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The Most Expensive Mouse In The World! The Diamond Flower RF Mouse Is Jaw-dropping Cool!

In the vernacular of the young folks: O M G.

Just when you might think you have seen everything there is in the marketplace that could define decadence, someone pioneers some new overpriced bauble and puts to shame everything that came before.  It is hard not to have that sort of gut-wrenching, jaw-dropping reaction when you see the most expensive computer mouse in the world. That mouse is the Diamond Flower RF mouse from Pat Says Now.

Pat Says Now is a Swiss novelty mouse manufacturer.  The company also caters to high-end customers who, apparently, have far too much money to spend.  The Diamond Flower RF mouse is their premium product and currently stands as the most expensive computer mouse in the world.  The current retail price of the Diamond Flower RF mouse is $20,250.  That is not a typo: twenty thousand, two hundred fifty dollars . . . for a computer mouse.


The Diamond Flower RF mouse is a standard computer mouse in many ways.  It is a standard RF mouse in that it is wireless and includes a receiver.  When you plug the receiver into your computer’s USB port, the mouse relays even the tiniest movements to your computer to move the cursor on your screen.  The Diamond Flower is a plug-and-play ambidextrous mouse for that works on any Windows-based computer from Windows 98 to Windows Vista.  The Diamond Flower also interfaces perfectly with all Mac computers running OS X and beyond.  The Diamond Flower features two buttons and a scroll wheel.

What, then, makes the Diamond Flower RF mouse worth over twenty thousand dollars?  First, the scroll wheel is not actually a scroll wheel.  The Diamond Flower RF mouse does not have anything as inelegant as a physical wheel that might make noise or need periodic cleaning.  Instead, Pat Says Now designed an optical sensor for the scroll wheel.  Just as the laser below the mouse precisely tracks in the place of a physical mouse ball, the optical scroll allows you to lightly pass your finger over the sensor on the top of the mouse to get on-screen movement you would expect form a scroll wheel!

The main factor driving up the price of the Diamond Flower RF mouse is the fact that the shell of the mouse is 18 carat gold.  Because you might not want to have the same vastly overpriced mouse as your other rich friends, the Diamond Flower RF mouse comes in white gold or a traditional yellow gold shell.  Embedded in the gold shell are fifty-nine diamonds.  Yes, the name “Diamond Flower” is not just for show, the Diamond Flower RF mouse features fifty-nine diamonds in the shape of a flower embedded in the shell of the mouse.

So, if you want to feel like a high roller and have enough money to buy a new car, but want to spend it on a computer mouse instead, the Diamond Flower RF mouse is for you!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Marrying Style And Technology, Andrea Jung Remains The Only Woman On Apple’s Board Of Directors!

For all of the gains in social equality and advances in technology, women still account for a staggeringly low proportion of executives in major corporations.  Samsung, for example, does not have a single woman on its Board of Directors, even for its U.S. Board!  Apple Computers was in the same boat for quite some time, though all that changed in 2008 when the company elected Andrea Jung to its Board of Directors.

Andrea Jung was the CEO and chairwoman of Avon Products, the beauty product company, when Apple elected her to its Board of Directors.  With almost a decade of experience on the Board of Directors at Avon, with various roles from President to Chief Operating Officer, Jung came to Apple Computers with a stunning portfolio of successful business experience.  Even now, Jung embodies a higher level of business ethics in her dual roles with Apple and Avon; when Avon Products found itself embroiled in allegations of bribery overseas in 2011, while Jung denied the allegations, she was quoted as taking responsibility for the actions of her subordinates who might have acted without her knowledge!  That level of corporate responsibility is refreshing.

For Apple, Andrea Jung is the chair of the compensation committee.  While Jung gained a great deal of prestige as a co-lead director of Apple’s Board, chairing the compensation committee gives her an exceptional amount of power.  As the chairperson of the compensation committee, Jung oversees the body that determines the incentive and compensation plans for all of Apple Computers!  This effectively means that Jung is the one who has the final word on all proposals that include providing executives with raises or severance packages.

