Improvements To Wind Power Batteries May Save Computers!
Outside Kermit, Texas, there is an experiment in industrial batteries going on now that has the potential to change the computer world. In fact, if the experiment is successful, it may well reduce the need for a major, common type of computer repair, as well as eliminate many consumers’ fears of failure to their data storage devices. The Notrees Power Project is testing a new 36-megawatt battery and that should have computer users and manufacturers paying attention.
One of the most common forms of damage to computers comes from power surges. Inadequate surge protection can lead to expensive computer repair bills. Because power surges can damage hard drives, sometimes even a computer repair cannot recover data you were storing on the drive. The threat of power surges has led many businesses and personal computer users to invest in online data storage or redundant data storage off-site. However, if the off-site data storage and primary computer connect to the same power source, your data remains at risk. There is little that is more frustrating than costly computer repair bills and the wasted investment in multiple data storage methods when you irrevocably lose your data from an extreme power surge.
Until the Notrees Windpower Project began to experiment with the massive 36-megawatt battery, wind power was notoriously unreliable for generating electricity and led to data storage problems from faulty power delivery. Power surges and the erratic power supply that frequently comes from the generation of electricity using wind power has acted as a threat to computer users since U.S. power companies began to generate wind power. The success of the battery would mean that whenever the wind was not generating enough electricity at the Notrees Windpower Project, the battery would discharge its stored electricity to keep the power supply constant. That consistent energy delivery would eliminate many computer problems for computer users who receive electricity through wind power generation.
While surge protectors have prevented many computer problems and data storage errors, no type of power delivery reliably prevents the need for a computer repair like a clean power supply. Until the Notrees Windpower Project battery experiment, wind power has not been able to deliver a clean, constant power supply, though the local nature of wind power generation has lessened many of the transmission difficulties other means of generating electricity still suffer. A constant power supply that does not fluctuate, surge or collapse prevents damage that mandates a computer repair. Only stable energy can alleviate power-based fears relative to data storage devices and that is the potential of the 36-megawatt battery.
For sure, the technology being developed at the Notrees Windpower Project is still experimental and may not protect the power supply from other environmental factors like solar flares. The promise of clean wind energy is enough to give hope to those who have had data storage failures as a result of power fall-outs. If the Notrees battery is successful, it may encourage the generation of more wind farms to help consumers get more reliable, affordable, renewable electricity that will not harm their computers.
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