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One Of The Coolest Inventors Ever: Douglas Engelbart!

In the computer world, there are so many technologies that it is hard to keep up with all of them.  Indeed, you might be surprised to learn that 3Dconnexion recently shipped its one millionth 3-D computer mouse; clearly it is not an obscure product, but somehow it has never drawn mainstream media attention.  Creations like the 3-D computer mouse are the result of tireless research and development by inventors.  In the case of the 3-D computer mouse, the ultimate design was the result of the efforts of Douglas Engelbart. Read more »

RIM Is Making Inexpensive Smartphones Vital In India!

There are, essentially, two ways to sell new technologies in a new market.  The first is to create a device that is entirely indispensible.  Creating a product that consumers feel they absolutely need is a great way to sell millions of units of a product.  The other way to sell new technologies in an emerging market is to reduce prices to move inventory.  It is that approach that Research In Motion is taking in India. Read more »

Wake Up To Your iPod’s Music With The Luna Voyager II!

It is easy to suspect that the more popular digital music becomes, the more people will load up their MP3 players and discover that they have created pretty massive collections of music.  As people come to the realization that they have spent a lot of money on digital music, one suspects they will want to continue going through their musical library more and more.  When you do that, you are equally likely to enjoy all that you have accumulated and eliminate mediocre tracks from your collection before refilling your MP3 player.  Given that there are only so many hours in the day to enjoy these massive music libraries, accessories that allow you to play music you know and love where traditionally you have had a radio are becoming more and more popular.  For those who have Apple iPods, the XtremeMac Luna Voyager II Alarm Clock Radio is becoming an increasingly popular device for exactly that reason! Read more »

Cadence Design Systems Trumps Cisco Systems For Susan L. Bostrom!

There are some work environments with which employees truly fall in love.  Those places where you might work where you find a sense of fulfillment and potential for advancement may be the best workplace of your life.  Sometimes, though, they might not be absolutely right for all you need at a certain point in your life.  When that happens, you may well move on.  The best workplaces, however, are the ones that will have you back when your circumstances, or those of the company you love, change once again.  Cadence Design Systems was an environment Susan L. Bostrom loved and one that eagerly took her back in 2011! Read more »

The Tablet As A Business Tool May Cause Apple Some Headaches

The marketing and statistics company Barclay’s has released its new CIO survey results, which explore how businesses are investing in technology.  Unsurprisingly, one of the emerging technologies that businesses are investing in more and more are tablet computers.  As the dominant manufacturer in the tablet computer market with its iPad, Apple Computers is witnessing a potential windfall from businesses buying iPads.  However, businesses investing heavily in iPads have the potential to be bad news for both Apple and businesses that invest in them.  Some of the looming issues for Apple include: Read more »

Find Out What All Those Tweets Mean At TagWalk!

Of all the social networks on the Internet, Twitter seems to be the one that is both the most trendy and least useful.  Limited to 140 characters, Twitter is basically an extended message board for your life where you keep anyone who might be interested up to date on where you are, what you are doing and/or what thoughts are going through your mind.  While Twitter might not be a bastion of deep thoughts or profound ideas, Twitter actually embodies perfectly the “social” part of social networking.  More than any other social network, Twitter acts as a barometer of just what is hip, trendy, and popular in the world at any given moment.  Twitter is the snapshot of both popular culture and current events.  But, seeing the big picture Twitter is trying to reveal can be hard.  For that, you need TagWalk. Read more »

William Wang’s Encounter With Disaster Helped Create Vizio!

For some entrepreneurs, it is hard to define the moment their life turned to take them down a road to greatness.  Every company founder, CEO, and inventor, though, has a moment when something changed for them or they made a connection no one else made and they were able to push their idea or business in a new, successful, direction.  For William Wang, that seminal moment is very easy to define: he was in a plane crash.  From that plane crash came Vizio! Read more »

Virtual Reality Glasses Promise An Interactive Future

Virtual reality and augmented reality have been concepts in the public mind for years. Innovators and researchers have spent a great deal of time imagining and designing immersive technologies, but so far, most of them are still a long way off from commercial sale. The Zeiss Cinemizer OLED, however, is closer than most. Read more »

Blast Your Digital Music With The Yamaha PDX-11

No musical artist produces a track with the idea that the ideal format upon which it will be presented is a digital music player.  Digital music files often compress sounds, limiting the range and even editing out the richer tones of a composer’s work.  Musical artists today produce music to be heard over speakers at concerts and stereo systems and outside where the music can resonate and breathe.  While you cannot easily improve the quality of digital music files, you can easily upgrade from earbuds.  The Yamaha PDX-11 is one such speaker system that gets you closer to the sound the artists intended! Read more »

What Does Google’s Potential Buyout Of Motorola Mean To You?

Big business transactions happen every day in the tech sector.  As more and more technology companies buy out their competition or diversify to stay relevant in a changing marketplace, it is sometimes tough to understand what specific transactions might actually mean.  Lately, there has been a lot of speculation that Google will pay $12.5 billion to buy Motorola Mobility.  This transaction has created a lot of buzz in both the tech sector and the business world.  There are several factors that make Google’s purchase of Motorola Mobility an atypical buyout. Read more »

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