One of the unique duties that Jung performs as the chair of the compensation committee is performing a review of the CEO’s performance each year!  While virtually everyone knew Steve Jobs, few knew that Andrea Jung was the one who had to rate his performance and judge how his proposals would affect the company for years to come.  Now, Jung performs the same duty on Tim Cook and has to present her findings to the full Board of Directors each year!

Few women rise to the top in the business world and the technology sector is one in which it remains especially difficult to women to break the glass ceiling.  With her proven track record of success at Avon and her fearless evaluations of corporate powerhouses like Steve Jobs and Tim Cook, it is no surprise that Andrea Jung is breaking down the gender barriers at the top of Apple!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Kudos To HP! Making WebOS Open Source Deserves Praise.

If you own a Saturn automobile, you know just how terrible it can be when a company goes belly up without ever releasing their proprietary information to the general public or others within their industry.  Those who still drive their beloved Saturn cars are discovering that as problems arise, especially with the Saturn’s onboard computer, they are completely at the mercy of GM.  General Motors, which owned Saturn, may very well charge more than your local mechanic, but your local mechanic cannot access a Saturn’s onboard computer.  The reason for that is simple: before Saturn went bust, the company held very tightly to its trade secrets and the Saturn onboard computer program remained a protected property.  GM, as the parent company of Saturn, retained the coding and now uses it to compel the remaining Saturn owners to use their service centers.  Hewlett-Packard is taking the exact opposite approach with their webOS.  By making webOS into an open source program, anyone with computer programming ability will be able to acquire, alter and write applications for webOS.

HP had a pretty bad 2011 on the tablet computer front.  After having their tablet computer, the Touchpad, crushed by the sales numbers of the Apple iPad 2, the Kindle Fire arrived to metaphorically bulldoze a small mountain of dirt into the grave.  Hewlett-Packard gave the tablet computer market the old college try and the company lost obscene amounts of money in the process.  HP liquidated the last of the Touchpads for $100 and $149 when the Touchpads bore a $500 and $600 MSRP earlier in the year.  HP had a bad year on the tablet computer front.

So, HP announced they were no longer competing for that market.  In washing their hands of the tablet computer market, HP could have divorced itself from the customers who had invested in their product and moved on to their next big project.  Instead, HP executives announced that webOS, the operating system that runs the Touchpad tablet computer, would be released as open source software.

By making webOS open source, computer programmers may write applications of their own for their Touchpads.  They can use webOS to run other hardware, like smartphones, digital cameras or gaming devices.  If you become annoyed with how your electronic device is operating, you could write an app in webOS to reprogram it!

In addition to being consumer-friendly, making webOS into open source software, HP is giving a psychological pat on the back to its programmers.  Because the enthusiasm exists for webOS, in spite of poor Touchpad sales, HP is essentially telling its programmers and researchers, “You had a good product; it just didn’t sell.”  That kind of encouragement is remarkably cool from a multibillion dollar company.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Lose It! An App That Makes Weight Loss Hip!

Entering a new year is traditionally a time of introspection, which is why so many of us make New Year’s resolutions to try to change parts of ourselves and our lives with which we are unhappy.  One of the most common New Year’s resolutions that people fail to achieve is to lose weight and keep it off.  Lose It! may help you lose weight and stick to a program if you have found it challenging to lose weight in the past.

Lose It! is an interactive weight loss website and now an application for smartphones.  Lose It! helps you monitor your diet and exercise and achieve specific weight loss goals that you set for yourself.  Unlike specialized computer devices designed for weight loss, Lose It! is a comprehensive software application that includes both personal weight loss plans and a community component.

