soren Macbeth!

There are a number of ways to try to make money off the Internet.  However, the study of analytics is becoming a big business for those who want to generate revenue from their websites.  Analytics is a study of both website content and visitor traffic patterns.  The big analytic programs, like Google analytics and Gnip, rely upon vast amounts of data and trends to provide the content providers of websites with the tools they need to monetize their site most effectively.  One of the emerging analytics sites on the Internet is Yieldbot.  The daunting task of creating their analytical tools falls to Soren Macbeth.

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Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Every new computer comes with at least a free trial of one of the many popular security scan programs. People recognize that security scan programs are important and tend to not take the time to fully read something that appears to be one of them, but which is in fact a scam, because they are afraid of getting a computer virus. By not reading everything that pops up on the screen, many people unknowingly infect their computers with malware and viruses. Many scams pretend to be legitimate security programs by telling you that you are unprotected or have a virus already, in order to gain access to your computer.

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For Those Who Must Have The Very Best Sound, Bowers & Wilkins MT-60D Mini Theatre System Is The Way To Go!

As mobile computing devices like smartphones and tablet computers begin to dominate the electronics market, an entire generation of media enthusiasts is being marginalized.  The consumers who popularize listening to music on mp3 players and watching movies on tiny screens streamed from The Cloud are eroding the high standards producers of movies, music and quality television have when they pour their hearts into their work.  Fortunately, there are still those who are interested in immersing themselves in great music or the full movie experience.  For those consumers, there are giant-screen high definition televisions and Blu-Ray players.  For their sound system, there is the Bowers & Wilkins MT-60D Mini Theatre System.

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