Lose It! is a blend of a computerized weight loss journal and a social network centered on losing weight.  You may access Lose It! through the Internet or through the LoseIt! app on your Apple iPhone or iPod Touch.  Once there, you will discover that LoseIt! is an all-encompassing weight loss solution.

First, LoseIt! helps you manage your weight by creating specific weight loss goals that you record within your profile.  Your profile is more like a medical file than like a profile on other social networking sites.  As a result, your profile through your LoseIt! account includes your weight loss goals, any medical conditions you need the program to take into account and your journal.  The journal function of LoseIt! is the cornerstone to using LoseIt! to lose weight.  There, you record each and every item you eat, ideally right before you consume it.  LoseIt! then factors the caloric intake of what you are eating and calculates the amount of calories you may consume for the remainder of the day.

To get the most out of LoseIt!, you have to be very vigilant with your journal records and you have to not be shamed by your computer.  Interfacing with a computer program instead of a human being may prompt you to be more realistic about both your achievements and your progress if you are serious about your weight loss goal.  Each time you exercise, you must update your LoseIt! journal as well.  By keeping accurate records and following the suggestions LoseIt makes – like “stop eating for the day!” – you have a much better chance of achieving your weight loss goal.

LoseIt! also maximizes your chance of weight loss success through its social network capability.  Because weight loss goals are so common and the challenges to losing weight are shared by so many people, LoseIt! helps dieters to network.  Through LoseIt!’s chat functions and bulletin boards, you may exchange recipes, discuss issues and make goals with other dieters.

LoseIt! truly incorporates computers and smartphones into your plan to lose weight.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Bring Your iPad One Step Closer To Becoming A Laptop

Ipads and tablet computers in general have unquestionably changed the computer industry with their unprecedented levels of technological computer support, entertainment capabilities, and ease of connectivity. People using the iPad for both business and pleasure praise it as a revolutionary device from which there’s no going back. Yet despite the advanced capabilities of iPads, critics have deemed it a still problematic candidate to replace laptops for one major reason— typing limitations.

Indeed, if you’ve ever used an iPad, you probably know that the cool, Star-Trek-like screen keyboard gets old quickly. It is neither ergonomic nor intuitive to use—your fingers bounce off the screen uncomfortably and unless you have superior post-human muscle memory, you simply cannot get used to typing on a flat surface without looking. Barring the typing issue, many people say that their iPads could easily replace their laptops. Well thanks to a new iPad gadget, you can now turn any iPad screen into a real keyboard complete with physical keys that you click—just like a laptop’s keys.

TouchFire is an ultra-thin, flexible, silicone cover with protruding buttons. It aligns perfectly with the iPad’s keyboard, so you can rest your fingers on it and use it in the same way you would a regular keyboard. It’s soft and noiseless, but most importantly, its design allows it to fit perfectly under the Apple Smart Cover, as well as the standard iPad 1 case. The manufacturers say it works with any case that leaves a little bit of room.

The TouchFire takes advantage of the iPad’s built in magnets to clip on. So even if you just gently toss the silicone gadget over an iPad, it’ll align itself with very little work on your behalf. The TouchFire weighs less than an ounce and attaches to the inside of the iPad cover—it even folds with it. When you don’t want to use it, simply push it downwards and it clicks into an elegant storage position.

One of the best practical qualities of the TouchFire is that it’s super easy to clean—simply wash with water and pat dry with towel. As it is made of high-performance silicone rubber, it’s also well suited for lots of movement.

Though the advent of such a device may not seem like that significant of an event in the technology world, the reality is that this thin silicone layer will almost certainly take tablet computing to the next level. Many people who need computers primarily for typing will now turn to iPads as legitimate and sustainable alternatives thanks to the TouchFire.

That said, the TouchFire is problematic in its own way. The upward wrist angle required to type on the flat surface can cause RSI, and the fact that it physically takes up half the screen isn’t too great. Still, it should come as no surprise to anyone if Apple tries to buy the copyright for the device in order to make it a regular staple of the company’s future tablet market.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit http://https://www.rescuecom.comor call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Star Wars Yoda’s Challenge Helps Educate Children!

Geeks, as a general rule, tend to be a highly-educated, highly literate subculture in the United States.  Part of the reason geeks end up so smart is that they are raised smart.  Geek families tend to teach acceptance, manners and commitment to the things that interest them.  In other words, not even having children can keep geek parents from watching their Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or other smart science fiction television shows or movies.  George Lucas seemed to understand that, and the eagerness geek parents have for sharing their beloved programs with their children, when he designed programs like Yoda’s Challenge for the Lucas Learning branch of Lucasfilm.

The Star Wars Yoda’s Challenge program has been winning awards since 1999 when Lucas Learning introduced it and the program remains popular with parents and children to this day.  Yoda’s Challenge is educational software intended for children ages six and up and for students in grades one through four.  One of the first key selling points of Yoda’s Challenge is its ability to grow with your child.  Yoda’s Challenge features four different skill levels that parents may change.  This allows you to use the same basic program to adapt to your child’s individual learning curve.

Yoda’s Challenge comes on CD-ROM and is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh computers.  Macintosh computers running OS 7.6 or higher should have no trouble installing Yoda’s Challenge.  For Windows users, patches may be required from Microsoft as Lucas Learning wrote Yoda’s Challenge for use on Windows 95/98 systems!

Do not let the age of the software give you pause!  Yoda’s Challenge is as useful and cool today as it was when Lucas Learning released it over a decade ago!  Yoda’s Challenge helps children learn how to read both words and basic sheet music.  Beyond the concrete skills, Yoda’s Challenge encourages logical development through challenges that require deductive reasoning in order for students to progress to the next level.  Children learn spatial relations and how to manipulate objects through tangram puzzles.

Lucas Learning keeps children stimulated by disguising their education as fun.  Activities like piloting a ship through a cave help children learn directions and the properties of motion, without explicitly directing the student.  The entire interface for Yoda’s Challenge is Star Wars based, so children who have seen the movies with their parents – or watch The Clone Wars animated series – will recognize characters and scenarios from the movies.  Because the setting if familiar to children, they are more likely to absorb the lessons than through unique or new environment.

George Lucas’s commitment to education is impossible to deny with cool programs like Yoda’s Challenge from Lucas Learning which uses a galaxy far, far away to teach your child right in your own home!


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


The Virtual Laser Keyboard – Magic Cube

There are few computer accessories that show little or no change from when the personal computer became a household item, but arguably the device that has changed the least is the keyboard.  The keyboard is essentially the same layout as a classic typewriter with an extra number pad on it.  While the ergonomic keyboards broke up the solid keyboards and wireless keyboards made your keyboard more portable, those improvements left the basic keyboard remarkably intact.  The leap forward for keyboards that we have been waiting for finally comes with the Cellulon Virtual Laser Keyboard “Magic Cube.”

As the name implies, the Magic Cube projects a keyboard using lasers to create a keyboard anywhere you might want one.  The Virtual Laser Keyboard is only physical in that it requires a surface to be projected onto; the only physical component to this cool device is the Magic Cube.  The Magic Cube is a laser projector and it is a comparatively small device at that.  At 1.5” wide by 2.95” tall by 1.14” deep, the Magic Box is very easy to transport.  The Magic Cube connects to a PC, laptop computer or any smartphone with a USB port.  Connecting your Magic Cube to a USB port allows you to swap the Virtual Laser Keyboard between any of your computers, tablets or smartphones with which you type.

The Virtual Laser Keyboard is a red laser projection that comes from the Magic Cube to any flat surface nearby.  While the Magic Cubes come in several stylish colors, to date they only project red virtual keyboards.  The projection is a standard QWERTY-style keyboard, so in that way Cellulon maintains the familiarity of the classic keyboard.  The Virtual Laser Keyboard operates easily, with the projected “keys” typing letter on your computer when you break the beam associated with a specific letter.  As a result, you do not need to vigorously press against the surface upon which the Virtual Laser Keyboard is projected.  This makes the Virtual Laser Keyboard ideal for those who have injured hands or overly sensitive fingers.  The Virtual Laser Keyboard is also ideal for travelers who might not have a lot of space before them upon which to project the keyboard.  They may use a smaller surface area for the virtual keyboard, simply by projecting the keyboard with a more narrow focus!

While the standard price of $170 for the Virtual Laser Keyboard may seem steep for personal use, it is a steal for industrial and scientific settings where space is at a premium or industrial elements require you to replace a keyboard frequently.  Because there are no physical keys for the Virtual Laser Keyboard, there are no keys to gum up!

The Virtual Laser Keyboard from the Magic Cube is the next leap forward for both the convenience of a full-sized keyboard and the flexibility of a portable device.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


Tablet And PC Sales Reports Lead To Conflicting Philosophies.

In advance of Black Friday, the technical news was abuzz with one story that was interpreted a different way with every article that was written.  Right before Thanksgiving, industry analysts released the sales figures of personal computers in 2011.The news left many in the computer support world scratching their heads in confusion.  The sales reports acknowledge that HP continues to be the leader in PC sales . . . unless you consider tablet computers a PC.

Since then, pundits have written hundreds of articles on the sales projections and the nature of the PC.  In one corner, there is the perception that the tablet computer is a PC.  That perception greatly benefits Apple because with iPad tablet computer sales factored in, Apple would be the number one computer company by sales in the world.  Apple, naturally, wants to cash in on the prestige that comes from overtaking HP and becoming the world leader in the PC market.

HP, who had a disastrous tablet computer release in 2011, remained strong in sales of traditional personal computers.  HP has the element of public perception on its side in the argument.  Consumers bought tablet computers in 2011 largely as a companion for their PC, not a replacement.  Sales numbers have shown a slight decline in traditional PC computer sales over 2011, but many industry analysts attribute that to a PC sell-off in 2010 with the release of the Windows 7.  In other words, many consumers purchased their new PC last year; so many computer users do not need to buy a new computer this year.  Computer support and computer repair businesses seem to support this idea; they remain as busy as ever, solving computer problems on PCs purchased during last year’s sales spike.

The public perception for tablet computers remains that they are primarily for entertainment and personal use, not serious computing.  Tablet computers may have valuable business applications, like inventory control and presenting customers with product information, but they remain more expensive than most businesses want to invest for the technology.  As well, the tablet computer has not reached its full business potential because manufacturers have not developed the apps that meet the needs of many businesses.  As a result, consumers continue to use their PCs for serious work – business, education, and research – and their tablet computers for entertainment, like watching movies or reading digital books.

The argument over whether to include tablet computers or not is a moot point in many ways.  To many computer users, the debate just seems like big business trying to cook the books in their company’s favor.

Ironically, Apple needs the status of being the #1 computer manufacturer less than HP does.  For over a decade, Apple has built its advertising campaign around being original, buying Apple products in defiance of the Big Companies.  After years as the outsider, could Apple effectively rebrand with “Conformity is cool?”  Even Apple could not sell that.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


ACER H233H Monitor

Recently we recommended looking for an Energy Star compliant computer monitor when replacing your current monitor.  Now, we would like to highlight one of the best Energy Star compliant computer monitors.  The ACER H233H 23” Monitor is all the monitor you will need and it can save you money on electric bills when compared to older monitors as well as many of its contemporary 23” peers.

The ACER H233H 23” Monitor measures 21.7” by 16.1” with a depth of 6.8”, so it has a sizable, but narrow, footprint on your desk.  Fortunately, the wide, thin desktop monitor has a little heft to it; at 10.8 pounds, it remains stable on the desktop.  The ACER H233H 23” Monitor has a stylish black frame that looks very modern.

The ACER H233H is a widescreen 23” monitor that supports 16.7 million colors with a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080.  At that resolution for that color depth, colors stay vibrant and distinct and the extremes – black and white – feature increased contrast for the optimal video experience.  Best of all, the ACER H233H 23” Monitor connects to HDMI and DVI-D sources as well as traditional VGA computer outputs.  With so many options, the ACER H233H 23” Monitor may replace your television as your monitor for your Playstation 3 or other HD gaming console.

The ACER H233H 23” Monitor includes all of the cables needed to connect the monitor to a PC, which is a rarity in today’s market.  The connectors included include the audio hook-up so the ACER H233H 23” Monitor may project your computer’s audio right from the built-in speakers.  The speakers on the ACER H233H 23” Monitor are 1.5 Watt stereo speakers which deliver a powerful wave of sound if you are sitting an average distance away.  The ACER H233H 23” Monitor may discourage you from leaning close with its booming sound system.

Power consumption is exceptionally important these days, especially with electricity prices constantly going up.  The ACER H233H 23” Monitor is Energy Star compliant and when in use, it draws an average of 38.6 Watts.  The 38.6 Watt rating is dramatically less than the 55 Watts the Asus VH236H, which is also a 23” widescreen monitor.

At an average online price of $220, the ACER H233H 23” Monitor is an affordable Energy Star compliant monitor that is made with the legendary ACER durability.  Especially for those replacing an older monitor, those who have not seen just how chic and powerful the new flat screen, widescreen monitors can be, the ACER H233H Monitor delivers more than the average user will need.


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


For When Action Figures On Your Desk Won’t Do: Funko’s Computer Sitters!

Geek culture overlaps itself.  The relationship between computer geeks, comic book geeks and gaming geeks has become so intertwined in the last few years as to make it almost impossible to distinguish between the subspecies of geek.    This year for Christmas, why not celebrate your inner geek with a Computer Sitter?

Computer Sitters are the latest PVC accessory from Funko.  Funko, the U.S. company that popularized the bobblehead toy, created the Computer Sitters line off the Japanese distorted figure concept.  That concept promotes the recognizable aspects of the character as opposed to making a true representation of the original subject.  Thus, characters like Wonder Woman in the Computer Sitters line have disproportionately large heads and bodies that get progressively smaller.

The first line of Computer Sitters, available now, includes Wonder Woman, Batman, Spider-Man, Yoda, Darth Vader and, of course, Boba Fett.  Unlike action figures that might sit on your desk and take up space, the principle behind the Computer Sitters is that they attach to the top of your computer monitor or the edge of your tower computer.  Once you have found the perfect place for your Computer Sitter, you may attach the Computer Sitter to the top of your monitor through the use of the sticky pad that comes with it.  The adhesive connects the Computer Sitter to your monitor. Most of the Computer Sitters have additional molded features that hang over the edge of the monitor’s frame.  So, for example, Funko molded Yoda’s feet and robes to hang off the edge of the monitor frame, which provides him with additional stability on your monitor.

Each Computer Sitter is approximately 3” tall, so they make a noticeable statement.  Computer Sitters are good for alleviating boredom as well as displaying your interest in popular genre works.  Each Computer Sitter features a bobble head so the wobbling head may distract or amuse you while you type.

So, why not surprise the geek who helps you with minor computer repairs?  Why not brighten up your office with a Computer Sitter of your favorite DC Comics, Marvel Comics or Star Wars character?  Why not embrace your own inner geek with the growing fad that Funko is pioneering with their Computer Sitters?


RESCUECOM provides computer repair and computer support, 24/7: Meeting every tech support need including data recovery, virus removal, networking, wireless services, and computer support for all brands of hardware and software. For computer support or information on products, services, or computer repair, visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC.

For More Information, Contact:

David Milman, CEO


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